The State from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)

1 1 American Stock Exchange A Combust Co Eq 12 34 16 Gulf Sta Ld Nat Aberdn Mfg Cominco Gulf Win wt 58 NBO Aberdn Ham Pet Com! Comi Met Allian Acme Acme Prec Comodore 67- Halls Motor Adams Rus Com PSv 223 Hamiltn Cos Admiral Int Compre Des Hampsh De Aarodex Inc Compu Dyn Hampt Shirt Aero Flow Comput Eq Harland JH Aerojet Gen Comput Inst Harnisch New Aeronca Inc Comp Inv Hartfid Zod NY Aerosol CompMch Harvard Ind Niag Aerovox Cp Computest 15 Harvey Grp Nort Affil Hosp Comp Sottw Hastings MI AIC Photo Head SkI Co Alken Ind Conced Fab a Hecks Inc 22 23 No. Airlift Intl Condec Cp 10 Heinicke Airpax Elec 27 Helena Rub Airwickin Connelly Her Mal Ind Nwst Alan Wood Connrex Cp HIG Inc 61 Novo Alaska Airl 28 Conroy inc HI Shear Cp 25 26 Alba Waldn 25 ConCan Far 11 1 Hillhaven 8 Aldon Ind ConDentl Sv Hilton wt Alison Mtge ConNatSh A Hofm Ind 3 All Am Ind Con Oil Gas 2-3 Final Amex .6 YYX Alleg Airl 69 Cons Refin 8 Holly Holophane Corp 20 12 AllegAirl wt Consit Desig 25 A 248 Ohio Alleg Airl rt 240 7-32-1-32 Cont Mater Home hom*ollA Oil fn OKC Allen EI Eq 54 Cook Elect Home Oil AllegCp wt 25 Conti Tel wt Alliance TR Cook Ind Horn Har 14 Olla Old Allied Art Cook Hoskins 14 Allied Cont Corr Black Host Hosp Affilat 35 Alright Aut Cosmdyne Corp 15 68 House Enterp Fabr 12 8 Va Alpha Ind Craig Altamil Cp Cramer El House Vis 12 Altermn Fd Creativ Mgt Hubbell A Over Indus 67- Creole Pet 20 Hubbell Amco Ameco Inc Crest Foam A 10 50 Am Agroncs Crestmont Hudsn Leas 13 Am Auto Vd 6 Crompton 46 35 Huffman Mt 3 Am Am Biltrt BkStrat Cubic Crystal Corp Oil 32 Huyck Corp Husky oil 26 Am Bldg Curtis Math Hycon Mfg A Cent Finan Mtg A 64 CutterLab A Hygrade Fd 9 22 Hydmetal 7 Pac Am Pac Am Israeli Am Maize Daitch 25 Amer Mfg Va Cp 34 Ideal Toy 15 Am Mot Inn Damon Cre 6 IHC Inc Am Petrof Daniel Ind IllusWid En 13 8 Pac Am Precisn 3 Data Cont IMC Mag 2 5 Am Am Saf Rity Eq Tr 25 1 Dat Docum Imoco Gatw 20 Va Data Prod 88 Imper Oil 260 Am Tech Ind Day Mines 34 Inexco Oil 93 Ames Str Inc 45 Inflight Pic 6 Ampco Mtl 15 Daylin wt 10 Inland Cred Amrep Corp 192 DCA Devel 13 Instron Cp Andy Gard Dearborn Instrum Sys 13 6 Angelica DeJur Amsc Int Controls Ang Ansul Laut Co 10 Del Labs Int Cont wt DeltaCp Am 22 Proteins 14 Anthony Indust Ind Deltona Cp 118 Int Stretch A0 52 Depositors Interphoto 14 Apollo Ind Dero Rsrch 15 Interst Unit Applied Dat Deseret Ph 301 19 InvDivers A Applied Dev Dev Cp Am 69 17 Invest Fund Aquitain Ca 13 Devon App 28 Invest Roy Arctic Ent 21 DHJ Indust 13 Iroquois Ind 18 Argus Inc 13 Digital Eq 149 60 Irvin Ind Ark LaGas 118 Dillard Dept ISC Indust Arrow Elect 28 Diodes Inc ITEL Corp 180 Arundel 16 Dixilyn Cp ITI Corp 7 Arwood Cp Dome Pet 25 Asamera Oil 315 Domtar AshiOil Can Dorsey Cp 134 14 ASPRO DPA Inc 23 Jaclyn Inc Assd Assd Fd Baby St 102 Drew Natl Jeannett GI 21 Jamesway 20 Assd Mtg In Driver Harr VA Jeff Lk Pet Assd Prod 20 Drug Fair Jeffersn Str Astrex Inc Jervis Corp 1 Duraloy 4 Atco Chem Duro Test Jetronic Ind 00 Atico Mtg 13 Dynalect Cp 15 7 Jupiter Cp 8 Atl AticoMtg CstL wt Co 52 Atl Richf wt Eagle Cloth 10 Kaiser Ind 17 Atlas Min 48 Earl Scheib 23 Kalvex Inc 31 AtlasCp wt 27 Earth Rsrcs 10 13 Kane Miller 21 Augat Inc East EasonOil A Dev Co 11 KaneMill wt 2 Austral Oil 194 Eastn FrtW Kaneb PL 16 22 Auto PIdg 17 1 Katz Drug 77 AutoData Rad 33 Eazor Eckmar Exp Cp Kauf Brd wt 125 21 Auto Kavanau 2 Auto Switch Ecologic Scl 60 Kenton Cp 8 AVC Corp Edmos Corp Ketchum Avco Cp wt 24 Edo Ehrench Corp Ph 9 Kewanee pf AVEMCO 14 Elco Corp 16 12 Key Co 12 Avien Keyst Ind Avis Indust 2 Elect Hosa 15 Kilemb Cop Electrogr Kin Ark Cp Elect Assist King Radio 31 Bagdad Cop Elect Comp Kingsford 31 Baker Ind 29 Va Elect Elect Eng Resch Kings Lafay Baldwin DH Electronic Kinney pf 29 7 Baldwin Sec 18 95-- Kirby Ind 97 Bali Co ElginNat Electrosp wt Kit Mfg Co Banff Oil 17 EI Tronics 50 Kleinert 23 BangPun wt Emenee Cp Kliklok Cp Banister Ct 34 Emery Ind 6 Knott Hotel Bankrs Util 24 Empire Finl 38 Kollmogn Banner Ind 12 Inc 9 Kysor Indus 22 Barbra Lyn Shoes 24 18 Entron Barnes Eng Epko Corp 49 Barnwell In Equity pf 250 LaBarge In 2 Eqiuty Barry RG Ernst EC A 10 Lafay Radio 54 Barry Wrgt 19 Ero Indust Laigion 20 Bartell Med inc Lake Shore Barton Brd Esgro Mfg (LaMaur Inc 19 16 Bartons Cdy Esq Rad El Langley Cp Espey Beco Indust Extendcar 17 Lea Ronal 123- Baruch Fost 15 Evans Aris SENNA La Pointe In 21 Barwick ET Executone LaSalle Deit Behring Cp 539 Leader Int Bell Electrn Leas Dat wt 73 Benrus 426 Lee Natl Cp 14 7 Bergen Bru 72 Fab Indust Leigh Prod 2 Berg Bru pf 12 Fabien Cp 7 Leisure Tec Berven Cpts 8 18 Fabrics Nat Lenox Inc 22 45 Beth Corp Ent 83 3 Fairfid Fairmt Ch Nob Lerner Str Reverly LernerSt wt 12 Bickfords 2300 20 Falcon Sbd 36 Leslie Fay Big Bear A 2 Famly Recd Va Levin Town 15 Binney 25 Fed Resrces Levitz Furn 33 Bluebird In Fed Mart 13 Liberty Fab 5 6 Bluebird wt 6 Felmont Oil 14 Liberty Lea 10 Bohack Cp 17 Felsway Cp wt Lilli Ann Cp 11 10 Bolt Berank Fibrebrd Lily Lynn 3 Botany Ind 6 18 Fields Filmways Plas 16 Ling TV wt 28 Bow Valley Lodge Ship 7 Bradfrd Sp Filter Dyn Loehmann 123 13 Brad Comp 6 FinCp SanB Loews Th wt 89 Branch Ind Finan Genl 20 11 Logistic Ind 18 Bran Air wt 6 Fst Real Long Witt 10 PranAirw A 31 FstN RI wt La Gas Svc Brascan Ltd 56 Fst SL Shrs LSB Ind 13 Braun Eng 12 FstUnR Est 17 LTV Aerosp 17 Breeze Cp Fischer Por 11 LTVAero wt Bro Dart In Fishman LTV 10 Brooks Perk Fleatwd Ent 18 LTV Ling 3 2 FA Flight Safty 3 LTV Ling pt Brown Brown 11 Fla Capital Lundy Elec Brown pf Fluke Mfg 10 Lynch Corp Bruce Robt Foodrama BTB Corp 21 Ford Can 250 BTU Engin Forest City 8 Buehler Cp 15 17 3 Forest Frank! Mnt Labs 133 7 Macro Chat 9 Macoid Ind 12 Ind 68 Franklin RI 3 10 Magna Oil 9 Bundy Corp Burns WJ Franks Nur Me Pub Sv Purgess 24 Frantz Mfg Mallory Ran 11 3 Burr JP 5 Fresnillo Co 21 Mgt Data 10 Friend Fro Mangel Str Butler Aviat 7 Ind Manguran 64 Buttes Gas 20 Frontier