Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (2024)

First things first. Don’t be scared of soap making. There are a lot of steps, a lot of tools, and a lot of ingredients you may have never used before. And yes, lye can be dangerous, and you must treat it respectfully. But if you can competently get through everyday life, you can make cold-process soap.

You can absolutely do this, even if it feels confusing right now.

First, we’ll talk about what you’ll need, how to pick a recipe, and all the “scary stuff,” then I’ll show you the whole process step by step. Ready? Okay.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (1)

Let’s learn how to make everything from baby soap to dish soap, right in your kitchen.

Table of contents

  • 👩‍🔬 The basics of how soap is formed
  • 😳 What’s the big deal with lye and why is everyone scared of it?
  • 🧼 The role of oils in cold process soap making
  • 📎 What do you need for soap besides oil and lye?
  • ✅ The process of making the soap
  • 📝 Making your own recipe (If You Want!)
  • ⚖️ Sources for soapmaking supplies
  • Safety for soap makers
  • 🤓 Getting even more detailed in each step
    • Step One: Prepare
    • Step Two: Make the lye water
    • Step Three: Measure and melt the oils
    • Step Four: Let both components cool
    • Step Five: Blend!
    • Step Six: Pour and cure
  • Gel phase during curing
  • Cleaning up after soapmaking
  • Fun for the more advanced soap maker
  • What about hot process soap?
  • Beginner-friendly soap recipes to choose
  • Recipes for the more experienced soap maker
  • Still scared?
  • Go forth and make soap

👩‍🔬 The basics of how soap is formed

Soap is the product of a chemical reaction between lye and oil.

You can’t have one without the other, any more than you can have water without hydrogen or salt with sodium. Soap needs oil, and it needs lye, or it’s not soap.

When you mix oil and lye (in the correct amounts) they blend, the molecules go all crazy, and they form something new: soap!

Let me say that one more time. You can’t make cold process soap without lye. There is no workaround. There is no substitution. If you leave out the lye you’ll have a pot of oil. Are you with me?

You can make melt-and-pour soap, which involves melting down already-made soap and adding fun stuff to it. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s not really soapmaking.

😳 What’s the big deal with lye and why is everyone scared of it?

Lye is also known as sodium hydroxide and is a very caustic substance. It was traditionally made from ashes but now can just be purchased easily.

It comes as little white flakes or pellets in a jar. It is used both for soap making and as a drain cleaner, as it will eat away at greasy build-up in pipes.

Caustic is the opposite of acidic, but lye is so caustic that it is as dangerous as a strong acid. It can eat through the skin, leave marks on countertops, and cause blindness if it splashes in your eyes.

I can hear you now…But you just told me not to be scared of lye! And I stand by that. With proper safety gear (gloves, goggles, and long sleeves), it’s nothing to be scared of.

🧼 The role of oils in cold process soap making

So… lye doesn’t sound super appealing, burning through our countertops and all. But don’t worry, the oils in your soap recipe are going to transform it into something completely different.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (2)

Picking oils is the most fun part of creating a soap recipe. Each oil will bring its own property to the finished product.

For example:

  • Castor oil creates lots of lather
  • Olive oil is very moisturizing
  • Coconut oil helps harden the bar
  • Shea butter nourishes the skin.

The best soap recipes will have a blend of hard and liquid oils. You don’t have to know the properties of each oil if you’re following a recipe from a source you trust.

📎 What do you need for soap besides oil and lye?

Okay, so there’s more needed than just those two things.

  • Water. You have to mix the lye into water to create a liquid solution
  • A digital scale. Remember, this is chemistry and things have to be precise.
  • A stick blender. Mixing by hand doesn’t always work and things might not saponify properly.
  • Old pots and an old spatula for melting oils and blending things. It’s nice to have a dedicated soap pot.
  • A mold to pour the soap into. This can be as simple as a box lined with freezer paper.
  • Safety gear

Loaf Soap Making Molds 50oz Silicone Rectangular Mould Supplies for Handmade DIY SoapThe Boyer Lye for Soap Making, Sodium Hydroxide Pure High Test Lye Food Grade, Caustic Soda, Drain Cleaner and Clog Remover, 2 Pack 2.2 lbsElite Gourmet EHB-2425X Electric Immersion Hand Blender, Mixer, Chopper, 1-Touch Control Multi Purpose Electric Immersion Stick, Mixer, Chopper, 150 Watts, For Soups, Sauces, Baby Food, White

Optional stuff: essential oils, fragrance oil, colorants. You can get really crazy and mix in seeds, flower petals, and even (yes) rubber ducks.

✅ The process of making the soap

The basic process of making soap is as follows:

  1. Mix water and lye, set aside to cool
  2. Melt oils and set them aside to cool
  3. Blend lye water and oils to form a soap “batter.”
  4. Pour into mold and let harden for a day
  5. Turn out of the mold, cut into bars, and let cure for 2-3 weeks.

