The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 23 AMUsem*nTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1955 AMUsem*nTS Theater News and Views "World of Sholom Aleichem' Plays Single Engagement 1. Interesting Performance by Skilled Cast at Jewish Community Center By LOUT scat 111 the large auditorium 11 audience that tilled unvery 1110 Jewish Communty Center appreciative attention The World of Sholom Alcichem" 1 Heh had such a successful New FI York run two seasons ago. The a principals were in the original this Arnold Perl dramA'tation which was directed by 13 ward Da Silva. The three parts were the folk Tale of Chelm." "Bontche Schweig," from I. L.

Perot: and "The High School' (Gymnasiuin), from Sholon Alcichom. thus providing stage composition of humor and "A Tale of Chelm' was merry picec that twinkled with comment on the vagaries of huIran nature brought to the faro by the practical joker, the innkeeper. An invisible goat, that by some alchemy becomes it nanny. is crux of the jocularity. the ancedote sparkle and considerable meaning beyond the plain statement of fact was the by Mendele, the characterized in mellowing fashion by Herschel Bernadix.

"Bontche Schweig" was a choice bit of fantasy telling of the arrival in heaven of a poor man who, while on earth, had borne privation and indignities in stoical silence, without thought of retaliation. The angels welcome 3 hint and present him to the preangel who listens A reof his hardships by the defending counsel. Eager to rechim for all that w'as him, as a mortal, they themselves know humility anew learning that all he asks is a warm biscuit with butter everyMarie Andrews' defending anrel wAS eloquently spoken, a moving declamation that lip a lite of patience and nonresistance. George Tyne. in the tle role which Jacob' Ben Ami paved in New York) was a drafigure.

"The Iligh School." recounted the moments of ansicty and portion experienced by a father 5. and mother while their son was to make then grades that would carry him school he wanted to enter. The little matD tor of obtaining a is. in time. accomplished.

was played in robust come1: dy style by Mr. Bernardix, as the father: Fritzy Burr as the realand orderly-minded mother ant Jack Banning as the hoy. It was an interesting evcning Affording as it did the opportunity spe this well known collection nt play's so exportly presented. President Eisenhower is discomfited when the handle of his mousine comes off in his hand. remains to be seen if this will brinz on another General Motors invostigation.

MEAT LAND 585 Columbus Ave. So. End Shopping Center Parking 300 Cars 30 EASTERN AVE, Parking 150 Cars TUES. WED. SPECIALS PURE BEEF HAMBURG Hourly Ground 15 lb, Fresh LEAN SMOKED SHOULDERS 25 HEAVY WESTERN REEF STEAKS SHORT SIRLOIN 7-BONE lb.

LENOX LEAN SLICED BACON TENDER BEEF 1 LIVER lb. Open 'til 8 P.M. They Visit Paris 1 Sol and Betty Marsh. American but have leading soles in Louis day." continuing at the Boston Eiffel 5 couple. who are not actors de Rochemont's "Cinerama HoliTheater, Boston, pose before the Tower.

Outdoor Sportsman's Guide By BUDDY MARCEAU All over America, millions of boys and girls are eagerly awaiting Christmas. They have indicated to their loved ones. in one way or another, the things which they most desire as gifts. Many of them have their hearts set on real gun. In some homes, this interest has been encouraged by parents who are experienced shouters.

In other homes it may present a problem. In cither case. the decision, whether yes or no. should be made only after a careful valuation. It easiest to decide this question if we understand why 1105i ple to shoot, And why so many millions do shoot.

Trere is a priceless tradition in America's attitude toward fircarms. I' represents freedom, which few nations enjoy. 'ives in our history books and our literature. The great saga of winning the West--of thee pioneere and trailblazers. the fight against wild animals and hardships-is a part of this great tradition and romance that is the heri'ase of our The change in the mode of living in our society and the ever increasing availability of leisure time have focussed attention of many acuvities that "have lifetime value.

