The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Advertiseri

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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THE ADVERTISER ADELAIDE MONDAY SEPTEMBER L' 1930 7 LAW COURTS A SHOW MESSAGE SMART MOTOR CARS tBefv ENCING AND GATES Comfort and Luxury Combined Latest Development! Cjor35 years the Vacuum Oil (ompanij Ptylld haw served file Primary Prodncer WIRELESS RECEIVERS this VACUUM OIL CO PTY lift gKIfKI HE3Mplu 7 WUIJMOIL COMPANY IT WILL PAY YOU! Values are Unsurpassed Our UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN UNION MARKETERS Model A OP20 Mode! PT350 Model LIBERAL EDERATION a Women Educational Association PRICES ROM EXTENDED TERMS ARRANGED RADIOLA Keiiabfe farm and Sialion Machtaay STRIKING EXHIBIT Masacy Drinks for the Thirsty SIGNIIES Quality and Service the exhibit is painted sh*te and is Majestic SAMPLES WHEAT Tks Mtwy Harrli CoWrutfuf Orif rom all Parts of State OR THE SMALL 20 30 and 12 20 hp Tractors of BICKORD'S INE DISPLAY i Eddy's Ltd IX Rundle Street 223 only take day The the and (Qrfjtfaide) LIMITED make berve done Battery Models from Eddyola IS Mart CinU Sewiai MmIUm ELECTRICE RERIGERATORS SO Rail C19 All Electric Models from XlS15e 38 nil 14 23 gall £12 12 TERMS TO sun YOU The King Is of very massive construc tion and is built to suit dairymen with large herds and is particularly adaptable to power drive The individual parts are twice the weight of any other sepa rator of equal capacity that we know of It has an excellent automatic lubricat ing system is seif balanctng end has its own cast iron stand and tray to hold the cream can A window is provided to see the the oil supply is maintained and a contrivance is enable the operator to maintain the exact sjieed at which the machine should be turned EddyoU layers preren'd Imjmruint bt' dreiw connection with the nnnufacttire butter anrt rheew wit' bv dtecu rd OBTAINING LIQUOR ATER HOURS or havlnvunlawfullv obtained liquor during prohibited hours at the Aurora Hotel Adelaide on riday Charles Henry Kicnaras ana conn addv were each fined £7 with 15 costs bv Mr Muirhead SM in the Adelaide Police Court on Saturday Richards was also ordered to pay £4 15' for hevlnc given a false name and address to Constables Wortley and lint iEURITIS PAIN OR RHEUMATISM CONERENCE AT MOUNT LOTY DEXTER ELECTRIC WASHER Mr lusur Rtrhard') to rtay Stindlr tor Jwlj eatate of Andenou tember 22 on a charge of having be tween June 30 and September 9 stolen a motor cjcle worth 127 10 belonging io Clifford Charles Lorraine He was allowed ball in a personal bond of 1W Mr A Lent lull appeared for Ute prosecution into bold relief making a hand display which is admired by thousands of visitors at the Meteey Harrte Raagar TkraslMta MppM hi I ft rtawdard and 12 It Enflne tenettened Trrmt can be grd necessary BUTTER AND CHEESE ACTORIES Tn hand mowers there is a very large variety to choose from The ptices range from 42 6 to £22 10 Any of the above can be had on very easy terms INED OR USING INDECENT LANGUAGE Jew Muscot was ordered to pay 90 hv Mr Muirhead SM in the Adelaide Police Court on Saturday on a charge of having used indecent language at the Brooklyn Park sale verds on the previous day Pavilion spent Cable and Sons Tbs Mmsy Harrti 8ttW Tostli allwlm CIWlw wttk Mtu MStH Hft INTERERENCE WITH PUBLIC TELEPHONE ALI LGED Percival Benno Grocke and Eric William Pollard both of Colonel Light Gardens were charged before Mr Muirhead SM in the Adelaide Police Cour: on Saturday with having at Rose Park on September 9 unlaw fully brekrn a coin attachment part of a public telephone at the corner of Dulwich avenue and Gurney road Senior Enquiry Officer Con lon who prosecuted said that between 50 and 60 cases of telephones having been similarly interfered with had been reported to the department within the last few months Ho asked for a re mand which granted till Septem ber 22 The defendants applied lor bail and the nrnsecutor requested that sub stantial sureties should he required Bail was allowed each defendant In a personal bond of £60 and two sureties of £30 each Grocke was also remanded till So or 35 years the Company has supplied the highest quality Petroleum Products and has guided pas toralists fanners and how to use those products profitably by distributing over the years millions of ree Booklets on their economical use 4 DRAWER DROPHEAD Walnut Cabinet highest honor