strawberry simple syrup recipe (2024)

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This two ingredient strawberry simple syrup recipe is perfect for adding to co*cktails, sweetening iced tea or adding to fresh lemonade.

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When it is strawberry picking season we can't get enough of these sun kissed, red ripe strawberries. We are sure to pick enough berries to make the strawberry topping, strawberry rhubarb crisp, strawberry jam, and my daughter's favorite strawberry soup! If you are over 21 you will want to pick enough strawberries to shake up a few strawberry rhubarb margaritas and homemade strawberry vodka.

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  • 🍓 Ingredients needed to make homemade strawberry syrup recipe:
  • How to make strawberry simple syrup?
  • How do you make simple syrup thicker?
  • Can you freeze strawberry simple syrup?
  • How to use strawberry simple syrup.
  • How do you freeze strawberries?
  • Can you use make simple fruit syrup with other fruits?
  • Get my RAINBOW co*ckTAILS eBook!
  • 🍓 More Strawberry Recipes To Try 🍓
  • 📖 Recipe
  • 👩🏻‍🍳 Sarah Mock
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🍓 Ingredients needed to make homemade strawberry syrup recipe:

strawberry simple syrup recipe (2)

Each ingredient in your strawberry simple syrup recipe plays a crucial role in creating the final product with its unique contribution.

  • Sliced Fresh Strawberries: provide the essential strawberry flavor, sweetness, and aroma to the syrup. The natural sugars and juices present in the strawberries infuse the syrup with that delightful strawberry taste that you want to achieve. While fresh is called out to make this recipe but you are welcome to use fresh or frozen berries when it is not strawberry season.
  • Water: helps in extracting the flavors and natural juices from the strawberries. It acts as a solvent, allowing the strawberries' essence to be infused into the liquid. Water also helps to dilute the mixture, ensuring the final syrup has the right consistency and isn't too thick or overpowering.
  • Sugar: Sugar serves as the sweetening agent in the strawberry simple syrup. When combined with the strawberries and water, granulated sugar dissolves and forms a sweet syrup, balancing out the natural tartness of the strawberries. The sweetness not only enhances the strawberry flavor but also makes the syrup versatile for various culinary applications.

How to make strawberry simple syrup?

  1. In a medium saucepan, over medium heat combine strawberries, sugar and water.
    strawberry simple syrup recipe (3)
  2. Use a wooden spoon to stir and smash the berries with the sugar.
  3. Raise the heat to bring the berries and sugar to a boil and the sugar is dissolved.
  4. Simmer for 20 minutes and the syrup is a deep strawberry red color, stirring occasionally.
  5. Remove from the heat and strain the syrup through a fine mesh strainer.
    strawberry simple syrup recipe (4)
  6. Resist the urge to press the berries to squeeze out the last few drops of syrup. Squeezing the berries will make the syrup cloudy.
  7. Cool completely and store in a closed container, storing in the refrigerator.
    strawberry simple syrup recipe (5)

How do you make simple syrup thicker?

If the simple syrup is too thin for your liking, and you would like a thicker syrup bring it back to a boil and allow it to boil for an additional 2 minutes. The more you reduce it, the more thick it will become when it cools.

Can you freeze strawberry simple syrup?

Simple syrup can not be frozen. The sugar content is too high so the syrup will not freeze solid. It is better to freeze the strawberries and make the syrup fresh than freeze strawberry simple syrup.

How to use strawberry simple syrup.

strawberry simple syrup recipe (6)

Strawberry simple syrup is a versatile and delicious ingredient that can be used in various ways to add sweetness and strawberry flavor to a variety of dishes and your favorite drinks. Remember, you can always adjust the sweetness of the strawberry simple syrup depending on your personal taste preferences, so feel free to experiment and enjoy these delightful strawberry-infused treats!

Here are some creative ways to use strawberry simple syrup:

  • Strawberry Iced Tea: Mix strawberry simple syrup with your favorite black or green iced tea for a delicious strawberry-flavored tea. Add some ice and a sprig of fresh mint to complete the refreshing beverage.
  • Strawberry Lemonade: Mix strawberry simple syrup with freshly squeezed lemon juice and water to make a refreshing strawberry lemonade. Adjust the sweetness to your liking by adding more or less syrup. You can also add ice and garnish with fresh strawberry slices and lemon wedges for a delightful summer drink.
  • Strawberry co*cktails: Create delightful co*cktails with the addition of strawberry simple syrup. Use it as a sweetener for strawberry daiquiris, strawberry mojitos, or even strawberry margaritas. Combine the syrup with your favorite spirits, fresh fruits, and ice for a flavorful and colorful beverage.
  • Strawberry Desserts: Drizzle strawberry simple syrup over desserts to enhance their taste. It works wonderfully as a topping for pancakes, waffles, ice cream, and cheesecake. You can also use it as a glaze for cakes or to sweeten homemade whipped cream for a strawberry-infused twist.
  • Fruit Salad Dressing: Create a delightful fruit salad dressing by combining strawberry simple syrup with a splash of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. Toss the dressing with fresh mixed fruits like strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, and oranges to elevate their natural sweetness and add a tangy twist.