Prominent among these are outdoor pursuits such Punting and more target people shorting, themselves of this form of recrearion, it becomes A recognized activity in the lives of our chil dren. There. is also a practical necessity in America's attitude 10- ward firearms. Since the birth of our nation, its systen: of nationai defense has been based on mall regular military force and large and strong civilian reserve. Marksmanship training an essential element of parodness and affecis the individual more directly than any other.

Each boy when he reaches age of 13, becomes liable for service in the armed forces and chard. They married in 1950 and have one child. Amy, Too bad. We thought this was for keeps. Shirley Jones is back from Now York City for an added scene in She hopes to finish so she can fly back to Manhattan with Barbara Ruick on Saturday.

Barbara makes her singing debut in "Carousel" and ill cut some records back there do few TV shows. I asked Shirley if she'd scen Rodgers and Hammerstein in New York Cry and if they had any stage plans for her next car. She said, "I saw Mr. Rodgers for few minutes. but nothing was said about any play.

I wish they did have for Leo Genn phoned before taking off for New York City to play Kinz Herod in Eartha Kitt's 011 said, sticking my neck out, but I've always louged to play this character. The reason." he explained. didn't play in the picture, 'Run for the is that they changed characters on me. 1 read the script, okayed the character was 10 portray. and when alfrived in Hollywood I learned that particular character had been written out, and they had cast for another of which couldn't Paul Muni feels SO well since this cyc operation he has agreed 10 make his debut on a TV show in "A Letter from the The nurses At Cedars Lebanon hospital here are happy having Leo Spitz back.

They hold a "kaffco klatsch' in hiroom every Afternoon. Leo's floor mates AlC Harry Warner and Eddic Cantor, but Leo is the pet; of the institution. For 20 years I.conidoft produced the nativity chows for the holiday scason at New York's Music hall. llo arrives in lollywood next to siage a nativity Show. which will he part of Milton Berle's TV presentation Dee.

(Copyright: By The Chicago Tribune) Looking Over Hollywood HEDDA HOPPLE t'. $. 191 Legal Notices Legal Notices PROPOSALS OF MASS CHUSETTA Devartment Public Works. COMMONWEALTH Sealed proposals for projects A3 listed helon: NOTICE TO Room 127, 101 Nashua Street. Boston, until 2:00 CONTRACTORS: will op mentioned and At that place lid time publicly opened and received at 1'.

M. and ecifications (amount returnable 1.0 bidders and on thr, read. Charge for Plans proposal 29 shown. Proposal DE EMBER 19.37 Sperit. Guaranty 1- (11 Steal Stringer Br, with Cone.

De k. V. 0. 1.700. -1.

constr. sec. -No. $3.11 800. 11 EDNESDAY.

1973 8-BEVERLY Conatr. Accel. Decol. Lanes 'p, 3.001 TENT. 40STO bides, Kneelat.d Curve Streets N.

C. 1,300. 11 Arch bridge 3.111 A- Drainaze Wk. Rton. 5.01 000.

7-NEW F'-1'0 Constr. 40 07.000. 6 PI Heron. tr. 10.00 00 6.500.

88-3 section of State lin y. 30 10.00 72,800. A 2P Wk. Boston J'OAL Hd. Rie, 20 5.101 154.

Minimum And rates been catablished. d'ourlete in.forma:ion At it office. on display District offices, Right to waive ino.rm.ality in or Any or all proposals. AMArO will not he an. de.

to Contractor who 1: 1101 equipped to undertake and complete the work. By JOHN A. OLDE. Commissioner of Public Works. comber 1350.

Hollywood, Dec. 12 Eva Paramount Maric is over Saint that they arr trying 10 negotiate car deal with her tole the next five years. Wouldn't surprise 1118 if her next picture would be George Scaton and William Perlberg. production, "Teacher's Ann Sheridan veCn a in Mexico City since September. She has her eye on piece of land she wonts to buy don 11 there.

She is back to start work in "The Opposite Sex' at Metro. 1. asked if she'd received the moncy Steve Hannagan left her his will. She said. I've forgotten about that.