proves that Australia can manufacture and market a face cream equal to the world's best quality Eau de Cologne lavender water and bath salts form another attractive group and the surprising range ol styles in which these lines are packed is a revelation of what is done at the firm's laboratories and worlu In Way mouth street "Our Jack" brand flavor ing essences make a striking note of color with their handsome yellow blue and gold cartons The firm states that this line received the highest award given for essences at the exhibition and proves again that their slogan "The House of Quality" is no idle boast Bickford's cordials have been well Massey Harris Hobart Cabl drink The coffee is made with Bick fords celebrated coffee essence which obtained the highest award at the recent All Austraitan Exhibition and the de lightful fragrance which pervades this end of tiie stand proves the truth ol the well known slogan "Makes Real Coffee" which this firm use widelv in their advertisem*nts Miniature bottles of coffee essence may be obtained a a small cost from the smartly dressed girls in attendance Many other pro ducts are displayed in groups on dif ferent parts of the stand and show cards help to make the display more interesting and attractive Most of the lines displayed were shown al the recent All Australian Exhibition and nume rous gold and silver medals were Selectivity elartty and reliability are required to make a satisfactory wireless receiver Gladiola sets of which a com plete range advantageously exhibited in the main hall comprise all three The most important points about Gla dioli seta are that they arc more selec tive and leas expensive to operate than tnany others The exhibit in the main hall is of considerable Intere Shiw rooms are situated at 1MI Rimd street Adelaide and 84 Commercnl road Port Adelaide Gladiola Com pany manufactures these receiving sets and supoliee direct to customers wholesale prices THE LEADING WEEKLY PAPER Bayer discovered Aspirin tn 1900 urged the medical profession to adopt it in all forms of Rheumatism and Neu ritis The result was astounding Bayer Aspirin became famous because this ViKira! Aspirin seldom fails to relieve nr Rheumatism pain almost in stanuy rnen snortiv overcomes oatnful trouble entirely Ask for and be sure you obtain the genuine Baver Aspirin Thenne or two tablets three times a about an hour after each meal If you nave bren taking Imitations or substi tutes of genuine Baver Aspirin lust not the particularly hov oromntly the pain ends After the 'econd or third day the trouble usually lisa open rs All Chemists sen boxes of IS Baver Aspirin tablets also bottles of 34 and IDO tablets the Bayer Cross trade mark annrars on every tablet Baver Aspirinnets no more than the uncertain taita Mors and loudlv advertised substitutes which physicians would not think of On Th'trsdav evening September a 8 n'rtork the annual uenera! meet ing of members of the south Auvra lian and Checase actory Mana gers and Secretai les' Association will be held at the Grosvenor The nffi eers fo the ensuing rear will be lec cd and the report and balance sheet in of A pioneer itself the Company has gone out with the pioneers often before it was profitable to do so and 1930 finds the Company in closer touch than ever with the men on the land supplying them with high quality products through over 1000 depots known for over half a century tor their quality and arranged round the stadd may be seen pvramid of the main lines nunuiacturcd by this firm Other pro prietaries such ax malt ox cloudy am monia iysol hydrogen peroxide with many other well known and IndUpen saoie proauem go to up the balance of the display and to show the public what is being bv progressive firm "The mw ol and blue uH 'Alrt tm are caint cream ab i received uold meri Res1 i Bickford are being siild from the counters Oti th a the recent exhbrimi As all aririee sucans adopted on th display southern end of the exhibit eup ol displayed this exhibition were judeeq these are written round the stand in coffe and biscuits are beme served to according to a world standard ol quality I positions which cannot fail to catch those who prefer something warmer io the (act of Alpine Snow receiving the I the eye and carry the message The jUJVRmSB QINDLAL PRBTT ING OiCS Send ertetv far Posters and AdverUseutente THET BICYCLE In the Port Adelaide Juvenile Court on Saturday morning a boy aged 14 ws charged