(PDF) Inglés I. Apuntes - 1º Primer Grado - Telesecundaria - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) Inglés I. Apuntes - 1º Primer Grado - Telesecundaria - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

INGLÉS1er Grado


(PDF) Inglés I. Apuntes - 1º Primer Grado - Telesecundaria - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

La elaboración de Inglés I. Apuntes estuvo a cargo de la Dirección General de Materiales Educativos de la Subsecretaría de Educación Básica.

Secretaría de Educación PúblicaJosefina Vázquez Mota

Subsecretaría de Educación BásicaJosé Fernando González Sánchez

Dirección General de Materiales EducativosMaría Edith Bernáldez Reyes

Coordinación generalMaría Edith Bernáldez Reyes

Elaboración de textosClaudia Yvette Gómez MartínezJezabel Barrera Fuentes

RevisiónMaría Cristina Martínez MercadoJorge Barbiere MejíaClaudia Elín Garduño Néstor

Asesoría pedagógicaKarina Bustos HernándezAlejandra Monserrat Castillo Robledo

Corrección de estiloEstela Maldonado Chávez

Ilustración de portada e interioresMarco Tulio Ángel Zárate

Formación y correcciónDirección Editorial DGME

Primera edición, 2008 (ciclo escolar 2008-2009)

D.R. © Secretaría de Educación Pública, 2008Argentina 28, Centro,06020, México, D.F.

ISBN 978-968-01-1670-6


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Presentation / Presentación

Introduction / Introducción

9 Classroom Language / Lenguaje en el salón de clases

10 Lesson 1 Hello! Goodbye! 13 Lesson 2 How do you spell it?15 Lesson 3 How old are you? 18 Lesson 4 Sit down!22 Lesson 5 When’s your birthday?25 Lesson 6 What’s the meaning of sharpener?

29 Unit 1 / Personal Identification / Identificación personal

32 Lesson 1 At a party36 Lesson 2 Her name is Azucena39 Lesson 3 My father is a mechanic42 Lesson 4 I’m a student44 Lesson 5 What do you do?46 Lesson 6 Are you a student?49 Lesson 7 My school ID card52 Lesson 8 Where do you live?55 Lesson 9 I live in a small town57 Lesson 10 David is a soccer player60 Lesson 11 At the archaeological site64 Lesson 12 Where are you from?66 Lesson 13 Are you from Brazil?69 Lesson 14 A creature from the space71 Lesson 15 Nationality means nacionalidad73 Lesson 16 What about your brother or sister? 75 Lesson 17 Send me an e-mail77 Lesson 18 Rewiev

89 Unit 2. Actions in progress/ Acciones en progreso

92 Lesson 1 Sending an e-mail 96 Lesson 2 This is Samuel´s sweater99 Lesson 3 Whose are these shorts? 103 Lesson 4 That is my favorite jacket 106 Lesson 5 These blue jeans are comfortable 109 Lesson 6 Are these your sunglasses? 113 Lesson 7 Mini Check 117 Lesson 8 Looking for Arturo 121 Lesson 9 Speaking on the phone

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124 Lesson 10 Getting ready to the party 127 Lesson 11 Enjoying a party 132 Lesson 12 What’s happening at the party? 135 Lesson 13 A day in Acapulco 137 Lesson 14 Mini Check 141 Lesson 15 Project: A class magazine Part one142 Lesson 16 Project: A class magazine Part two 145 Lesson 17 Project: A class magazine Part three 147 Lesson 18 Project: A class magazine Part four 149 Lesson 19 Project: A class magazine Part five 152 Lesson 20 Project: A class magazine Part six 154 Lesson 21 Project: A class magazine Part seven 155 Lesson 22 Review 156 Lesson 23 Review 159 Lesson 24 Review

169 Unit 3. Hobbies, leissure and sport/ Pasatiempos, tiempo libre y deporte

173 Lesson 1 I like playing videogames 177 Lesson 2 I like to ride my bike 180 Lesson 3 I like movies 184 Lesson 4 I love soccer 186 Lesson 5 My mother likes going to the movies 190 Lesson 6 Mini Check 194 Lesson 7 Do you like tennis? 197 Lesson 8 Does your father like soccer? 199 Lesson 9 Does she like cooking? 203 Lesson 10 I like vegetables and fruits 206 Lesson 11 David loves comics 210 Lesson 12 Mini Check 213 Lesson 13 Would you like to go to a party? 216 Lesson 14 Why don’t we go to the movies? 218 Lesson 15 Let’s eat Mexican food 221 Lesson 16 Shall we go to a rock concert? 223 Lesson 17 Would you like to see a movie today? 226 Lesson 18 No, thanks I hate horror movies 228 Lesson 19 Project: We invite to you to our St Valentine’s celebration Part one 230 Lesson 20 Project: We invite to you to our St Valentine’s celebration Part two 231 Lesson 21 Review