I'll have to call 1113 lawyer and find out what happened to it." Donna Reed paid it was a gigantic undertakpacking up her children for a three month stay in London. It may even be longer. Her husband, Tony Oven, rented a flat there and has it all staffed and ready for their arrival. After they make "Beyond Mombasa" together in Africa. Donna may return here for another at Universal studio as she was so good in "The Bonny Goodman Story." A humdinger of a foud is taking place here between Liberace and Ed Sulli, an.

Liberace claims he wasn't well treated on his last appearance on the Sullivan show. Ed contends he rolled out the red carpet for him. The first round ended in a draw. I imagine there will be r'orc coming along. The Audience Awards winners were a huge surprise.

Our big boys can't figure them out. was certain the late Jimmy Dean would get it for best actor. Ho has a tremendous following, and kids worship him. Teen-agers voted for Tab Hunter. Lovers of TV voted for Porgy Lee.

Too many people couldn't have seen her in "Pete Kelly's Blues." Thousands of current and cA-Gi's thruout the nation loved the play, "Mister so they saw picture and voted. Jennifer Jones' performlance in "Love Is a Many Splendored Thing" was adult, as was the picture. Jennifer was the most amazed girl I've ever seen when her name was called, and Peggy 1,22 and Tab Hunter apparently were surprised. It was a rewarding evening, and certainly has given our town something to think over. Nick Ray.

director of "Rebel Without a Cause," leaves Monday for Chicago, then for La Crosse, to sco his mother is 84. Next, Nick will visit New York to see Shelley Winters in "A Hatful of Rain." alter which he'll board a slow boat to England. He'll talk contract there for the directing of two pictures. tell' Josephine Dillon phoned to me she's going to Chicago for Christmas where she'll appear on Jack Eigen's TV show. She has many friends in the windy city and expects 10 have a ball.

The Henry Fondes finally admitted they've separated. She was Susan BlanLegal Notices POSTING NOTICE On and after thus date. will not he ebla for any contracted by anyone other than myself. MR. ROBERT 1.

DOUGLAS 20 Sergeant Springteld, Maas. Data: Doz. 12. TOWN OF SOUTH WICK BOARD OF APPEALS December 12. 1067 Notice is hereby riven that the Board Appanis will zive A.

hearing at the 0 office Southaick. December 19. 015. At D. to all parties interstad in the of William InciMeeting a of the byA .3 to permit the enlarzement sting nonconforming business Greater than 13 per ent, located on Loomi: Street.

NORMAN TYLER 'hairman of MASSACHUSETTS 2 PROBATE COURT To A11 interested in estate ALAS WITHER POOS of in said County. A minor. 'I'ho 41 of sand has presented to said Court its four a account fo" allowance. you desire to object therete you or your attorney Should file A written In Said Court at Springfirld before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the day of December the return day of this citation. Witness, TI STAPLETON.

Esquire. First of said Court. this first day of December in the year ol our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty(it JOHN J. LYONS, Register. HAMI'DEN PROBATE BE COURT WEALTH of MASS To all persons interested in tho trust under the will of FROM of Springfield de for the honcl*t of 0.1 6.3t HARRINGTOS and others under tha fourth clause of said 1:111.

1'he truate. of maid estate bes presented to said Court for allowance its twenofth Count. If you desire to abject therein you 01' vour attorney should file A written Springfield anA nop 171 said C'ourt 71 so fora 111 1110 forenoon on day of 1055, 111 a ratliril day of this citation. THOMAS Firat Judge of said Court. this thirtieth day of November in thro of ntir Lord A thousand nine hundred litty-five.

JOHN J. Remater. Today's Programs At Local Loew's View from Pompey's 11.35, 3, 6.25, 9.50; "They Who 1.16, 4.41. 8.06. Paramount 'The Warriors" 12.37.

3.39, 6.11, 9.36; "'The Return of Jack 11.07, 2.00, 5.11, 8.06. Bijou "Undercover Man." 1.50, 5.05, 8,20: "Count Three and Pray 12, 3.15, 6.30, 9.10. Running 3.07, 6.50 and 9.30. "Tarantula," 11.30. 2.20, 5.15 and 8.15.