with rhe theft of a btcrele valued at £3 th property of Arthur Brav On the application of Inspector who prosecuted a remand was granted unit! Thursday Mr A Gower was on the bench famous AgyicuL Harvesler Od 600W erine Oil Gargoyle and Vacnurk mcficaied its Seventy students from the Adelaide Uni versity attended a week ead conference the largest since the at Holiday House Mount Lofty The conference was held conjunction with the Australian Student Christian Union 'Christ and Society was the subject On riday evening Mr Barbour (master of St Andrew'a College) opened the conference with an address on The Nature ot Society' providing a background for subsequent discussion on Christlin Itrtns He said the trend ol social and potttcal development waa dividual irm as a natural right but a recoanlsed a almilar rlaht members of the cunununity The second coulerence address was de livered on Saturday morning by the Rev Parkin Ou "Social Restrictions and the Develoicncnt of Personal itv" He wid ChriMiantty was radical in that It had nothing to do with restrictions Christ taught that life could not be goveme1 bv restrictions but it men had the love ot God in their hearts they would want lo make and to keep restriction especially those which made for the Ireedcm ot fellow beings On Saturday night th: third address waa given by the Bev Nteld on The Love Ot Ood and Social Growth Re said a new period of world thinking waa be the jiassage from the simplicity of religion to a greater wid and deeper conception Love was in control at all things in Che world The Onal addre was given bv Mr 3 Massey lehalrmani on Sunday morning on Significance ot Class ConeCiott ness and Democracy for International Gela tions" He said being a Christian was not Other workers re Instant Relief then Trouble Entirely Overcome ars MacUaery WHICH WILJi INCLVDE Reaper Threshers Binders Mowers Hay Rakes Cult Drills Plows (Wa'kin?) Plows (ield and Garden) Stuffier Harrows (Disc) Harrows (Spike) Cream Separators Tractors An inspection of the exhibit of Cyclone fence and Gate Co Pty Ltd will be repaid by an introduction to the latest developments in fencing and gates Attention should particularly ue paid to the new nnglock fence made of high tensile wire Ringlock lias long been ncde ot ten and eleven gauge wire but a but step forward is made in the new high tensile style This fence combines resiliency with great strcnetii and shows considerable cash savings as acaiix the crecuon of an ordinary plain wtre fence or those desiring the heavier types fencing can be supplied in ten gauge wire and tn a variety uf heights The most recent development in the production of gates is that oi square wrought iron An immense diversity of types is available in fact the number of designs is prac tically inexhaustible owing to the adaptability of the material Visitors should not miss thia exhibit especially if they are contemplating the use of eny type of fencing or gates toward in People might claim freedom freedom wtueb Bd tbs pro rata snmment schema dis cussed An interesting address entitled "Why 1 am a Liberal?" was given Mee dames Mil and A Madders were appointed delegates to the annual coette reiee Semaphore and Largs Branch The annual meeuns of thia branch waa held at the Masonic Hall Semaphore Hawkuu presided TM secretaryMn Deslande submitted the annu 1 report and balance fcheet showing an In create of 21 membent Addresses bed been given by Mesdames Hytnill end Morris on women work tn politics and by Mr Mrlntcab oa th cost at me education system OfUcer and committee elected were President Mrs Deslandes: Vtee presl denu Mesdame Mason A Bradley Hawkins and Pickett secretary and treasurer Mr Vernon Smith: commit tee Meadames Barlow Barnes Smith 3 Matthew Hoed Thompson Mtwrs Enmcs A Turner Langley and Mr Picket with power to add delegates lo db trict committee Mesdame De landes Maspn and Pickett detrgatM to annual conference MesdamM A Bradley 3 Matthew Desandes and M1m A Turner Aa address wae given by Mr Homburg ALLEGED LARCENY ROM THE PERSON In the Adelaide Polio Court before Muirhead 8X on Saturday William John Stevens waa remanded till Septetmbcr 17 on a charge of having on the previous dsv stolen from the person of John Wllxtm Attchison 6 9 Mr A LenthaU Police Prosecutor said the defendant as at a home in Adelaide at which an aged marine store collector called The collector hid a bag containing 6 9 in hts nocket As he was about to