243 Unit 4. Daily Life/Vida diaria

247 Lesson 1 Long distance call 249 Lesson 2 It’s quarter past eight 252 Lesson 3 What time is it? 256 Lesson 4 What time does the next bus leave? 259 Lesson 5 I start at 8 o´clock in the morning 262 Lesson 6 I wake up at 11:30 am on Saturdays

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264 Lesson 7 Mini Check268 Lesson 8 Jessica gets up at 6 o’clock 271 Lesson 9 Jessica loves basketball 276 Lesson 10 He studies in Queens University 280 Lesson 11 Does he wake up at half past five? 284 Lesson 12 Romina doesn’t have a sister 286 Lesson 13 I visit the dentist twice a year 289 Lesson 14 Mini Check 293 Lesson 15 How often do you have English class? 298 Lesson 16 Today is my birthday 301 Lesson 17 Does she usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock? 305 Lesson 18 Are you healthy? 308 Lesson 19 Sending an e-mail 312 Lesson 20 Crocodiles are endangered species 315 Lesson 21 Elephants live in Africa 318 Lesson 22 Do Bengal tigers live in the forest? 321 Lesson 23 Where do grey whales travel in the winter? 324 Lesson 24 Mini Check 327 Lesson 25 Project: Come and visit our school zoo Part one 328 Lesson 26 Project: Come and visit our school zoo Part two 330 Lesson 27 Project: Come and visit our school zoo Part three 332 Lesson 28 Project: Come and visit our school zoo Part four 334 Lesson 29 Review Part one 339 Lesson 30 Review Part two

351 Unit 5. Places and buildings/Lugares y edificios

354 Lesson 1 Welcome to Puebla 357 Lesson 2 I’m looking for a greengrocer 361 Lesson 3 A brochure with interesting places 363 Lesson 4 Is there a bank near here? 366 Lesson 5 Where is the bank? 369 Lesson 6 This is a map of my town 372 Lesson 7 Mini Check 375 Lesson 8 The park is on Allende Street 378 Lesson 9 Look at the map 381 Lesson 10 Go straight, turn left, turn right 384 Lesson 11 Welcome to my school 387 Lesson 12 How can I get to the gas station? 390 Lesson 13 How can I get to The Palace of Fine Arts? 393 Lesson 14 Mini Check 396 Lesson 15 How can I get to your house? 399 Lesson 16 Project: A travel brochure Part one 400 Lesson 17 Project: A travel brochure Part two 401 Lesson 18 Project: A travel brochure Part three 402 Lesson 19 Project: A travel brochure Part four 402 Lesson 20 Project: A travel brochure Part five 403 Lesson 21 Review

(PDF) Inglés I. Apuntes - 1º Primer Grado - Telesecundaria - DOKUMEN.TIPS (6)

(PDF) Inglés I. Apuntes - 1º Primer Grado - Telesecundaria - DOKUMEN.TIPS (7)


La Secretaría de Educación Pública, comprometida con la comunidad de telesecundaria —autoridades, docentes, alumnos, padres de familia—, se dio a la tarea de fortalecer el modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje de esta modalidad educativa. Este modelo fortalecido ofrece materiales que apoyan de manera significativa la comprensión y dominio de los contenidos de los planes de estudio vigentes. La serie de Apuntes Bimodales de Telesecundaria está desarrollada para que maestros y alumnos compartan un mismo material a partir del trabajo de proyectos, estudios de caso o resolución de situaciones problemáticas. Con este objetivo se han desarrollado secuencias de aprendizaje que despiertan el interés de los alumnos por la materia, promueven la interacción en el aula y propician la colaboración y la participación reflexiva, además de que emplean una evaluación que orienta las decisiones tanto del docente como del alumno y establecen estrategias claras de vinculación con la comunidad. Estos materiales, que la SEP pone ahora en manos de alumnos y maestros, expone de manera objetiva los temas, conceptos, actitudes y procedimientos necesarios para un mayor y mejor entendimiento de cada una de las materias que comprende la serie. El empleo de estos Apuntes Bimodales y las sugerencias que brinde la comunidad de telesecundaria darán la pauta para el enriquecimiento y mejora de cada una de las ediciones de esta obra que busca contribuir a una educación equitativa y de calidad en el país.