Air 16 6 Mansfid TR Byers Co Frier FrontAir wt 3 3 Marinduq 9 Marlene Cablecom 53 Marley Co Caldor 56 Marshall- In 71 Calcomp 271 Gabriel Ind 3 Masind Sons CalHIth Cre 29 Garan Inc 12 Materis Rsh CalPrt Cem 5 34 Garcia Corp 7 Maul Bros Camco Inc 3 Garland Cp 14 McCrory wt Campb Chib 47. Gate Sp Gd 18 McCro wt 17 5 Campb Mch 25 Gayld Nat 3 11 McCull oil 40 33 Cdn Ex GO Gearhart McDonogh Cdn Homstd 42 Gen Alloys Means FW 13 15 Cdn Hydroc 10 Gn Battery 21 18 Media Genl Cdn Javelin 43 Gen Build Cinema 16 18 3 MEM Co Cdn Marc 8 Gen Gen 7 Menasco 98 Cdn Supoil 12 Emply Merle Norm 12 Canav Int 15 5 Gen Interior 3 Merrill Isid 30 Canoga Ind Gen Plywd Mich Genl 5 4 Capitol Ind Genge Ind 116 22 Mich Sugar Career Ac 81 Genisco Tec 6 Mich Sug pf 2 Caressa Inc Gerber Scie 12 Microwav Carnation Giant Fds 10 Midind Mtg 11 Caro Pipel Giant Yell 22 MidwRub Carous! Fsh GiantYell fn Midw Finl 17 Castletn Ind Gilbert Cos Milgo Elect 100 Cavitron Cp 8 Gilbert Flex Miller Wohl 2 26 Cellu Craft 16 GL Indust 10 Millm Onyx Cen pt z25 51 Gladding 10 Milton Roy Cen Secur 15 Glasrock Pd MoBeef Pkr 2 Century El Glen Gery Mite Corp 43- Century Geo 8 Glen Dis Mobil Home 32 Certified Cp 5 Goldblatt MobilOil wt 42 18 Certron Cp 129 6 Goodway 39 Modern Md 4 5 Chadw Mill 5 Gorins Mohawk Air 7 Strs 8 Chmp Hom 39 Gould wt Molybd Can Charan Ind 25 Granger A MonPw. pfA z10 53 58 Chattan Gas Granite Mgt MorseEl Pd 26 Cherry Burr 28 GrassV Grp 15 2 Mortons Sh 11 Christiana 0 23 Gt Am Ind 267 Mouldings 34 Cinerama 4 Gt Am Res MtVer Mills 8 Circle Cp Gt Bas Pet Movielab 5 Citizens Fin Gt Chem 3 MPB Corp 0 Clark Cbl GtLak Recr MPO Video 18 Greer Greenman 13 2 Multi Amp Clarksn Ind Clarostat Hyd 9 Muter Co 3 Clary Corp 12 Grey Comp Clopay Corp GRI Corp 41 CMI 18 Groc StrPd z500 Napco Ind 3 4 Corp 21 10 Griesedk Coburn 14 Grow Chem 15 7 Narda Micr 23 Coffee 'Mat Gruen Ind 11 Natl Bell 13 Cohen Hatf 11 GSC Enterp 8 Nat Gen wt 19 Cohu Electr 27 GTI Corp NatGn wt 58 Cole Drug 44 Guardian In NatHith Ent 60 Natl 5 GuardnM In 23 Nat Ind wt 63 2 Coleco 44 Guards Ch 2 Nat Realty 3 Ind 12 Guerdon Id 19 IN Semicond 10 Coleman Co Colonial Sd Ind Spinng Rex Rest Assoc Noreco 28 Needhm Pk Riblet Prod Neisner Bro Richird Ind Nelly Don Richton Intl Nestle LeM Riker Maxn NEng. Nucir Riker Mx pt Newidria Rio Algom NewPk Min Rift Fin Proc Robintech Times A 19 Roblin Ind Fr Svc Rogers Corp So RY Rollins Intl Nortek Inc Rolls Royce NoAMta Inv 413 Ronco Telep 30 Cdn Oils 39 6 1-16 Roose Race Noreast Airl 6 Rowan Drill NoindPS pl 2210 53 Rowld Prod Ind wt 26 Royal Amer 15 Corp Royal Busn Nuclear Am Rupp Indust Nuclear Dat Rusco Indus 34 Nytronics 30 Russeks Inc 10 Russell Mill Rust Craft Offshore Co Brass Corp Sabine Roy Okonite wt StJohns Trk Town Salem Corp Ind Sambos Rst Ookiep 2100 104 San Carlos Originala 20 Die 4.40pf 2 Ormand Ind SanJuan 10 Sullivan Sanitas Svc 106 Overhead Sargent Ind 16 Shp rG 135 16 Sav A Stop 22 Oxford Elec SavinB Mch 19 Ozark Air Savoy Ind Sayre Fishr P-O Scam Instru 11 Indust Science Mgt 25 Indust 13 Schiller Ind PGE 6pf Prop Scope Indus 2 Scient Atlan GE pf Scurry Rain 38 PacGE rdpf Sea Contanr 11 PGE rdpt A Sbd Plywd 4.50pf 14 Seabrk Fds 33 PGE 4.36pf Sealectro Pac Hold Holding pf 15 Sec Mtg Inv 18 21 Season All Pac Indust Selas Corp 10 Lig 4.50pf 280 53 Selig Latz Pac Ltg Nw Tel 20 8 52 14 Sequoyah in 4.36pf Semtech Cp Pac pf 250 61 Servisco PacSwAr wt Servo Corp Pall Cp A 8 Servotron Pamida Inc 38 Seton Co Pantasote Shaer Shoe Parmnt Pkg Shahmoon 2 Park Chem Shatt Denn Park Elect Sheffld Wat Parkwy Dis Shelter Res 36 Parsons RM 15 Sherwd Med Parvin Doh 53 Siboney Cp 56 PatPar Pap Sierra Ind 8 Pato Gold 3 Sierracin Peab Galion 78 SIFCO Ind Peel Elder 6 11 Sigma Inst Penn Eng Signet Corp Penn RI Est Silicon Tran 8 Penn Traff Simco Strs 17 Penob Shoe Simkins Ind Pentron Ind Simplex Ind Pep Boys Simplex 14 Pepcom Ind Sitkin Sm 45 PEPI Inc Skagg Drug Perini Corp SkyCity Strs Permaner 12 Slick Corp 40 Petrie Strs Slick Cp pfA Phil Lg Dis 42 SMD Ind 11 Phillips Scr 29 Solitron 88 Phoenix St 54 Sonder Brd Piasecki Air Sorg Paper Pickwick in Soundesgn 19 Pier 1 Imp 38 SCE org pt 2850 Pierce Gov SCE 8.96 pf Pioneer Pla SCE 5.80 pf Pioneer Sys SCE 5.20 pf 26 PitDe Moine SCE 4.32 pt 1 Pittway Cp So Real Ut 49 Pit WV tr sh Sw For Ind 25 PKL Co Swn Invest Plant Indus 10 Specity Rst 24 Plaza Grp 24 7 Spectro Ind Ply Gem In Spencer Co3 PneumoDy 45 11 SSP Ind Alliance Poloron Pd Std Polychrm 12 12 Std Dredg Potter Instr 84 StdDredg pf 2650 Prairie oil Std Metals 16 Pratt Lamb 11 Mot A 177 Pratt pf Std Pac Cp Pratt Read Std Shares 380 Prent Hall 97 Stanley Avi PresReal Stanwick Cp Price Capitl 13 Staping Mch Proler Steel Stardust Inc Prud Rsrcs 77 10 Star Supmkt PrudBldg 16 Statham Ins 13 11 Prud Funds Steelmet Pubco Pet 30 Stein Hall PuntaGrd Is 16 10 Stellar Ind Purit Fash 49 Step Chem Putnm Sons 9 Sterl Electr PyleNati 31 Sterl Extror Pyroil Co 13 Sterl Precis Stern Metal Sternco A 348 Stop Shop Ramer Ind 2 STP Corp Ranchrs Ex 271 18 Struth Well Rapid A wt 22 Suave Shoe Rath Pack Summit Org Ray Resres Sun Elec Cp Raym Prec Sunair El RB Indust Reading Ind Sup Surg Supercret Rity RealEst Inv 16 Inc Tr Susquehan REDM Corp 3 3 SutroMtg In Reeves Ind Tel 22 23 Synalloy Reeves Syntex Reliance In z100 30 Remco Ind 29 System Eng Rem Arms 13 14 12 17 Inv 58 Reserch Ctl Tasty Bak A Reserve OG RAROD 8 Tech Aerof wt 4 Tamar Elec Resistofix Tech Sym Resortintl A Tech Opertn Va 25 Tech Tape 49 Technicol 154 Technitrol 13 Telepromp 80 Tenna Corp 18 Tenneca wt 33 Tenney Eng Tensor Cp Teradyne In 86 14 Tesoro Pet 24 TexPw Lt pl 250 Texstar Cp 21 Textron wt 17 TFI Co Inc 11 Thorof Mkt 3 Thriftimt A Tokheim Cp ToledoEd pt 225 Tonka Corp 16 Tool Resrch 35 TotalPti NA 21 TotalP pf wi Town Cntry 16 Trans Carib 20 Trans Lux 3 Transair Tranin cvpf 16 -14 Transogra 109 TWA wt 81 Triangl Pac 66 TubosMex 27 Tyco Labs 12 11 Udico Corp UIP Corp Unexcelld Un Invest 7 UnStYd Om 3 Unamer Tr 35 Unam Tr wt 18 3.