But of course, each step has a bit more to it. Take a look.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (3)

Making a Beginner Soap

Nothing fancy, just a basic cold-process soap. This recipe uses the three most common soaping oils for a simple balanced bar.

Prep Time 45 minutes minutes

curing time 1 day day

Total Time 1 day day 30 minutes minutes



  • 10 ounces coconut oil
  • 10 ounces olive oil
  • 10 ounces palm oil
  • 4.38 ounces lye
  • 10 ounces water
  • 3 tablespoons fragrance oil optional
  • colorant or mica optional


  • Make lye water. Using a digital scale, measure out the lye and water in separate glass containers. Combine them by adding the lye to the water. (Remember: snow floats on the lake.). Stir until the lye dissolves. The temperature will shoot up. Place this in a safe place to cool.

    Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (4)

  • Melt oils. While the lye solution is cooling, measure out the oils butter and combine them in a large stainless pot. Melt them over low heat and heat them up to 130-140 degrees. Set them aside to cool.

    Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (5)

  • Check temperatures. After 2 hours, check the temperature of both solutions. They should be around 110 degrees. (A range of 100-120 is fine.). If not, allow them to cool longer.

    Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (6)

  • Prep mold and mix-ins. Prepare your mold and measure out any fragrance or color you will be adding. (For the best blending of colors, mix some color into a few drops of melted oils.

  • Stick blend to trace. Pour the water and lye solution into the pot with the melted oils. Blend with a stick blender until a thin trace is reached. The soap batter will noticeably thicken and a trail of soap will sit on top of the liquid rather than immediately sinking in. (This will take about 1 minute.). Add the color and fragrance and stir by hand.

    Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (7)

  • Pour into mold. Immediately pour the soap batter into the mold. Smooth out the top with a spoon or spatula. Allow to cure at room temperature, uncovered for 24 hours.

    Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (8)

  • Unmold and cut. After 24 hours of curing, unmold and cut into bars. Allow to cure at least 3 weeks in a well-ventilated place.

    Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (9)


I don’t recommend getting fancy with your first soap recipe. A fragrance and maybe a simple color is okay. But no crazy designs, and don’t expect perfection.

📝 Making your own recipe (If You Want!)

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (10)

Note: If you have no interest in making up your own recipes, then don’t even worry about this! I just wanted to include it so you understand the basic science behind it all.

So here’s where it gets a little trickier. We already know that this is a chemical reaction. So it’s not like making a pasta salad where you just throw things in and hope for the best. Everything has to be precise.

The lye is basically going to “gobble up” the oils and saponify them. (This just means it will turn them into soap.). But each oil requires a certain amount of lye to be saponified. It is a chemical property of that oil, known as its “saponification value”, like the freezing point of a liquid. It’s different for each one.

The way we figure this out is to use something called a lye calculator. There are many of them available for free online. My favorite is from Majestic Mountain Sage.

⚖️ Sources for soapmaking supplies

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (11)

You can find the scale, molds, and stick blender at Amazon.

There are many shops dedicated to soapmaking. Some of the best are Nurture Soap, Brambleberry, and Bulk Apothecary.

Safety for soap makers

So we’ve established that lye is dangerous. But it really is, and it’s dangerous in different ways at every part of the soap-making process. Many people get scared and overwhelmed by the prospect of working with lye, but it doesn’t have to be scary.

It deserves respect and proper gear, but it’s not scary.

To me, one of the most important aspects of working safely is that you need to be able to concentrate. Interruptions will cause you to make mistakes, be careless, knock things over, etc. Make sure little ones are out of the room, and never try to make soap when you’re in a rush.

Safety gear you will need:

  • Goggles. Lye water can blind you!
  • Long sleeves
  • A mask
  • Rubber gloves

First, be absolutely sure that your lye is stored totally out of the reach of children and pets. It comes in a pellet or flake form that is very concentrated and dangerous.

When you mix it with the water, it will shoot way up in temperature and will also release fumes. So you’ll need to be outside or near an open window. And you’ll need gloves and eye protection at this stage as well. The caustic lye solution can blind you if splashed in your eye or burn your skin.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (12)

When you set the lye water aside to cool, you need to be careful. Make it very clear that it’s a dangerous solution. It could be fatal to anyone drinking it.

🤓 Getting even more detailed in each step

Step One: Prepare

First of all, get ready. Have your recipe printed out (you can find my cold process soap recipes here.) Get out your scale, your stick blender, your oils, and your lye. Have your mold ready to go as well.

Make sure you have a distraction-free environment and a safe place to set things aside as they cool.

Step Two: Make the lye water

Everything needs to be measured separately before you begin.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (13)

The lye and water are measured separately, then you add the lye to water, not the other way around. You can remember this with the saying “snow floats on the lake”.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (14)

Mix the lye and water thoroughly, until the lye dissolves. It will be hot. Set it aside to cool in a safe, well-ventilated place.