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En los de Inglés se utilizaron iconos que representan determinadas actividades. Los incluimos a continuación para facilitar su identificación y uso.

Speak / Hablar

Think / Pensar

Play / Jugar

Write / Escribir

Read / Leer

(PDF) Inglés I. Apuntes - 1º Primer Grado - Telesecundaria - DOKUMEN.TIPS (9)

Introduction/ Introducción

Classroom language / Lenguaje en el salón de clases

El alumno:

El propósito de esta unidad es proporcionar a los estudiantes algunas

expresiones básicas usadas dentro del salón de clase que le permitirán

comunicarse en Inglés durante las lecciones del idioma extranjero.


Topics/ Temas

Lesson 1 Hello! Goodbye!

Lesson 2 How do you spell it?

Lesson 3 How old are you?

Lesson 4 Sit down!

Lesson 5 When’s your birthday?

Lesson 6 What’s the meaning of sharpener?

6 sessionss, 2 weeks / 6 sesiones, 2 semanas

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Hello! Goodbye!

Read 1. Look at the pictures.Match the conversation (1, 2, 3) to the pictures. Observa las imágenes. Escribe el número de la conversación correspondiente a cada uno.

_____ ___ ___ 1) Bus driver: Good morning, My name is Paul. Welcome to the bus! Pedro: My name is Pedro. Good morning sir. Bus driver: Nice to meet you Pedro. 2) Pedro: Hi. My name is Pedro Okan: Hello Pedro. I am Okan. Pedro: How are you? Okan: I’m fine, thanks. And you? Pedro: OK. 3) Bus driver: Have a nice day guys! Pedro: Bye Paul! Group of SS: Goodbye! Bus driver: See you in the afternoon!

Lesson 1


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2. Indicate ���� the time of the conversations. Indica ���� el tiempo en que se desarrollaron las conversaciones.




Think Write 3. Complete the information. Use the words in the box. Completa la información. Usa las palabras del cuadro. Conversation 1) is ___________ and Conversation 2) is _____________. 4. Look at the pictures and complete the dialogue. Observa las imágenes y completa los diálogos.


Mr. Gómez:

Good ________, Mr. Gómez. ________ morning Memo. ________ are you? I’m ________, thanks, and you? ____________________________________

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Memo:Mr. Gómez:

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Ema: Rodrigo: Ema: Rodrigo:

________. My name is Ema. ________ Ema. __ am Rodrigo. How are ________? I’m fine, ________.

�Speak 5. In pairs, create a dialogue, similar to the ones in 4. Then present it to the class. En parejas, elaboren un diálogo similar a los del ejercicio 4. Posteriormente preséntenlo a la clase. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Complete the chart. Completa el cuadro. Greetings Time Spanish Good morning 6 a.m. – 12 p.m. Good afternoon Good evening Farewells Spanish Good bye Buenas noches See you Nos vemos


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How do you spell it?

Read 1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Completa los espacios con las palabras del cuadro. Teacher: Good morning class. I’m going to call the roll. Number one, Álvarez. Álvarez: Present. Teacher: Number two, Bonilla Bonilla: Here. Teacher: Number _____________, Huerta Student: Absent. Teacher: Number twelve, Linares Linares: Present Teacher: Number _____________, Suárez Suárez: Present. Teacher: Number twenty – three, Mmm ! Tes, tech.. Texcalapa: It is Texcalpa. Teacher: How do you spell it? Texcalpa: T-E-X-C-A-L-P-A Teacher: OK. Number twenty – three,Texcalpa Texcalpa: Present Teacher: Number twenty – nine, Viguera Student: Absent. Teacher: Number _____________, Zapata Zapata: Present. Teacher: OK. Let’s start the class.

�Think�2. Look at the underlined words in the dialogue. Use them to complete these sentences. Completa las ideas con las palabras subrayadas en el diálogo.

1. You answer ________ or ________ when you are in the class. 2. You answer _________ when somebody is not in the class. 3. Look at the words in bold in exercise 2. What do they mean? Observa las palabras en negritas en el ejercicio 2. ¿Qué significan?