SEES: Unit AircPd Unit Asbest UnBrand wt 91 UnDollar St 62 Unit Foods 348 6 Un Natl Cp 12 5 UnNatCp wt UnNatCp pf UnPiece Dy 18 Unit Refin 42 US Filter 18 20 USHom Dev 18 US Nat Res 152 22 6 US Radium 12 US Rity Inv 24 10 US Rub Rec USSmelt wt Unitrode Cp Un Contain Va Univ Mar Uris Bid wt 8 13 URS Systms 46 8 Utah IdSug 3 37 20 Valley Met 5 Va Van Valmac Dorn Ind Vanguard 13 Varo Inc 9 Veeco Instr 12 Venice Ind 8 Vernitron 24 Vesely Co 612- Vetco Offsh 54 Viewlex 66 Vikoa Inc 38 Vintage Ent 6 VLN Corp 69 4 Vol Merch 8 Vulcan Corp 2 W.X-Y-Z Wabsh Mag 14 Wacknhut 15 102 Wadell Eq Walco Natl z100 Walthm Ind 14 Wang Labs 10 WardFds wt 18 Wards Co Weil McLan 48 Weld Am 12 Wellco Ent 8 Well Rch Gr 18 Wentworth 5 WChem Pd West Westates Tex pt 250 25 Westb Fash Westrn Finl Wn Nuclear 18 Westn Orbis 14 WestUn Intl Wheelbrat 61 Whippany 8 Whitehal El 16 Whiting Cp 10 Whittakr wt 21 Wichita Ind 7 Willcx Gibb Wmhouse 10 Wilshire 30 5 Wilson Co 27 WilsonCo wt 11 Wilson Phar 5 Wilson Sprt 3 WilsonSp wt 13 Wisc PL pt 220 Wolver Ind 3 5 Wood Ind 13 Woolw Ltd Work Wear Wrather Cp 9 Wright Harg 22 1 9-16 WTC Air 2 Wyand Ind wyle Labs 9 Wynn Oil 31 Yates Ind 92 Yonk Race Zero Mfg 4 Zimmr Hom 8 Zion Foods 2 AMEX SALES Total stock sales 2,150,000 Sales year ago 5,307,500 Total bond sales 1,900,000 Sales year ago 3,000,000 2.25-2.50. Graded cukes 3.00-4.00. Eggplants 2.50-3 00. Green onions 1.50-1.75. Peanuts 6.50-7.00.

Field peas 2.50-3.00. Bell peppers plants 4.50. Mustard salad 1.50-2.25. Turn3.50-4.00. Hot peppers 5.00-6.00.

Cabbage ip salad 1.50-2.25. No. 1 squash 4.00-4.50, No. 2 2.50-3.00. Good sweet potatoes 3.50- 4.00, fair quality 2.50-3.00.

Pink tomatoes 4.00-7.00. Turnip roots 2.00-2.50. Turnips and tops 2.00-2.50. Grain steady Hogs: Choice No. 1, Columbia cash buying station steady at 16.50; Florence and Kingstree cash buying stations steady at 16.25; Estill auction 17.10-18.10; Orangeburg auction 16.20-17.45.

Ga. Poultry 8 2 12 3 16 S.C. Produce The South Carolina farm prices reported Thursday by the Market Service: Columbia farmers market, about supply adequate, fair. Green beans 3.50-4.50. Lima beans 5.00.

Good collards 2.75-3.00. Fair Mercantile Exchange CHICAGO (AP) Futures trading the Chicago Mercantile Exchange day: Open High Low Close LIVE BEEF CATTLE Dec 28.35 28.57 28.35 28.57 Feb 28.65 28.85 28.62 28.82 Apr 29.22 29.55 29.20 29.52 Jun 29.70 30.05 29.67 29.97 Oct 29.30 29.50 29.30 29.50 Dec 29.25 29.45 29.22 29.45 Feb 29.40 29.42 29.40 29.42 Sales: Dec 652; Feb 360; April June 260; Aug 67; Oct 41; Dec'71, Feb'72, 5. LIVE HOGS Dec 16.50 16.72 16.45 16.60 Feb 17.00 17.4 16.95 17.35 Apr 17.80 18.40 17.80 18.40 Jun 20.45 21.25 20.40 a21.10 Jul 21.40 21.90 21.40 21.90 Aug 21.75 22.00 21.75 21.95 Oct 20.80 b20.95 20.80 b20.95 Sales: Dec 89; Feb 156; April 194; 113; July 50; Aug 21; Oct 4. SHELL EGGS Nov 36.30 36.95 35.90 36.80 Dec 38.90 39.80 38.80 39.75 Jan 37.10 38.00 37.00 38.00 Feb 35.80 36.60 35.80 b36.50 Sales: Nov 886; Dec Jan 619; 53. IDAHO POTATOES Nov n4.66 Apr b5.00 May 5.12 5.17 5.08 5.10 Sales: Nov April May 250.