leave the defen dant hugged him and almost imme diately afterwards the man missed his bag of monev The defendant wax allowed bail tn personal bond of £60 and two sureties of £30 each Latest Improvements AM Metal Tubes esv it wt rietperstely difficult But right would triumph over wrong On Sunday morning group of dtcuMl "CaUM ot Individual ailure in Society" Many excellent speeches were made The conference ended )a't nteliv with a wen ettended service in the Mount Loftv Congregational Chureh the preacher being a nudcnt Mr David Gam ev Mr Maaaev said the conference had been most aueceful Although not a student of the Adelaide University he was great'v honored lo being chairman Mr New man (president of the tlnlversiiv Christian Union) and Mu Haolarn worked hard to make the conference a surces Sirs ntMuist Misses tAde and Sparrow Messrs Barbour Smith Beurle and Ganxaey Cash Deposit Weekly In a central island position in Hall ot Industries is situated a striking exhibit by A Bickford Sons Ltd manufacturing chemists and druggists The stand ia of most attractive design and the special fighting ellccts throw it out some many Show The INSUICIENT MEANS SUPPORT ALLEGED Denholm Gillespie '8' denied to Mr Muirhead 8M in the Adelaie Police Court on Saturday thAt lie had been without sufficient lawtul means of support at Adelaide ou die previous day Mr A LeathaU Police Pro secutor asked lor a remand He said the defendant who had been in Ade laide for a few week was from ano ther State The )olice desired an op portunity of making enquiries about him A remand was granted tin temper 22 bad being allowed in a personal bond of £60 with tuo sure ties of £30 each Cash jQS allowance for your old machine Easy Tibms Akbamgrd and larger Lubricating Oil Manufac turers re Australia A visit to die Cotr Kiosk (near Department of Agricultural Pavifion) and the Company's Exhibit in Motor Stand 44 will be time moat profitably prices ranging from £15 15 four and five valve models being of the screened grid type There is no doubt this com pany is making a bold bid to equal the quality of any of the imported goods and it would appear that they liave achieved their object The "Domo and "King" Separators are stable lines with this company and samples ot each make are on view Dobbie Co claim to have sold over 20000 cream sepa rators in South Australia which is a guarantee thax they are in a position to give service and satisfaction to their many clients The Dobbie Separator Is a wonderful little machine and has some special characteristics Cog wheels have been eliminated in favor of a worm wheel drive throughout This gives a very smooth sweet silent action Instead of the adapting washer on the handle it is fitted with an internal gravity catch which picks up the drive at any position in which the handle may be situated If necessary the separator can be driven without completing a single revolution of the handle The lubricating is auto matic and very thorough There is not a single oil hole or oil cup on the ma chine Surplus oil from the neck bear ing is returned to the oil well The bowl is exceptionally low and of a self balancing tvpe and Is so beauti fully balanced that the machine can be stood on a table without any hold ing screws and be turned to full speed without shifting PORTABLE SEMI PORTABLE ANO STATIONARY PLANTS STOCKOWNER tm 8tna Perfabl SNp Bhaarlwf CratekiM Piast wltk airbanksMam ty mjIm 2 ar 3 hp sell efitaiN4 heavy nfi steal framvwark earractly staved te emere steadiaess aadee the severest werklog eesditioas £2 10 0 uas 7 6 Weekly I Low Price without sacrifice VLIY GUARANTEED Mk wishing a picamare outlined in roval blue and gold the color scheme blending admirably with th firm' slogan "The House of which is boldly displayed on dflerent panels on the stand The centre of auraetiun is a huge tumbl filled with water which is ktnt in i vontmual cute of eilcrvcM ence to re present the firm's famous health drink Sal vrsl 1 the Sal Vl ul grl is b'tsi'y dispensing gfiuws i this deliuh'fnl drink tn thirsty Semples of Sal Vital miniature of the wr'I knou blue and void tin ar' HIGH COURT Before the ull Court commencing on Tminday September Midlsne Bros (Au it) Ltd (appellant) Reid end other Australian Planter Company Ltd and Australian Gypsum Ltd Hume Steel Ltd (consolldateo i Clark Solomons and another the Com mbslcner ol Taxes Robertson Puwvll Lrk A Real Estate lu verunent Company Ltd Before Ju rrl Co