Lesson 2

eight twenty thirty


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Write Speak 3. Look at the table below. Repeat the pronunciation of the letters. Observa la tabla anterior. Repite la pronunciación de las letras.

4. Create a classroom directory. Ask 5 partners for their full name. Ask them to spell their name or family name and take notes. Follow the example. Crea un directorio. Pregunta a 5 compañeros su nombre completo. Pídeles que deletreen su nombre o su apellido y toma nota. Sigue el ejemplo.

LETRA LETRA A –ei N – en B –bi O – ou C – ci P – pi D – di Q – quiu E – i R – ar

F – ef S – es G – yi T – ti

H – eich U – iu I – ai V – vi

J – yei W – dobliu K – kei X – ecs L – el Y – uai

M – em Z – dzi

What’s your name? It’s Alvarado

My name is Juan. What’s your family name? How do you spell it?



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How old are you?

Read 1. Read the dialogue from the previous lesson again. Complete this table with the missing words. Lee otra vez el diálogo de la lección anterior. Completa la tabla con las palabras que faltan.

MY CLASSROOM DIRECTORY Family name(s) Name �������� �� ����

Lesson 3

NÚMEROS NUMBERS 1 2 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 9 Nine

10 Ten 11 Eleven 12 13 Thirteen 14 Fourteen 15 Fifteen 16 Sixteen 17 Seventeen 18 Eighteen 19 Nineteen



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Twenty 21 Twenty one 22 Twenty two 23

……. 29 30 Thirty 31 Thirty one 32 Thirty two …. …… 40 Forty 50 Fifty 60 Sixt 70 Seventy 80 Eighty 90 Ninety 100 One hundred

Speak 2. Practice saying the numbers. Practica repitiendo los números.

Think 3. Look at the numbers 21 – 29, 31 – 39, 41 – 59, etc. What do they have in common? How are these numbers formed in English? Write the rule. Observa los números 21-29, 31-39, 41-59, etc. ¿qué tienen en común? Cómo es que estos números se forman en inglés? Escribe la regla. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

�Write 4. Answer the following questions about yourself. Contesta las siguientes preguntas.



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How old are you? I am __________________ years old. How old is your teacher? He/she is ______________ years old. How old is your best friend? He/she is ______________ years old. How old is your mother? She is ________________ years old. How old is your father? He is _________________ years old.

�Speak 5. Ask your partner the questions above. Write his/her answers. Realiza las preguntas del ejercicio anterior a tu compañero y anota sus respuestas. Partner’s name: ____________________ Age: ____________________ Teacher’s age: ____________________ Best friend’s age: ____________________ Mother’s age: ____________________ Father’s age: ____________________ 6. Write the result with the word in English. Follow the example. Escribe el resultado en inglés de las siguientes operaciones. Fíjate en el ejemplo. 20 + 5 = twenty five 60 - 2 = ______________________ 30 - 1 = ______________________ 70 + 3 = ______________________ 30 - 8 = thirty eight 9 x 9 = ______________________ 40 + 6 = ______________________90 + 4 = ______________________ 7. With numbers you can say your age. Con los números también puedes decir tu edad.

How old are you? I am twelve years old.

How old is María? She is thirteen years old. How old is Luis? He is fourteen years old.

How old is Sarah? ______________________


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How old is he? ________________________

Sit down!

Read 1. Look at the pictures in exercise 2. Are these situations familiar to you? Observa las imágenes en el ejercicio 2. ¿Te son familiares estas situaciones? 2. Match the pictures (1,2,3) with the dialogues. Escribe sobre la línea el número que relacione la imagen con el di logo. 1) 2) 3)

Lesson 4




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Think 3. Look at the dialogues in 2 again. The teacher is giving some instructions. What are they? ¿Cuáles son las instrucciones que está dando el profesor en los diálogos del ejercicio anterior?

Yes, Peter close the door! Sit down, please! And open your book at page 25

Everybody, be quiet please! If you want to talk please raise

your hand! �

I´m sorry. I´m late! May I come in? �


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4. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. Circle Underline Work in pairs Complete Read Listen Work in teams

5. Circle the best option. Encierra la opción que se relacione con el dibujo.

a) Open your book. b) Close your book.

a) Stand up. b) Sit down. a) Listen to the teacher. b) Listen to the CD.