FROZEN PORK BELLIES Feb 29.92 30.80 29.75 30.70 Mar 30.25 31.10 30.15 31.07 May 31.07 32.00 31.07 32.00 Jul 31.77 32.70 31.77 32.62 Aug 31.20 32.10 31.17 32.00 Sales: Feb March 862; May July 453; Aug 69. Open interest: Feb March May July, Aug 379. n-Nominal; b-Bid; a--Offered. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued From Page 14-B) US Smelt 1b 12 US Steel 2.40 159 26 US Tobac 1.10 20 26 25 Unit Util '2 126 17 Unit Util wt 35 6 6 UnUtil pf1.25 11 UnvLeaf 1.50 36 .80 111 Univsty Cmp 428 22 Upjohn 1.60 125 46 46 Uris Bldg .40 24 11 USLIFE .50 13 40 20 USM Cp 1.60 13 USM pf1.50 2200 55 UtahCon 33 Utah PL 1.92 18 Varian Asso 28 VCA Corp.40 23 17 17 53 Veeder 1.60 12 10 Vendo Co .60 12 12 12 35 VF Corp 6 33 31 10 VictComp .50 21 18 Villager 29 5 VaEiPw 1.12 126 101 86 VaEP pf7.72 z20 94 94 94 71 62 pt 5 2110 63 Vornado 35 Corp .48 8 Vulcan Mat 1 21 20 10 VWR Unit.72 6. W-X-Y-Z Wacho 46 60 60 Walgreen 1 18 THE STATE Columbia, S.

Friday, November 6, 1970 15-B Over The Counter NOV. 5 Quotations from National Association of Security Dealers are tiva interdealer prices as of approximately 4:00 p.m. Interdealer markets change throughout the day, Prices include retail markups, markdown commission. 'INSUSTRIALS STOCK BID ASK Aabco Amer Express Anh Busch Atla Gas Lt 14 Cameron Brown wts Cameron Brown com 19 Carolina Carib Colite Indus Colon Stores Computer Sve Cousins Mtg 18 Cousins Prop Cummings Sign 8 Daniel constr. Eckerds NC Electronic Data Gold Premium Hardees Hickory Furn Kearney Natl Lance Lin Broad Lowes 38 P'Mont Avia RE Fund 2 Roberts Saveway Barb Shakespeare Sonoco Prod SCI Systems Transcon Gas Triangle Corp Weatterau Floods Wachovia Realty 201 21 BANKS American Bk Tr Bank of Amer Bankers Tr SC 27 28 Bank First Bank NCNB Corp 28 First Union 34 Natl of SC Natl INSURANCE American Heritage Coastal States Colonial A 39 Consol Amer 16 Franklin Life Ga Intl 13 Inv.

Interfinancial Ind A NLT Corp 29 Nationwide New South 7 Palmetto St. S'land Life S. C. Insurance 9 10 Butter And Eggs CHICAGO (AP) Butter: wholesale selling prices unchanged; 93 score AA 69.798; 92 A 69.798; 90 67.798. Eggs: prices paid delivered to Chicago lower to 1 higher; 80 per cent or better grade A whites 37-381; medium white extras 31-32; standards 29-32.

Majority Of Prices not or ATLANTA (AP)-Demand was very good Thursday for Georgia live broilers and fryers. Supply adequate, sizes light to heavy. Prices at farms mostly 12 cents. Hen trading good. Offerings about adequate.

Prices at farms heavy type 14, light type mostly 4. Cotton NEW YORK (AP)-Cotton futures No 2 closed 5 cents to $1.90 a bale lower Thursday. Current-crop months were active, with final losses running upwards of 95 cents a bale. Trade selling was persistent, and this in turn induced commissionhouse liquidation. Observers thought the trade selling reflected increased harvesting of the cotton crop this week, after clear weather broaden in the growing areas.

This would movement of cotton to spot markets, dealers noted. Meanwhile, ideas continued for a lower estimate on the forthcoming government cotton-crop report set for next Monday. Some guesses were that it would be as much as 300,000 bales under the October official forecast of 10,618,000 bales. The smaller crop prospects are attributed by the trade to freeze damage to the crop in Texas early last month and losses from excessive rains and lowering of grades in other sections. The average price for middling 1 1-16- inch spot cotton was unchanged at 24.93 cents a pound for the 12 leading markets.

No. 2 futures closed 5 cents to $1.90 bale lower than the previous close. Open High Low Close Change Dec 26.95 27.00 26.78 26.78 -19 Mar 27.65 27.70 27.41 27.42 -28 May 28 13 28.13 27.85 z27.87 -38 Jul 28.10 28.10 28.10 z28.00 -32 Oct 226.65 -10 Dec z26.65 -1 z-bid 58 WheelPit pf 5 z190 43 43 63 45 Whirl Cp 1.60 591 8 WhiteCon .40 74 Whiten pfC 3 WhteMot 49 Whittaker 178 8 20 WickesCorp1 13 36 6 WiebtStr 14 Will Ross .40 57 Williams Bro 189 16 Wms8r pf.80 24 29 29 29 29 WinnDix 1.68 35 35 Winn Dixie 5 36 36 Winnbgo Ind WisEIPw 1.48 179 21. 21 WisPSvc 1.16 29 25 Witco Ch .92 14 7 Wolv WW .50 25 Wometco .44 10 17 17 17 17 Woods Cp .48 12 12 Woolwth 1.20 42 40 World Woolw pf2.20 Airwy Wrigley 3a 11 106 106 15 Wurlitzer .40 x5 Xerox Cp .80 947 85 85 83 XTRA Inc 52 YngstSD 1.20 17 15 15 Zale Corp .64 39 35 36 Zale pf A.80 Zapata Norn 101 20 Zayre Corp 15 263 ZenithR 1.40 40 32 32 32 38 Zurn Ind .28 24 17 17 Copyrighted by The Associated Press 1970 do On Mart Drift Lower PREV. BID 70V 131 19 18 37 19 18 27 28 34 39 16 29.

NEW YORK (AP) Although blue chips showed fractional gains, majority of stock market prices drifted lower Thursday in moderate trading. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks, the major Two Of Biggest Brokerage Firms Sign Agreement NEW YORK (AP) Agreements leading to a large cial rescue operation were signed, ca Thursday by two of the nation's biggest brokerage houses. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith, the largest brokerage firm, and fifth ranked Goodbody Co. announced that as a result Merrill Lynch was expected to acquire financially troubled Goodbody. The agreements climaxed lengthy negotiations and discussions of means to supply capital to keep Goodbody functioning.

The announcement was made by James E. Thomson, chairman of Merrill Lynch, and Don ald Regan, president. Goodbody has some 250,000 customers and 90 branch offices across the country. Merrill Lynch has 170 offices in the United States and 43 abroad. It had about 1.5 million customers lat the end of last year.