opera tive Packing Union Ltd ederal Com missioner of Taxation Berrt Co operative Picking Union Ltd ederal Commis sioner of Taxation ederal Wharf Com pany Ltd Deputy ederal Cotnsu sioner ot Taxation JUSTICES OR POLICE COURT Member of the Justie Asoclatton who have been deUltrd to a'iend the Adelaide Police Court tb: week Mr A Goode Messrs Miearey Thtsetton owler Harrop A Bowden Smith Deebte Mayor A Radford A A Susman Comley Badge Nicholson and Betlcy Style without patt Ips 14 gaU 5 15' Style 10 with patties 15 goll CT Style II with patties 22 gall £3 10 StjlP 12 with pattirx 30 gall £9 76 The president Mrs A Thomson) presided at the meeting ot Ute LWEa held In the Liberal club Hall The state ment of receipt and expenditure of tLe concert held in aid of the Kate Helen Weston Memorial und waa read showing a credit balance of £14 A letter wn received from the secretary iMua Humphrt) regretlullv resigning bet posi tion on account of lil liealth it was de cided to send a letter of sympathy to Mi HvmphrlA Mr If Anthonev MP gave an ddrt on "Our System of Education" He snowed how enormously the systm had grown The excellent work being done by the coi rrsnondence school was praised Mr An thoney said It wa remarkable how quickly and thoroughly the children in outlying districts got on by this method A vote of thank to Mr Anthoney was proposed by Mrs Runge and carried unani mously Berrt Women's Branch A meeting of this branch was held at the residence of Mr A Howard Monash Correspondence from head orhee waa read IIRINTING Pxeeutcd with DlIMtCh at Lovett Prices at "The Advertiser" Offlce Wsymuuth strect Adelaide Stand 37 Rasch Motors Ltd te WSUwytng a wide range of British eingw and Hupmobile ears The Sin ger attui Is of particular interest and includes the popular Snger "Junior" in seven different body styles these comprise two seater and four seater open as well as closed ears two attrac tive sports models and a liht delivery van Bodywork of a particularly smart de sign is employed throughout Twou tela of the recently introduced Cwer 6 are also on view and should att set attention on account of their smart and rather unique lines The firm states that the Singer 6 is the lowest priced British 6 offering Several models of the latest Hup mobile sixes end eights are shown and it la apparent that 1930 Hupmobiles are tn the front rank of leadership tn design The eight cylinder sedan suggests luxurious comfort The six cylinder tourer is fitted with a bodv ot novel but attractive lines door pillars being curved so as to provide a wide door at tbe same time strengthening the door pillars or the first time the Hup 6 is on view with the new Holden sedan body The distributers claim that they nave secured the best body that can be built tn the Commonwealth and this will be appreciated by the discriminating pur chaser ECONOMIC HYGIENIC CON I Gem Model Emmcold Waterloo 9cp £9'7 10 0 Housed in lieautifil white porce lain fiaiahvU ttevl eabiaeU BEST All Electrfc or Batterry operated 12 Models to choose from NLAWI POSSESSION ric of Hindmarsh pleaded gififiy in the Adelaide Police Court before Mr NL Muirhead on Saturday to a charge of havjig on the previous day North Adelaide been in unlawful possession of four golf ballshch were reaonsbly suswed of having been stolen or unlawfully ob tained A fine of £3 with £1 10 costs was Imnosed Mr A Lenthall who Erosecuted said numerous comoialnts ad been received concerning golf bails mis by players al the municipal Electric Lawn Mowers This Is a line in which specialises and a very fine 14 in Ran some Electric Lawn Mower is to be seen The mower is an entirely British pro duct and the electric power unit te fitted in Adelaide A demonstration is willingly given without anv charge on prospec tive purchasers' own property That seven of the most turaJ Grades Austral Gargoyle Cylinder Oil lene XXXX Harvester Spraying OH Vaccfip are made ia Australia determination to maintain its in policy a policy of which By eoattaroous splendid per formanoe the MJL Tractor la making a good name for uelf Reliable in operation and economies! in running costs ti has created a de cidrd'y favorable taromunn ametupst farmers all over Australia Inspect the Mas sey Tractor we win be pleaaed to show vou the latest approved features in Tractor design ail to See Us Show Week ment In the (Ptfore Mr Jirtlee Piper) At 10 30 lo tor Judg tn the mxtt ot the Cameron Shoe Compw Ltd liquidation) IN