Step Three: Measure and melt the oils

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (15)

Next, measure out your oils separately.

Some people prefer to melt the solid oils first, add the liquid oils, then heat everything up. Or you can dump it into one pot and heat everything up together. Do it right on the stove, on low.

You want everything thoroughly melted and at 140 degrees. Be careful with firm butters and waxes: they take longer to melt.

Step Four: Let both components cool

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (16)

Now, everything has to cool down, separately. The next step is to blend them together with your stick blender. They can be around 100-110 degrees in temperature, or you can let them cool even more.

As long as the oils are still melted and the lye and oils are relatively similar in temperature, it will work fine.

The cooling stage will take around an hour.

Remember: Make sure your ingredients are in a safe place!

Step Five: Blend!

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (17)

Now for the fun part. Pour the lye water into the melted oils and blend with your stick blender. At first, it will just seem very liquid, with droplets of oil floating around. After a minute or so, it will become one consistency, with no oil splotches. Then, the batter will start to slightly thicken.

Do not use a food processor or regular blender for this. It is too dangerous. to have a caustic solution like this splashing around.

You can stop blending when your soap batter reaches “trace”. Trace means that when you lift up your blender and soap batter comes off of it, that soap batter will rest on top of the pot, leaving a trail, rather than immediately sinking in.

Some soap makers prefer a thin trace, and some will keep their immersion blender working until the soap is more of a pudding consistency. This is largely personal preference and as you make more handmade soap, you’ll develop your own style.

(At this point, you would add color, essential oils, or fragrance oil if you were using them, but I wouldn’t recommend either for your first batch.)

Make sure to wear gloves and safety goggles during this stage; there’s a high risk of splashing.

Step Six: Pour and cure

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (18)

Once you have reached trace, immediately pour the soap batter into the mold. It will start hardening right away, so move quickly.

You have a few options with molds:

  • a silicone mold that forms a loaf
  • a cavity mold that forms individual bars
  • a lined soap mold made out of wood

Pour it right in and smooth out the top with a spatula.

Once it is has cured for 24 hours, it’s time to unmold. It still needs time to finish drying out so the bar can get harder. (Castile soap will take up to two days.) You can just leave the bars on an old towel for a few weeks.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (19)

Gel phase during curing

As soap cures, it will heat up. Sometimes it will heat up a lot and go through something called “gel phase”. It gets bright, translucent, and very hot.

It’s not a problem, and some people prefer it, because it makes colors brighter in the finished soap.

You can force gel phase by putting the soap in a 120-degree oven for one hour, then turning the oven off and leaving it in there for 24 hours. Or by wrapping it in old blankets.

Or if you don’t want gel phase, you can put the soap in the freezer.

Cleaning up after soapmaking

There are a few ways to handle this. You can rinse out everything from the pots and tools before it hardens into soap. You’ll need to be careful if you choose this method because the lye is still very caustic at this stage.

You could also let everything sit and turn into soap and then just wash it out. That is usually what I do.

Fun for the more advanced soap maker

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (20)

Once you have the method of cold process soap down, you can create your own recipes or add fun things.

Great additions to handmade soap:

  • poppy seeds
  • coffee grounds
  • essential oils
  • oatmeal

You can also add natural colorants, or many different colorants and create a swirl.

Instead of using water to create your solution, you can substitute goat milk, tea, or other liquids.

You can sprinkle the top of the soap bar with flower petals, herbs, or decorative glitter. The possibilities are endless. Really.

What about hot process soap?

Hot process soap uses heat to force the gel phase during saponification. It “cooks” rather than just curing at room temperature. The process is similar to cold process soap except the batter is heated before pouring.

It is frequently made in a crock pot.

Beginner-friendly soap recipes to choose

  • Recipes with only a few oils are the simplest to measure and not as expensive to buy the supplies for. Try a recipe that’s 30% olive oil, 30% palm oil, 30% coconut oil, and 10% almond oil.
  • Look for a recipe with no strange ingredients, like beeswax or honey (they are lovely in soap but behave a bit differently).
  • Don’t attempt a swirl or fancy design.
  • Try a recipe with very few oils, like homemade bar soap for dishes.

Recipes for the more experienced soap maker

  • One of my favorites is my cold process shower soap recipe, which has lots and lots of lather.
  • Beeswax and honey soap makes a hard bar that is a beautiful gift or guest soap
  • Mango butter soap has a lot of luxury oils and is extra moisturizing.
  • Or check out this list of my favorite books on soapmaking for more recipes.

Still scared?

I get it! Soapmaking is not for everyone, and if you can’t have a distraction-free work area for a few hours (because of kids, pets, or other reasons), it’s best not to attempt it.