Commodities Grain Table Grains CHICAGO (AP) Thursday: Prev. Open High Low Close Close WHEAT Dec 1.78¾ 1.79⅜ 1.78⅛ 1.78⅞ 1.78¼ Mar 1.79¼ 1.80¼ 1.78¾ 1.79⅞ 1 79 May 1.77⅜ 1.78¾ 1.76⅝ 1.78 1.77 Jul 1.65½ 1.68½ 1.64¾ 1.67½ 1.64½ Sep 1.67¼ 1.70½ 1.67 1.69¾ 1 CORN Dec 1.49¾ 1.52 1.48¾ 1.51½ 1.49½ Mar 1.55½ 1.57¾ 1.54½ 1.57⅜ 1.55⅛ May 1.58½ 1.61 1.57¾ 1.60½ Jul 1.60⅛ 1.63 1.59⅜ 1.62⅜ Sep 1.59¼ 1.62½ 1.85½ 1.61½ 1.5812 OATS Dec .83 82 Mar .80 .82 May b.80 Jul .75 Sep SOYBEANS Nov 3.03 3.06¼ 3.02 3.04½ 3.01¾ Jan 3.06 3.10 3.05¾ 3.09¾ 3.05½ Mar 3.10 3.14⅝ 3.09¼ 3.14½ 3 May 3.12¼ 3.17⅝ 3.11⅞ 3.17⅝ 3.11¾ Jul 3.12½ 3.18 3.12 3.17¼ 3.11½ Aug 3.08½ 3.12½ 3.08½ 3.12¼ 3 Sep 2.87¾ 2.91½ 2.87¾ 2.91 2.87¼ SOYBEAN OIL Dec 13.20 13.60 13.15 13.56 13.27 Jan 12.55 12.95 12.50 12.94 12 58 Mar 12.21 12.54 12.14 12.54 12.25 May 12.03 12.33 11.95 12.33 12.03 Jul 11.80 12.15 11.71 12.15 11 82 Aug 11.60 11.99 11.57 11.91 11.66 Sep 11 22 11.56 11.18 11.46 11.12 Oct 10.85 11.18 10.85 al1.15 10.85 SOYBEAN MEAL Dec 78.90 79.70 78175 79.05 78.85 Jan 78.90 79.70 78.70 79.10 78.75 Mar 78 80 79.80 78.75 79.30 78.80 May 79.35 80.30 79.30 79.70 79.50 Jul 79.95 80.50 79.90 80.30 80.00 Aug 79.90 80.50 79.80 a80.00 a79.65 Sep 76.70 77.10 76.70 76 80 76.30 Oct 74.15 75.10 74.00 75.00 74.15 ICED BROILERS Nov 25.10 25.25 25.00 25.10 25.07 Jan 26.87 26.90 26.65 26.75 26.77 Mar 27 90 28.00 27.80 27.95 28.00 Apr 28.10 28.15 28.10 28.15 28.15 May 28.30 28.35 28.10 28.35 a28.00 b-Bid; a -Asked; n-Nominal. CHICAGO (AP) Soybeans futures advanced nearly 6 cents a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade Thursday and corn and wheat moved ahead around cents, but all three came under late profit taking. Soybean oil and meal, oats and Iced broilers also advanced in price. Trade was very active and mixed.

Commission house activity, indicating public participation, was heavy. Soybeans, corn and wheat had opened on a strong tone, from to cents a bushel higher. There followed some profit taking but prices then forged ahead under new buying and short covering. A strong factor in the buying of deferred corn, wheat and soybeans options was a report that wheat and oats planted in soil that had carried corn infested with blight earlier had been found damaged in Mississippi. The extent of the damage reportedly was light, but the trade considered the possibility that next year's crops, planted in once blight-infested soil, might also be damaged.

After soybeans had pushed ahead cents, and corn 4 cents with wheat advancing cents, prices held at these high levels for about 30 minutes before profit taking set in. Oats also moved ahead but trade was slower. Soy oil and meal prices were weak for about an hour, and when beans turned strong the end-products also advanced. Iced broilers closed on an irregular tone after an early display of strength. At the close, soybeans were up around cents.

November 3.04½; wheat was cents higher, December 1.78⅞; corn was up nearly 3 cents, December 1.51½ and oats advanced cents, December 83 cents. Cash Grain 1.77n; CHICAGO No 2 (AP) Wheat No 2 hard red soft red 1.82 n. Oats No 2 extra heavy wh n. Soybeans No 1 yellow 2.98½n. Soybean oil 14.50 n.