CHAMBERS (Before a Muter) At to 30 to riT Chamber buslnes IN BANCO Turadij at 10 30 a Application for Decrees Gra ham Graham and Simpan Walker Wakcr Loser Locr Swanton Swn on Little ti't! Wright Wright: Jaegarri Jueifartl: BoryarO Bunyutl Searle Searle Millertck Uilterlck ud Herlot Crtp Crtp Motion order for payment of pur eheje mor or for poor esaion Executor Trustee and Aeeaey Company Ltd and others Collin CIVIL LIST iBKore Mr Justice Angis Pabons) Tuesday at 10 30 William son Wlltiamcon and Barnwell iprt GUlinan and Inglebv: Sal Vr Salter and Hague Heaallp Heaellp Kearaey WedneMlay Tn the estatt of Csroldlne Grower PbUci'x: Beniamin B'tijamin and Hinde and Reeves Williamson Wltliamon Crown Solicitor Crown Solicitor: Hudson Hudion 'nfi Ci McCann (Before Mr Justice Napier) Tuesday at 10 30 am Gun Lewis Lewis (part he di Norm Driver Driver 'psrt heard! Newman Ktng Kln anrt Cumw Alderman and Sandery Wedneday Hogan Burges Morgan Baker Hirrey Tra Perrey Kear ney At the Cresco ertilizers Limited's pavilion conveniently situated at ourth avenue west near tne new in dustrial hall there is shown a com plete ranee of fertilizers and much in teresting and instructive mtormatior can be obtained from the trained staff hich is tn attendance Interestine exhibits of produce frown in various parts oi South Australia are included in the display together wth some very fine examples of the growth of wheal In all tiart of the State These samples speok well for 'he pros fleets ot the coming season's crops and the growth of both earv and late sown crops is shown The rompanv is always delighted to renew old friendship and make new ones and takes this ooportunt'v of ex tending hospitality to its client who arc invited to use the com fortable re: room and Indeed to make it their rendezvous while at Show where thev can leave their pn ceLM and wraps ana enjoy a rctrcsnuic cup anyone whlo is best on tbe market should certainly see them before placing their order In view of the embargo that has been placed on importations of radio sets i Dobbie Co are giving great promi nence to the products of the Stromberg Carlson factory which has been estab lished in Svdncv This company nun out a set of excellent quality and a very wide range of models Two three four five and six valve sets are produced at 1 A DOBBIE CO LTD 1 Messrs A Dobbie Co Ltd who have been continuous exhibitors at the Agricultural and Horticultural Shows ever since Its inauguration have trans ferred their exhibit from ifth and Sixth avenue to the southern side of the main entrance from the Goodwood road and extend a cordial invitation to any coun try or city friends to visit their exhibit The outstanding feature of the exhibit te the wonderful wireless display The latest models of the King are on view and are magnificent samples nf the latest in radio The six valve A Monarch model is damtv and dignified in ap pearance and an elegant piece of furni ture The Chancel lor Radio Phono combination com prising the same wireless equipment as the Monarch with the addition of the elr ctrical pho nograph and pick up te also an excel lent design and of outstanding work manship The i Ecr tone and se 1 ivity of these sets are certainly rt markable and desirous of getting the Battery and AlI EXectrlc Radios To Suit Every Purse and Purpose Inspect at Adelaide Show Plume Appotemc Motor Spirit Gargoyle Mobiloil Voco Power Kerosene Lard Illuminating Kerosene and other well known Petroleum Products awarded to different well Jcnown lines "Our Jack" eucalyptus oil waa awarded a gold medal this exhibition and a fine display of thte Ai Drodtict to be seen on the northern end ot the exhibit "Our Jack" eucalvn a tus oil is tnaae only irom leaves groan on Kangaroo island wmen yield an ou oi exceptionally tine quality ace Cream and Perfumes Alpine Snow the popular taco cream al occupies a nront iv nt position This Xninlv a rirdivA mplM marii' DU9UCATB BTLLBEAD CHECK BOOKS adapted for Drapers Store kaeparo and Retatlem genera'ty "Th Office Waymouth etreet Adelaide SOME THE EXHIBITS Continued from Prrvlon Pace Hr I 4 5' KXNTIN fto MTV Kr 7n4WJU Vpvrana irxA 'TtwfJuw CUieJuu Set Wirele iHr JisTeq IL fcfev 111 te lappllad tn atom nm ra Sgrt OB fl piO (t vs IKAylfiB Im Ibl I ft IM Sit Mrtte 15 0 I I.

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The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6307

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.