Art-' 7.51, Vera Cruz," 6.15, 9.31. "Rebel Without Cause, 2.00. 8.10; "Sabaska" 1.30, 13. 10. Jefferson, "They Were So Young." "Ulysses," 8.30.

Arcade and Costello Icet the Mummy," 11.30, 2.20, 5.20, 8.15; Ma Kettle at Waikiki." 1. 3.55. 6.50, 9.10. W'. S.

Tall Men" 6.30, 9.15: Living Swamp," 8.10. Hours," 2.30, 6.30, 9.35; "Cross 1.30, 8.30. Matchmaker' Bright Delight Ruth Gordon Riotous in Thornton Wilder Comedy By JOHN M'CLAIN New York. (NANA) It has been A very jong time since have seen it group of players enjoying themselves as much AS the east of "The Matchmaker, which opened at the Royale last we k. this sensc of fun transmits itself to the audience: be a Thornton bright Wilder's delight in comedy these should parts for a protracted spell.

The author has adopted the technique of a restoration farce to assemble A fabulous melange of mistaken identity, mechanical effects, slapstick. and a tenuous thine of a widower slyly maneuvered into the toils of a scheming widow. Characters stop now and then to address audience, and there is never the slightest reliance on logic logistics: the thing rolls along merrily and madly and the customers are convulsed. It is almost an impertinence to dissect the plot, since Mr. Wilder would probably insist there is none, but there is at least a workable background involving a prosperous merchant in Yonkers, circa 1880, some menials who slave for him, attractive New York milliner.

and a Mrs. Levi who is by all odds one of the most engaging personalities we've come across since Shirley Booth's last time out. 'This is of course Ruth Gordon, and she's never had 2 better tin.c. is difficult to describe her of the role: there is nothing to indicate just why she rails and swaggers she docs. But it doesn't matier.

it seems just right. When. in the' final act, she slips the audience one sly wink cu route to her beloved's arms the not falls in. There is another enormous periormance by Loring the old reliable, as the merchant of Yonkers. Hc 18 that dependacharacter who huffs and puffs and amiably succumbs in the end.

and there is nobody around who can do so with such cutraged dignity. Eileen ail import, is extremely capable and ingenuous as the milliner: other notable I contributions are offered by Arthur Till. Patrick McAlinney, Robert Morse. Rosamund Greenwool, Peter Bayliss and Esme Church. The four sets for "The Matchmaker' are simply and magnificontly conceived by Tanya Mo and Tyrone Guthrie has directed with pace and precision.

There are 2 lulls in the evening. there are 50:112 senseless absurdities. but it is usually A gay and relentle-: DCrformed by delightful propic. It 13 well worth the price of sion. JEFFERSON MAN MET MACE "ULYSSES" IN TECHNICOLOR WITH Kirk Douglas Silvano Mangano cO FEATURE "They Were So Young" Brainwashing Is Subject of Play Everybody Has Ideas On How to Treat 'Valour Will Weep' Washington.

Dec. 12 (M -Putting together a play about prisoners of war is somewhat like building the Tower of Babel. There arc so inany conflicting ideas on the subject you get the feeling everybody is speaking different The language. play involved here is called "Valour Will Weep" but is to be "Tine Limit" before it hits Broadway in mid-January. It's the midst of a tryout at the National Theater.