Mutual Funds INVESTING 3.85 4.21 Inv Guid 8.03 8.03. COMPANIES Concord 11.39 11.39 Inv Indic 6.36 6.36 NEW YORK (AP) Consol In 10.00 10.50 Inves Bos 10.82 11.83 -The following quo- (Conti MI 6.47 6.47 Investors Group: tations, supplied by Cont Gth 7.74 7.82 IDS ndi 3.85 4,18 the National Associ- Corp Ld 13.46 14.82 Mut 8.76 9.53 ation of Securities Cnty Cap 10.80 11.68 Prog 3.69 4.01 Dealers, are Crn WDiv 5.35 5.85 Stock 16.33 17.75 the prices at which Crn WDal 6.28 6.86 Select 8.74 9.39 these securities deVgh 58.32 58.32 Var Py 5.25 6.80 could have been Delaware Group: Inv Resh 4.14 4.52 sold (bid) or bought Decat 10.30 11.26 1stel 17.76 18.31 (asked) Thursdy. Delwr 11.35 12.40 Ivy 6.47 6.47 Bid Ask Delta 6.26 6.84 Hnco*ck 7.00 7.61 Aberdn 1.78 1.95 Dodg Cox 12.96 12.96 Johnstn 18.97 18.97 Admiralty Funds: Drexel 12.17 12.17 Grwth 5.84 6.40 Dreyf Fd 10.49 11.50 Keystone Funds: Incom 3.57 3.91 Dreyf Lv 11.48 12.58 Apollo 8.07 8.85 Insur 7.19 7.88 CUS B1 18.13 18.92 Advisrs 4.87 5.32 Balan 9.32 10.19 Cus B2 18.11 19.76 Aetna Fd 8.50 9.29 Grwth 10.87 11.88 CUS B4 7.85 8.57 Affiliatd 6.38 6.90 Incom 5.46 5.97 Cus K1 7.07 7.72 Afutre 6.80 6.80 Speck 7.42 8.11 CUS K2 4.42 4.83 All Am .57 .62 Stock 12.02 13.14 Cus S1 16.23 17.71 Allstate 9.52 10.24 Eberst 11.29 12.34 Cus S2 915 9.99 Alpha Fd 9.85 10.77 Egret 11.15 12.12 CUS S3 6.52 7.12 Amcap 5.23 5.72 Sc 4.95 5.41 CUs S4 3.82 4.17 Am Bus 3.01 3.26 Energy 11.01 11.01 Polar 3.04 3.33 Am Dvin 9.41 10.28 Entprs3 5.66 6.19 Knickb 6.19 6.79 Amer Express: 8.19 8.95 Knick Gt 7.63 8.36 Capit 7.20 7.87 9.06 Equt Equity Gth 7.39 8.65 Lex Grth 7.79 8.51 Incme 8.29 8.73 Equt Pro 3.42 3.75 Lex Rsch 13.61 14.87 Invest 7.99 Essex 12.63 13.80 Liberty 5.22 5.70 Spect 7.75 Everst In 11.25 12.30 Life Stk 4.59 5.02 Stock 7.77 8.49 Fairfd 8.45 9.25 Life Inv 5.93 6.49 Am Eqty 4.30 4.70 Bu 8.67 8.67 Linc Nat 8.77 9.58 Am Grth 5.38 5.88 Farm 11.62 12.70 Ling 3.68 4.02 Am Inv 4.90 Fid Fed Cap 10.36 11.32 4.90 Grth Am Mut 7.85 8.58 Fid Fund 13.91 15.20 Canad 32.75 32.75 Loomis Sayles: AmN Gth 2.59 2.83 Fid Trnd 20.61 22.52 Capit 9.57 9.57 Anchor Group: Prog: Mut 12.76 12.76 Capit 7.23 7.92 3.71 4.07 Luth Bro 10.61 11.60 Financial Grwth 9.59 10.51 Dynm Magna In 8.09 8.84 Incme 7.15 7.84 Indust 5.18 3.73 5.67 Manhtn 4.41 4.82 3.41 Fd Inv 7.72 8.46 Incom 4.30 Mass Fd 9.92 10.87 Vent 37.47 41.06 Vent 3.92 Mass Inc 13.77 15.05 Apollo Fd 7.78 8.50 FstF Va 9.71 10.61 7.48 Mass Inv 10.66 11.65 Associa 1.14 1.25 Fstin Dis 6.83 Tr 13.29 14.52 Astron 4.07 4.45 Fst InGth 7.72 8.46 Mass 3.67 3.67 Axe Houghton: 4.96 5.39 Fst Fst InStk Multi 7.77 unavail 7.89 Mates Mathers 10.66 10.66 Fund A Merid Fd 11.86 12.96 Fund 6.77 7.36 Fst Nat 6.57 7.18 MidA Mu 4.83 5.29 Stock 5.23 5.72 Fst Siera 34.94 Moody Cp 11.05 12.08 38.32 Sci Cp 4.00 8.15 8.15 Flet Fnd Cap 4.99 Moody's 11.40 12.46 4.35 5.62 Pabson 7.67 8.38 4.92 5.38 MIF Fd 7.42 8.02 Flet Bayrck 11.83 11.83 Gth 3.93 4.29 MIF Gth 4.52 4.89 Fla Gth Beacon 7.68 7.68 Foundrs 7.44 8.13 MUUS Gv 10.24 10.40 Fnd Berg Knt 5.76 8.74 9.55 Mu OmG 4.69 5.10 Berk Gth Group: Mu Omin 9.26 10.07 5.27 Foursq Blair Fd 5.87 DNTC 6.97 7.64 Mut Shrs 13.16 13.16 5.80 6.34 Franklin Bondstk 5.37 Grwth 5.29 5.80 Mut Trst 1.95 1.95 Boston St 7.23 5.56 6.09 NEA Mut 8.99 9.17 7.90 Bost Fdn 1.80 1.97 Nat Ind 9.00 9.00 9.73 10.64 Util Boston 7.47 Freedm 7.34 8.04 Nat Invst 6.75 7.38 8.16 Incom Broad St 12.42 13.57 3.85 Fd frMut 9.04 9.04 Nat Secur 9.60 Ser: 10.49 Brwn Fd 3.52 Bullock Calvin: Fund Inc Grp: Balan 4.65 5.08 Bullck 12.69 13.90 Cmrc 3.42 9.20 Bond 3.70 4.04 Candn 18.51 20.27 Ind Trd 10.78 11.78 Grwth 8.03 8.78 Impac 6.61 7.22 Divid Divid 3.28 3.59 Pilot 6.28 6.86 Pf Stk 6.11 6.68 Natw 9.31 10.20 Fund Am 7.77 8.52 Incom 4.59 5.02 NY Vnt 13.54 14.83 BusM Fd 6.01 6.59 Gatewy 6.99 7.56 Stock 7.95 8.64| 7.76 7.10 CG Fd 8.02 8.67 Gen Sec 9.07 9.07 Nel Grth 4.52 4.95 7.08 7.76 Gibraltr 6.26 6.32 Neuw Cet Capamr Group Sec: Neuw Fd 8.83 8.83 Capit Apex 6.66 7.28 New Wid 11.43 12.49 Inv 2.59 3.17 Cent Capit Shr 9.98 10.91 Bal Fd 7.91 8.65 Newton 13.01 14.22 Shr 5.41 5.93 Channing Funds: Com St 11.34 12.40 7.21 Strg 14.01 14.01 Nich 9.87 9,87 Balan unavail Grth Ind 14.93 16.93 Ocngph 6.27 6.27 unavail GrthFd A 6.60 Noreast Com Gryphn 13.18 14.40 Omega 5.80 5.92 St Grwth unavail unavail Guardn 21.55 21.65 100 Fd 11.87 12.97 Incom unavail Hamilton: (101 Fd 8.32 9.09 Chase Pos: HFI 3.89 4.25 One Wm5 12.87 Speck Gr 12.87 6.14 6.71 Gth 6.47 7.07 O'Neil 11.37 11.37 7.88 8.61| Harbor 7.06 7.72|0ppenh 6.91 7.55 Capit Fund Frnt 67.63 70.63 Hartwll 10.48 10.48 Opp AIM 9.20 10.05 9.40 10.27 Lev 3.35 8.35 OTC Sec 9.32 10.13 7.77 8.49 Hadb Gor 6.63 6.63 Pace Fnd 7.07 7.73 Shrhd Speci 16.08 17.57 9.20 10.08 Paul Rev 7.01 7.66 1.93 2.11 Penn Sq 7.06 7.06 Chemcl Hedge 3.44 3.76 Mann 13.58 14.15 Pa Mut 3.89 3.89 Colonial: 9.48 10.36 Hubsmn 3.44 3.70 Phila 12.55 13.75 Equty Fund 5.16 5.64 ICM Finl 6.59 7.22 Pilgrim 8.22 8.98 9.06 9.90 ISI Gth 3.76 4.11 Pine St 10.16 10.16 Grwth Incom 4.09 4.47 ISI Inc 3.89 4,25 Pion Ent 5.80 6.34 Vent Col 11.08 11.08 ISI Trust 2.91 Pion Fnd 10.44 ComS 4.37 4.75 Imp Cap 8.18 8.94 Plan Inv 9.25 10.11 Cwith 1.19 1.29 Imp Gth 6.07 6.63 Price Funds: Cwith 1.42 1.54 Inc FdB 6.20 6.79 Grwth 21.02 21.02 11.41 Comp 8.56 9.38 Indepnd 5.38 5.90 Era 9.00 Compet 6.01 6.59 Indstry 4.02 4.39 Hor 22.43 22.43 Comp 8.12 8.83|INTGN 7.74 8.37 Pro Fund 8.83 Comp 8.34 9.06 Inv CoA 11.55 12.62 'Pro Portf 6.32 blue-chip index, rose 0.75 771.56. Since last Friday the Dow has risen some 18 points. However, the broadly based New York Stock Exchange index of some 1,200 common stocks fell 0.11 to 45.81.

Also, declines outnumbered advances on the New York Stock Exchange by 693 to 540, while 341 stocks closed unchanged. The strike at General Motors still looms as the largest factor in the news background, analysts said. Although hopes of ther a cut in the Federal Reserve discount rate or a lowering of banks' prime both, still abound, investors have adopted a wait-and-see titude before committing funds to the market. Volume on the New York Stock Exchange totaled 10.79 million shares, down from 12.19 million shares on Wednesday. The Associated Press 60-stock average closed unchanged at 260.8, with industrials unchanged, rails off0.2 and utili- up 0.2.

Standard Poor's 500-stock index closed off 0.29 at 84.10. Airlines, steels, motors, and were off. Rubber iselectronics, and chemicals were up, while metals, rails and utilities were mixed. On the Big Board, 20 stocks had new highs and 6 had new lows. Closing Big Board prices included volume leader Royal Dutch Petroleum, off to Mohawk Data, off to Xerox, off to Fannie Mae, up General Signal, off to 54; General Motors, up to 73; and Texaco, off to On the American Stock Exchange, prices were also lower.