How do you freeze strawberries?

strawberry simple syrup recipe (7)

If you know how to freeze blueberries, just follow those instructions and substitute in strawberries.

Can you use make simple fruit syrup with other fruits?

Making fruit-flavored simple syrup for co*cktails or other beverages can be a lot of fun and showcase your culinary creative side. Some of my favorite fruit-infused simple syrups are rhubarb syrup, blueberry syrup, lemon syrup, lime syrup, blackberry syrup, raspberry syrup and don't miss the floral lilac syrup.

How long does strawberry simple syrup last?

The strawberry syrup will last for up to a month in a closed container when stored in the refrigerator. While sugar is a preservative it can also help breed bacteria so keeping the syrup chilled in the refrigerator will help keep the syrup fresh.

Can Iusefrozen strawberries tomakestrawberry syrup?

Frozen strawberries are the perfect for using to flavor a simple syrup. No need to thaw them, just measure them and add them to the pot as you would fresh strawberries.

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🍓 More Strawberry Recipes To Try 🍓

  • Strawberry Iced Tea Recipe 🍓🥤 Southern Strawberry Tea
  • Strawberry Agua Fresca Recipe (Mexican Strawberry Water)
  • How To Freeze Strawberries (Whole)
  • Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Jam Recipe
  • Blueberry Salsa Recipe
  • Frose Recipe (Easy Frosé Recipe)

📖 Recipe

strawberry simple syrup recipe (15)

Strawberry Simple Syrup

Sarah Mock

This two ingredient strawberry simple syrup recipe perfect for adding to co*cktails, sweetening iced tea or adding to fresh lemonade.

4.86 from 7 votes

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Note From Sarah

There is more to a recipe than just the recipe card. Frequently Asked Questions within the blog post that you may find helpful. Simply scroll back up to read them!

Prep time for the recipePrep Time 2 minutes mins

Cook time for the recipeCook Time 20 minutes mins

total time to prep and cook the recipe.Total Time 22 minutes mins

Course co*cktails

Cuisine American

Makes 1 ½ cups

Per Serving 75 kcal


  • 2 cups strawberries (clean, hulled and chopped)
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups sugar


  • In a medium saucepan, over medium heat combine strawberries, water and the sugar.

  • Use a wooden spoon to stir and smash the berries with the sugar.

  • Raise the heat to bring the berries and sugar to a boil and the sugar is dissolved.

  • Simmer for 20 minutes and the syrup is a deep strawberry red color, stirring occasionally.

  • Remove from the heat and strain the syrup through a fine mesh strainer.

  • Resist the urge to press the berries to squeeze out the last few drops of syrup. Squeezing the berries will make the syrup cloudy.

  • Cool completely and store in a closed container, storing in the refrigerator.


Serving: 1tablespoon | Calories: 75kcal | Carbohydrates: 19g | Sodium: 1mg | Sugar: 19g

Nutrition Disclosure

Nutritional facts are estimates and are provided as a courtesy to the reader. Please utilize your own brand nutritional values to double check against our estimates. Nutritional values are calculated via a third party. Changing ingredients, amounts or cooking technique will alter the estimated nutritional calculations.

strawberry simple syrup recipe (16)

👩🏻‍🍳 Sarah Mock

CEO/Owner/Founder/Culinary Blogger

Sarah Mock is a classically trained Chef and graduate of Johnson & Wales University. A culinary blogger for 14 years Sarah helps the home cook prepare her recipes with professional results.

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    About Sarah Mock

    Sarah Mock is a classically trained Chef and graduate of Johnson & Wales University. A culinary blogger for 14 years Sarah helps the home cook prepare her recipes with professional results.

    Reader Interactions


      Leave a Reply

    1. Shannon Tucker

      strawberry simple syrup recipe (21)
      For Raspberry and Blueberries, do we do step 6?
      Resist the urge to press the berries to squeeze out the last few drops of syrup. Squeezing the berries will make the syrup cloudy.
      Or do we press in the berries?


    2. Meagan C

      Isn’t it 3 ingredients for the strawberry simple syrup? Strawberries, water and sugar? You have the ingredient amounts for the strawberries and water but not sugar..unless I’m missing it :/


      • Sarah

        Oh my goodness Meagan!
        You are so right! I switched recipe cards and not all my cards transferred correctly. I thought I caught all the offenders. Thank YOU for pointing it out. I have corrected the card.




    strawberry simple syrup recipe (2024)


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