Coauthor Henry Denkor And star Arthur Kennedy said in separate interviews they've never had much free advice. Everybody, so, scems, has an idea about POWS and wants to get it on record. No Answer This play does not seek to answer the question of what sort of ground rules the armed forces should set up to deal with Americans who for one reason or another succumb to the Communist line while in prison camp. In- this it is 110 different from the military establishment which after years of study has yet to fix airm rules of conduct. just isn't any simple answer." Denker said.

we hope to do is to pat the problem before the public and try to illustrato that no one set of rules can apply to all POWS." Kennedy, whit, plays all Army lawyer investigating a POW case, said he is convinced there is no public issue with such a general fascination at this time. Denker and Kennedy recalled numerous times since the play's tryout run began in Columbus, two weeks ago when they were approached in hotel by theatergoers who offered this or that suggestion about how to the POW problems presculed in the play. "Everybody has his own ideas," Denker said. "Sonctimes they agree with mine and sometimes they don't." It is largely tor this reason that the play has been going through some intensive rewriting, despite critical praise in the press. Have 'Their Idea, Kennedy would like to sce play attack one phase the problem harder; Denker prefers concentration 011 another, and costar Richard Kiley, of telo.

vision fame, is most interested in yet another. Other members of the cast, the director, producers. have different ideas. The play is the brainchild o' Denkor. author of radio series, "Tho Greatest Story Ever Told," and Ralph Berkey, an upstate New York farmer with Majestic AMPU FARING All scope t'olor bun Clark Robert Gabia I Ryan 11c0 "The Living LAST MAIN FEATURE 9:50 Loews POLIO NOW CinemaScope ALL CICHARD C- HERON COLOR MITCHELL S40M 'THE VIEW FROM POMPEYS HEAD' Plus-'THEY WHO DARE' STARTS SATURDAY Clare GASIE Robert TAYLOR lero TURNER HONKY TONK BILLY the kairolor KID CONVENT BIJOU VAN HEFLIN COUNT THREE AND CINEMASCOPE PRAY Colet TECHNICOLOR Co-Feature -GLENN FORD in MAN" Ends Tonite "Vera Cruz" "Top Banana" ART 6:00 DOORS P.M.

JOHN returns thrill in 2 of his Greatest Fightin' SANDS Lovin' Laughin'. OF John Agar Forrest Adele Tucker Mere and Passion and Greed! Lawless Drama of A WAKE Mi RED YOUNG WITCH RUSSELL Gig Gail whom Denker formerly rated in radio. analyzes the question of heroism. Can A InAn be a hero 100 days and a covard for one and be written off as a coward? "In the theater," Denker said. "every member of the audience must identify himself with characters.

I certain the audience does this completely in this play. They all Ask themselves: 'What would I have And neither Denker or Kennedy nor the Army nor you nor I can answer that question, unless perhaps W'C have been brainwashed. And even then, psychologists say, you can never be sure. 'Cat Eye' Gadget Sees in Dark Baltimore, Dec. 12 The Air Force announced today it is perfecting an electronic "cat eye" which "can see in the dark with daylight clarity.

amplitier" is the name for it. It's something like TV. The Air Rescarch and Development Command said it is approximately 21 thousand times more sensitive than the standard television camera. "'It presents a cathode ray tube image not unlike A television picture," the Air Force said. "Even when.used under the poorest lighting conditions at night, it presents a clear, sharp picture.

"'In a flight test at Wright Air Development Center, airborne ob- ARCADE 11A1 'TI ONE 1. 1 ONLY Special Twin HIt Laff Show "MA and PA Abbott and KETTLE AT WAIKIKI" Costello Meet Percy Marjory Kilbride Main The Mummy STARTS 1OMGRROW 'Trial' DOPOTHI GLENN McQUIRE Lady Godiva O' Maureen 'ara SO AMPLE PARKING servers were able to the ground clearly cn a moonless, winter night." The development work at Wright Field at Dayton, .0., began 30 months ago and the idea been perfected cone tracis with Westinghouse and Radio Corporation of Amerigoal is adapting equipment for color work. ARDC said R. V. H.

Gabel. Lake Croft, Dr. J. F. Cleniens and Dr.

B. B. Johnston, all menbers of the branch of the acronautical rescarch laboratory Wright Field, instrumer. tal in the development. JAMES DEAN "Rebel Without Cause" and "Sabasko" Boris Karloff Wed.

M. O'cra "Lady Godiva" BING NOW 'Desperate Hours' "Cross Humphrey Bogart Channel" March V. Morris "TRIAL" and "CITY OF SHADOWS" TWO BIG H175 TODAY VAT. NE AT 1:30 ret will have to bear a fi: placed in his hands. This fact must be included in plans for the future of every boy.