The Amex price-change index fell 0.04 to 21.99, and declines outnumbered advances by 466 to 301. There were 275 unchanged stocks. Amex volume totaled 2.15 million shares, down from the 2.62 million shares traded Omitting Dividends Pinches Stockholders NEW YORK ers have been pinched this year by a sharp rise in the number of corporations omitting or reducing dividend payments. A survey of 2,687 companies by Standard Poor's an investment advisory service, shows that in the first 10 months of the year 226 omitted dividends, compared with 124 in all of 1969. Dividend cuts were ordered by 174 companies in the first 10 months, up from 101 in all of last year.

Saul A. Smerling, Standard Poor's vice president for invest- Dividends STOCK Diebold Inc 3pc 12-15 1-22 Sambo's Restrnt 10pc 12-22 2-10 INITIAL Dover Emerson Corp Elec .1875 11-27 12-15 Sambo's Restrnt LESsEr 12-22 2-10 INCREASED West Chem Pds .25 11-17 12-1 .29 11-20 12-10 REDUCED Address-Multigrph .15 11-23 1-10 EXTRA Hoskins Mfg .20 11-20 12-4 Tampax 70 12-15 OMITTED Std Pressed Sti REGULAR Am Standard .25 11-18 12-15 Avon Prods .275 11-16 12-1 Cone Mills .25 11-16 12-1 Diebold Inc .12 12-11 12-31 Gen Elec .38 11-23 1-1 Grace WR .375 11-17 Hilton Hotels .25 12-15 12-30 Hoskins Mfg .20 11-20 12-4 Pac Petroleums ..30 11-20 12-18 Tampax .85 11-20 12-15 US. PlywdChmpP .21 8 12-18 1-14 Walgreen Co .25 11-20 12-12 Thursday's Final Dividends Declared Pe- Stk. of Pay. Rate riod Record able Earnings Fenner Smith) co 1970 1969 Amron Cmnt Crp .60 Ani Ryn Mns .10 .22 Ark Wstn Gs .95 .78 Atl Sgr Rfn .81 .59 ATO Inc .44 Bekins Co .90 Belco Petroleum Corp 1.67 1.44 Ptrim Co 1.67 1.44 Cal Pcfc UtI 1.18 1.26 Can Stmshp Lns 1.83H 1.59H Chckn Unimtd Entr .60 .36 Cico Inds .73 .59 Clopay Crp .65 Comnco Ltd 1.30L 1.29L Dmn Giss Ltd .85 .87 Dwzr Elc .63 .45 Elctro Crit Crp .01 El Trncs Inc Gnrl Bndng Crp .65 .57 Gng Inds Inc .98 .91 Grir Inc 1.85 1.75 HyTmp Cgr Crp .81 .56 Hawaii Crp .57 .40 Hmsote Co 1.45 4.64 Inexco Ol Co .39 .10 Ingrsll Rnd Co 2.87 2.78 Kn Milr Crp 1.22 1.75 McQy Inc 1.29 1.23 Moore Crp Ltd .94 .87 NVF Co 1.78 4.40 Qrn Inds .71 .70 P.

A Inds 1.10 Prstn Mns Ltd .15 .15 REDM Crp Rvs Inds ,14 .06 Rbrt Brc Inc .85 .92 Sfgrd Inds .63 .58 Smbs Restrnts .76 .57 Sngmo Elc .43 .38 Schlmbgr 3.00 2.85 Scovill Mfg 2.07 2.73 Smth Intrntl .68 1.22 Tchnel Pblshg .39 .45 Uslife Crp 1.51 1.19 Co. PER 1970 1969 Alld Fds .31 .85 Cptl Fim Lbrtrs 6M Chic Brdg Irn 36W 2.91 2.35 Ck Untd Inc 40W .93 1.23 Crtchr Presrcs Crp. .22 Crmptn Co. 3.86 2.18N DKib Agrsrch 1.76 1.40 Elxr Inds .18 .21 Pntr Crp .60 1.00 Fimwys Inc 1.43 Gid Inc .62 .74 Houstn Lghtne Pnr 1.04 .98 Intrmrk Invst 6M Kblr Co, 40W 2.14 1.30 La Pnt Inds .14 .25 Lnrgn Crp 6M .27 .75 Pntst Co 40W .12 .28 Pinnng Rsrch .16 .16 Ld Fds 13W .38 .39 Srvr Inc 6M .11 .16 Spc Ordnc Sys 6M .15 .06 Strdst Inc ,18 .24 Stwy Strs 40W 1.99 1.51 Tms Mrrr Co 1.24AB 1.52AB Vngrd Intrntl .05 C-Before $3.14 myn spec charge. -Before $2.07 myn spec credit.

-Before $188,000 credit. -Excludes spec gains 10c VS $1.04. -Before $5,667 credit VS $21,316 debit -Before $75,000 charge -Includes spec income of $800,000 VS $3.1 myn. N--Before $141,000 charge. -Before $187,000 tax credit, -Before $72,141 credit.

-Before $52,335 credit VS $109,986 de-Before $1.91 myn spec charge. bit. -After $1,050,000 credit. -Before tax credits $145,000 VS $280,000. W-Before $61,000 credit.

-Before tax credits $145,000 VS $140,000. -Before $231,000 credit. AA-Before goodwill amortization $3.15 myn vs $1.66 myn. AB-Before spec credits $4.63 myn vs $4.64 myn. AC--Before $146,766 credit.

(Compiled by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, New Highs, Lows 19.49 NEW HIGHS-20 14.37 Am Baker Motorola 9.68 Arch Dan Okla Gas Check Mot Over Trn wi 10.67 Clorol Peoples Gas 13.09 Johnsn John Petrolane 11.80| Kauf Broad Pfizer 9.40 Keebler Co Proct Gamb 5.87 Ligg Myers Reyn Ind pf 12.34 LigM 5.25pf 4.63 Melv Shoe Winn Dix 4.04 NEW 6 6.63 Acme Cleve Nthgate Ex 2.40 Alleg Lud Revere Cop 9.99 Ginos Inc Yngst 'S Dr ment policy, said there were three main reasons for the higher number of dividend omissions and decreases. "First," he said, "there was a decline in corporate earnings. There has been a tightening of liquidity throughout industry. And the total of plant capital outlays had been increasing." Standard Poor's said more companies reduced or omitted dividends last month, while fewer raised their payments or declared extra dividends, than in any previous October in the last 10 years. The October figures were 23 omissions against 15 in October 1969, and 21 decreases against 11 a year earlier.

The trend continued this week with General Motors the world's biggest manufacturer, heading the list. GM, which has been shut down by a strike since Sept. 14, paid an 85-centsa-share dividend covering the fourth quarter but omitted the usual year-end extra dividend. Last year the company paid a year-end extra of $1.50 a share. GM's 1,346,000 stockholders own 285,551,000 shares.

Among other big companies which have omitted dividends this year were General Dynamics, Jones Laughlin, LingTemco-Vought, SCM, White 1 Motor and Solitron Devices. Despite the rise omissions and decreases, aggregate dividend payments reached a reclord the annual third rate of $25.4 billion the quarter, topping $24.7 billion in dividends paid in all of 1969, the best dividend year in the 1960s. Standard Poor's reported that its survey far the first 10 months of this year showed that favorable, actions--increases, extras and -fell to 1.220 from 1,640 in the like period of 1969. as News steady, 4.50- on Thurs- Prev. Close 28.32 28.62 b29.17 29.60 29.12 b29.