But don’t be discouraged. You can make homemade sugar scrubs, homemade hand cream, and even pumpable body lotion without dealing with the dangers of lye.

You can also explore melt-and-pour soap, which has all the fun of picking fragrance and color without the safety concerns.

Go forth and make soap

Now, of course, reading something is one thing, and doing it is quite another.

I encourage you not to get stuck in the research phase and to move on to actually trying your hand at soap making.

For even more help, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel, where I share new soapmaking tutorials regularly.

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (21)

Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe} (2024)


Ultimate Guide to Soap Making for Complete Beginners {Plus a Simple Recipe}? ›

Cold process soap batter is much easier to work with than hot process soap batter. There's no cook time, and no wondering if you've cooked too long (or not long enough). The lovely fluid cold process batter is easy to stir in fragrance and additives, as well as pour into a mold.

What is the general recipe for soap? ›

Basic ingredients
  1. 20 oz. coconut oil.
  2. 10 oz. olive oil.
  3. 9 oz. distilled water.
  4. 4.78 oz. 100 percent pure lye.
  5. 20 to 40 drops of essential oils, if desired.
  6. colorants (optional)
  7. dried herbs or flowers (optional)
Jan 16, 2020

Which method is a perfect choice for making soap if you are a beginner ______________? ›

Cold process soap batter is much easier to work with than hot process soap batter. There's no cook time, and no wondering if you've cooked too long (or not long enough). The lovely fluid cold process batter is easy to stir in fragrance and additives, as well as pour into a mold.

What 3 ingredients at minimum are required to make soap? ›

There are 3 key ingredients in soap: oil or fat, lye and water.

What is the formula for making soap? ›

What is the formula for soap. For centuries, humans have known the basic recipe for soap — it is a reaction between fats and a strong base. The exact chemical formula is C17H35COO- plus a metal cation, either Na+ or K+.

What is the simplest way to make soap at home? ›

Ingredients and equipment
  1. coconut oil ⅔ cup (helps to produce lather)
  2. olive oil ⅔ cup.
  3. other liquid oil ⅔ cup – like almond oil, grapeseed, sunflower or safflower oil.
  4. ¼ cup lye – also called 100% sodium hydroxide.
  5. ¾ cup cool water (use distilled or purified)
  6. Quart canning jar.
  7. Pint canning jar.
  8. Soap molds.
Mar 19, 2020

What are the two most important ingredients required to make soap? ›

Soap Ingredients. The two base ingredients for homemade soap are fat and a form of lye, a caustic chemical. You can add dyes, essential oils, texturizers, and other enhancements to this two-ingredient base. An alternative to the fat and lye base is a glycerin soap base.

What is the easiest homemade soap to make? ›

If I were to choose a simple soap recipe that you can make at home it would, without a doubt be 100% coconut oil soap. I love this stuff, not least because you can make it from just 3 ingredients, one of those being water.

Do you have to list ingredients on homemade soap? ›

While true soap does not require labeling (as long as no health or beauty claims are made), lotions and lip balms are considered by the FDA to be cosmetics and proper labeling is required. There are at least two panels on a label; the principal display panel and the information panel.

How much lye is needed to make soap for beginners? ›

First, we'll need to calculate the amount of lye needed for our recipe. To do this, we'll multiply the lye concentration by the total weight of our oils. In this example, we're using 64 ounces of oil, so we'll multiply 20% (0.2) by 64 ounces to get 12.8 ounces of lye.

How much lye do you put in soap? ›

Remember the amount of lye will not change. However, depending on how much water is added, the lye concentration will change. Typically in soap making, lye concentrations between 25% (full water) and 40% (high water discount) are most commonly used.

How to make soaps at home? ›

Step 1: Heat Glycerin in a bowl in the microwave and wait until it's entirely melted. Step 2: Now take a milk carton and coat its insides with Petroleum Jelly. Step 3: Pour the melted Glycerin into the carton and let it cool for 2 hours. A Glycerin soap block would be formed.

How do I make my own soap recipe? ›

The basic process of making soap is:
  1. Mix water and lye, set aside to cool.
  2. Melt oils, set aside to cool.
  3. Blend lye water and oils to form a soap “batter”
  4. Pour into mold and let harden for a day.
  5. Turn out of the mold, cut into bars and let cure for 2-3 weeks.
Feb 6, 2023

Can you make homemade soap without lye? ›

NO, chemically-speaking, soap itself cannot be made without lye. Soap is made by blending oils (like olive oil or coconut oil), a liquid (water, goat's milk, etc.), and an alkali (lye). Lye is needed to convert oils into soap.

What is the recipe for 34 33 33 soap? ›

You can never go wrong with a 34/33/33 ratio. That's 34% olive oil, 33% coconut oil, and 33% palm oil. It creates a firm, moisturizing bar with great bubbles.


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.