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Think 6. Write the answer on the line. Escribe la respuesta sobre la línea. Commands always start with a :___________________

a) verb b) noun

7. Match the pictures with the instructions. Relaciona las imágenes con las instrucciones.




Open the window. _______

Close the door. _______ Please, stand up. _______

Sit down. _______ Be quiet! _______

May I come in? ______


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When’s your birthday? 1. Look at the calendar. Complete it with the words in the box. Observa el calendario. Completa la información con las palabras del cuadro.

2. Complete the information. Completa la información. St. Valentine´s Day is on 14 th February Flag´s day is on _____________________

Lesson 5

October May July April February December

S u n

M o n

T u e s

W e d

T h u r s

F r i


S u n

M o n

T u e s

W e d

T h u r s

F r i


S u n

M o n

T u e s

W e d

T h u r s

F r i

Sa t

S u n

Mo n

T u e s

We d

T h u r s

F r i



31 days

28 days (29 every four years)


31 days

30 days

31 days


30 days

31 days

August 31 days


30 days

31 days

30 days


31 days


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Spring starts on _____________________ Children’s day is on _____________________ Mother’s day is on _____________________ Columbus day is on _____________________ Christmas day is on _____________________

Read 3. Read the dialogues and complete the chart. Lee los diálogos y completa el cuadro. 1) Alessandra: César, when’s your birthday? César: It’s on 2nd April. 2) Alessandra: Susan, when’s your birthday? Susan: It’s on 19th June. 3) Alessandra: Pamela, when’s your birthday? Pamela: It’s on 21st March. 4) Alessandra: Joe, when’s your birthday? Joe: It’s on 23rd November. My Birthday Calendar ������ �� ���� � ������

� � � �

Think 4. Choose the answers. Selecciona la respuesta.

1) We use _________ to tell dates. a) on b) in

2) We use ________ to tell the date. a) ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…) b) cardinal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, …)


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3) Months of the year start with __________

a) small letter b) capital letter

�Speak � Write 5. Make your own Birthday Calendar. Elabora tu propio calendario de cumpleaños.

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6. Look at the calendar below. Complete it with the dates (ordinal numbers:1st, 2nd, etc.) Observa el calendario. Complétalo con las fechas (números ordinales: 1st, 2nd, etc.)

MAY 200___

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

7th 8th

21st 22nd

28 29th �


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7. Order the letters to form the days of the week. Ordena las letras para formar el nombre de un día de la semana y escríbelo sobre la línea. Sun n / y / s / d / u / a _____________________ Mon o / n / d / m / a / y _____________________ Tues s / t / a / u / d / e / y _____________________ Wed d / e / w / n / a / s / d / y / e _____________________ Thurs d / y / h / t / a / r / u _____________________ Fri y / d / a / r / f / i _____________________ Sat t / r / a / y / a / s / u / d _____________________

What’s the meaning of sharpener?

Read write 1. Read the dialogue between Miss. Suárez and Juan’s mother then complete the list on the blackboard. Lee el diálogo entre la maestra y la mamá de Juan. Completa en el pizarrón la lista. Miss Suárez: Good morning Juan. Juan: Good morning Miss. Suárez. This is my mother. She wants to know

the list of items for the class. Miss. Suárez: Of course. The students will need a dictionary, a notebook, a

sharpener, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, scissors, glue and colors. Juan, copy the list on the blackboard, please.

Juan’s mother: Thank you Miss. Suárez. Bye.

Lesson 6

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Miss. Suárez: Have you finished to copy? Students: Yes. Juan: Excuse me, what’s the meaning of sharpener? Miss. Suárez: It is an item you use to sharpen your pencil. Lucía: And, what’s the meaning of scissors? Miss. Suárez: You use it to cut. And in a dictionary you can find the meaning of

many words.

Think 2. Circle the words which are not a school object. Encierra las palabras que no sean un objeto del salón de clase.

scissors pen sharpener dog blackboard book eraser water flower notebook twenty pencil cat dictionary

3. Look at the pictures and write in circle the number to match them with the word. Observa la imagen y escribe el número en cada círculo para relacionar la palabra con el dibujo.


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4. Answer the questions. Contesta las preguntas. What’s the question that Juan and Lucía use to ask for the meaning of a word? ___________________________________________________________________ What’s the meaning of sharpener? ___________________________________________________________________ What’s the meaning of scissors? ___________________________________________________________________

Read 5. Read the text. Lee el texto. Hi, my mane is Jorge. I’m Thirteen years old. I’m a student in secondary school. I like English class and this is my book. This is my notebook, this is my dictionary, this is my pen and these are my colors. That is my pencilcase, that is my ID card and that is my lunch.