a29.10 302; 21; 16.50 17.00 17.82 20.45 21.30 21.70 20.75 June 36.65 39.20 3.7.20 b35.90 Feb n4.67 n5.35 5.10 30.00 30.30 31.25 31.90 31.30 546; Provant 4.05 4.43 Prud Sys 9.15 10.00 Puritan 9.00 9.84 Putnam Funds: Equit 6.71 7.33 Georg 12.60 13.77| Grth 8.79 9.61 Incom 7.13 7.79 Invest 6.33 6.92 Vista 7.22 7.89 Voyag 5.90 6.45 Revere 8.87 9.69 Rinfret 13.64 13.75 Rosenth 5.50 6.01 Salem Fd 4.81 5.26 13.39 14.65 Scudder Funds: Int Inv 13.37 13.62 Spcl 27.77 27.77 Bal 13.51 13.51 Com St 8.59 8.59 Security Funds: Equty 2.82 3.08 Invest 7.22 7.89 Ultra 5.95 6.50 Selec Am 8.42 9.11 Sel Specs 13.19 14.42 Senti Gth 7.39 8.03 Sham Fd 9.10 9.10 Shear Ap 24.16 26.40 Sh Dean 14.48 14.48 Side 8.62 9.45 Sigma Funds: Capti 7.35 10.75 8.03 Invest 9.84 Trust 8.01 8.75 Smith 8.28 8.28 Swst Inv 7.76 8.39 Swinv Gt 5.47 5.91 Sover Inv 12.25 13.41 Spectra 5.93 6.50 StFrm Gt 4.51 4.51 State St 40.50 41.50 Steadman Funds: Am Ind 3.31 3.63 Fiduc 5.59 6.13 Stein Roe Fds: Bal 16.86 16.86 Cap Op 11.77 7.63 .7.63 Stock 11.77 Supervisd Inv: Grth 6.00 6.58 Sumit 8.72 9.56 Tech 6.28 6.84 Syner Gt 7.67 8.38 TMR Ap 10.08 11.02 Teachrs 8.46 8.81 Techncl 3.58 3.91 Temp Gt 23.13 25.32 Towr MR 4.43 4.84 Tran Cap 6.73 7.32 Trav Eq 8.50 9.29 Tudor Fd 11.13 12.16 TwnC Gt 2.76 3.03 TwnC Inc 3.82 4.19 Unif Mut 8.26 9.03 Unifd unavail Un Capitl 8.34 9.11 United Funds: Accm 6.28 6.88 Incom 12.31 13.49 Scien 6.56 7.19 Vang 7.58 8.31 UFd Can 7.14 7.80 Value Line Fd: Val Lin 5.35 5.86 Incom 4.35 4.77 Spl Sit 4.41 4.83 spl 6.94 7.58 Vandrbt 5.81 6.35 Vangd 3.70 4.04 Var Ind? 4.19 4.55 Viking 5.36 5.83 WallSt In 9.75 10.66 Wash Mu 10.74 11.74 Wellingtn Group: Expir 18.32 Ivast 13.15 Morg 8.86 Techv 7.08 Trust 9.76 Wells! 11.98 Welltn 10.80 Windr 8.60 West Ind 5.37 Whitehll 11.29 Wincp Fd 4.25 9.00 Winfield 3.70 Wisc Fd 6.07 8.83 Worth 2.40 6.91 Zeigler 9.14 Livestock CHICAGO (AP) (USDA) Cattle receipts Thursday were 300; supply mainly cows selling fully steady in fairly active trade; utility and commercial cows 17.75- 19.00; few high dressing utility 19.25-19.50; canners and cutters 15.50-18.50. Sheep 100; few part loads choice and prime 88-100 lb shorn slaughter lambs with No 01 pelts 28.50-29 00. NATIONAL HOG MARKETS Sales on National hog markets Thursday, with weight and price range, as provided by the South Carolina Market News Service, included: lowa and southern Minnesota-Estimated receipts barrows and gilts: U.S. 1-3 210-230 lbs country points direct sales 15.25-15.50, packing plants 15.50-16, U.S. 2-4 280-300 lbs country points direct sales 12.75-13.50, packing plants 13-14; sows: US.

1-3 270-330 lbs country points direct sales 12.50-13.50, packing plants 12.75-13.75, U.S. 2-3 400-450 Ibs country points direct sales 11.25-12.25, packing plants 11.50-12.50. -Estimated receipts barrows and gilts: U.S. 1-3 190-230 lbs for U.S. 2-4 240-250 lbs for 15.25- 15.75; sows: US.

1-3 325-450 lbs for 12.75-13.25, U.S. 2-3 450-625 lbs for 12.25- 12.75; boars: 11.75-12.25. National Stockyards, St. Louis-Estimated receipts barrows and gilts: 1-3 200-240 lbs for 16.25-16.75, U.S. 2-4 230-260 lbs for 15 sows: U.S.

1-3 300-400 lbs for 12.50-13.50, U.S. 2-3 400-600 lbs for 12.25-12.75; boars: Peoria, receipts barrows and gilts: U.S. 1-3 200-240 lbs for U.S. 2-4 260-280 lbs for 14.25-15; sows: U.S 1-3 300-400 lbs for U.S. 2-3 400-625 lbs for 12.50-13; boars: 13, Indianapolis--Estimated receipts barrows and gilts: U.S.

1-3 190-250 lbs for 16.50-17.25, U.S. 2-4 240-270 lbs for sows: U.S. 1-3 320-350 lbs for 13 U.S. 2-3 400-600 lbs for 12.75- 13.50: boars: 11-12, Treasury Bonds 26 6 32 22 46 11 12 33 94 63 16 20 12 Wall Murry 1 17 Walworth Co WardFd 1.10f 11 24 10 Warnaco .90 52 WarLam 1.20 Warn Sw 1.60 33 23 WasGas 1.80 18 Wash St 22 WashWP 1.36 18 Watkin Johns Wean Unit 13 Weathrd 104 Webb Del 42 Weis Mkt .92 3 35 3 Welbilt. 9 29 WellsFar 1.60 5 12 WescoF 1.29t 24 55 WPP.

pf 4.50 280 57 WstP1P 1.30e 28 Wstn Air Lin 293 32 Wn Banc 1.30 54 Wstn Md 1.60 12 Westn Pac 24 31 Wn Union 1.40 32 82 66 Wn Un pf 6 Wn Un p14.60 16 67 76 Wn Un pf4.90 WestgEl 1.80 321 59 WestE pf3.80 z200 Westvco 1.05 22 Weyberg 1.20 34 Weyerhsr .80 167 52 Weyhr pf6.75 7 WheelPitt StI 21 52 WheelPit pt 6 220 17 ATE: 68 27 20 35 35 35 57 57 57 33 67 66 67 53 52 52 25 2434 25 NEW YORK (AP) Closing over the counter U.S. Government Treasury bonds, bid, asked, net change and yield for Thursday. 71-66 99 99.4 5.04 4s 71 98.14 98.22 5.77 71 97.24 98 5.93 45 72 Feb 97.4 97.12 6.17 2125 72-67 Jun 94.12 94.20 8 6.07 45 72 Aug 96.4 96.12 6.19 72-67 Sep 93.10 93.18 6.24 72-67 Dec 92.10 92.18 6.34 45. 73 93.10 93.18 6.58 73 93 2 93.10 6.61 74 92.10 92.18 6.70 74 92.4 92.12 6.72 74 89.16 90 6.76 4s 80 78.12 79.12 7.07 80 73.20 74.20 7.08 83-78 67.28 68.28 7 01 85 67.12 68.12 6.69 85-75 73.8 74.8 7.12 90 67.16 68.16 6.36 92-87 70.16 71.16 6.77 4s 93-88 68.28 69.28 6.60 94-89 68.24 69 24 6.70 3s 95 67.16 68.16 5.33 98 67.16 68.16 5.78 Prices quoted in dollars and 32nds. Subiect to Federal taxes but not to State income taxes.

N.Y. Eggs NEW YORK (AP)-(USDA)--Whole sale egg offerings fully adequate on large, barely adequate on mediums. Demand fair today. Wholesale selling prices based on volume sales. New York spot quotations follow: Standards Whites: Fancy large (47 Ibs min) 38-39.

Fancy medium (41 lbs average) 33-354 FARCy smalls (36 lbs average) 31-33,.

The State from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)


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