Because of the influence of American tradition, tho increased out-ofparticipation in. activities doors, and the anticipation of military service. our and daughters develop a11 increasing interest in firearms as they grow older. Too often. however.

this interest develops faster than the child's sense of responsibility and knowledge of guns. Too many adults have overlooked the need poo-fer fircarris safely education in the home and in the school. A earm is inanimate object which is incapable. within it eif, of barming anyone. It can be safe.

or dangerous, depending entirely upon how well trained or how poorly trained is the person who handles it. Instruction in suite gun handing now is being given at shootling club, such as the Springfield Sportsman's Club. Agawam Sportsman's Club, and others. in Springfield high schools, by Longmeadow police, and by the Law Enforcement Division of the Conservation Department, and through other sources. In all of these the instructions are based on the "Hunter and Target Shooter' safety courses of the National Rifle Association or that of the United States Revolver Association.

The National Rifle Association course has been designed to teach firearms safety education in order tO avoid gun accidents. the home. ard in the field. Eve.V parent purchasirg a sur. see to it that his boy or girl knots about firearms and safety in their use.

Louis F. Lucas, acting execuItive director of the National Rifle Association, says, and we join him in thi- statement. "When a youngster has an interest in firea proper sene of responsibilitv. and a Knowledge of safe gun handling then he should be granted his wish and set a real gun for Christmas." wart to add that no parent should purchase Christmas gun, .22 or air rifle. unless slie will accompany the youngster every time he goes afield with his gun.

First it is the law and second, it is the parent's responsibility. The joy of the Christmas gun to a youngster may be the sorrow of the parent who does not supervise all sun activities. Shooting is 3 way of life, and best way to keep living is to know the firearm and how 10 handle it sally. Consult NRA and USRA shooters before making a purchase. Child Dies in Hub Tenement Blaze Boston, Dec.

12 P--One child died, 12 persons wore hospitalized and 30 were left homeless in A five-alarm fire today in a South Boston tenement district. Searchers found the body of little boy in ruins late today, was believed to be that threeyear-old Edward Henderson who WAS visiting in the six-family dwelling at 91-03 West Broadway. The biaze apparently started in rubbish barrel in the rear of the tenement house and was whisked by a strong wind to back porches. The fire spread to three two-story dwellings and two stores. Fire Chief Stapleton estimated damage at $25,000.

Legal Notice Of 93 PRORATE COURT To all persona interested 1114 under the 1 ili of HORA 1444 late of Springfield in for the benefit. of LOTTIE M. LARK and others under the ni said will. The trustees of QAii estate have pte In said Court tor allo: anta their tenth account. 1.

you desire to object their your attorney should file A. written 4 Dearance in said Court al eld before ten o'clock in the (menonn 011 the ents -seventh day of December 1905 the Teturn day of th'3 citation. THOM 15 HI. STAPLETON. First fudge of said Court, this thirtieth day of November in our Lord one thousand nine hundred J.

LYONS, Register. 8-13-19, COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS s4 PROBATE COURT To 311 interested in tho pointe A WILLIAM IRELLI late of Springfield in said C'ounty. 'Tho ad ministratrix of said has presented to -aid Court for allowance her first and final account. If J'011 desire to object thereto. V'Ou or should file written anin said Court at Springfield before ton o'clock in the forenoon on the turn day this citation.

twentieth day. of December 1015, the Tr Witness. 1. STAPLETON. P.

First Judze of cad Court. this twenty -eighth day of November 111 the of our Lord one thougand mine hund: ed fifty-fito. JOHN J. LYONS, Rezistor. c.

HOST PASSBOOK Notice berphy given that applicatinu has been made to tho American Roach Credit Union for the amount of deposit represented by passbook No. 6117 by said hank to Adolph J. Ruins it being claimed that said pagebonk, has hopn st. stolen or destroyed, Dec. 12, (Dec.



The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.