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��Write 6. Describe the items you have in your schoolbag and draw it. Use Jorge’s example. Describe lo que llevas en tu mochila e ilústralo. Usa el ejemplo de Jorge. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________


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Unit 1Personal Identification/Identificación personal


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(PDF) Inglés I. Apuntes - 1º Primer Grado - Telesecundaria - DOKUMEN.TIPS (31)

Unit 1

Personal identification / Identificación personal

El alumno:

El propósito de esta unidad es que los estudiantes tengan la habilidad de

presentarse y presentar a otros así como proporcionar detalles personales.


Topics / Temas


Lesson 1 At a party Lesson 2 Her name is Azucena. Lesson 3 My father is a mechanic. Lesson 4 I’m a student. Lesson 5 What do you do? Lesson 6 Are you a student? Lesson 7 My school ID card. Lesson 8 Where do you live? Lesson 9 I live in a small town. Lesson 10 David is a soccer player. Lesson 11 At the archaeological site. Lesson 12 Where are you from? Lesson 13 Are you from Brazil? Lesson 14 A creature from space. Lesson 15 Nationality means nacionalidad. Lesson 16 What about your brother or sister? Lesson 17 Send me an e-mail. Lesson 18 Review. 18 sessions, 6 weeks / 18 sesiones, 6 semanas

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At a party.����




Lesson 1


1. Look at the pictures. Write the expressions to complete the conversation. Observa las imágenes. Escribe en los espacios las expresiones para lograr una conversación.

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2. Write 1 or 3 to order the conversation. Escribe 1 o 3 para ordenar la conversación. ______ Marcos: Nice to meet you, too. Hugo: Nice to meet you, too. 2___ Carolina: Look that is my friend Lucía. Lucía! Come, please. Carolina: Lucía this is Hugo and this is Marcos. Lucía: Nice to meet you. ______ Carolina: Hello! My name is Carolina. What’s your name? Marcos: Hi! I’m Marcos and this is my friend Hugo. Hugo: Nice to meet you.

Think 3. Underline the correct word. Subraya la palabra adecuada.

This / That This / That 4. Underline the correct sentence. Subraya la oración correcta.

a) Look, María! that is my brother. a) This is my friend Jorge Luis. b) María, this is my brother. b) That is my friend Jorge Luis.


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�� Write 5. Write this or that. Escribe this o that sobre la línea. 1. Look! Susana, ____________ is my sister . 2. I live in ______________ yellow house. . 3. _____________ is my schoolbag.


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�Lesson 2


Her name is Azucena.

Read 1. Read the text. Lee el texto.

Good morning. I’m Ruben. I want to talk about my family. This is my mother, her name is Azucena and this is my father, his name is Fernando. He is a teacher. I have two brothers, their names are Joaquin and Jorge. I have one sister, her name is Sofía. My brothers and me play soccer every Sunday in the team “Los rayos”. My father is our coach. He is my favorite soccer player.

Think 2. Write who make reference to the words. Escribe a quién se refieren las palabras siguientes.

1. Her (line 1) refers to: Azucena 2. His (line 2) refers to: __________________________ 3. Their (line 3) refers to: __________________________ 4. Her (line 3) refers to: __________________________ 5. Our (line 5) refers to: __________________________

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6. My (line 4) refers to: ___________________________ 3. Write the names. Escribe los nombres.

Personal Pronouns

Possessive adjectives

I My You Your He His She Her

It Its They Their We Our

Mother Father __________________ ___________________ Son Daughter _______ _______ _______ ______________ Brother Brother Brother Sister


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�Write 4. Write the correct word to complete the sentences. Escribe la palabra o palabras que hagan falta para completar las oraciones. Mariana is my sister. She is a secretary. Luis is my brother. _____________ is twelve years old. My mother is a nurse. ___________ name is Victoria. My father is thirty five years old. __________ name is Fernando. Luis and Toño are my cousins. ___________ study at secondary school. I am Jorge Luis. ____________ favorite sport is soccer. 5. Complete the family tree. Write the names of the members of your family. Completa el árbol genealógico con los miembros de tu familia. Escribe sus nombres sobre la línea.

Grand father


Mother _________

Sister _________

Uncle _________

Niece _________

Nephew _________

� �


� �

� �

Father _________

Son _________

Grand mother


Aunt _________


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6. Write a short text about your family and draw it. Escribe un pequeño texto como el de Rubén para describir a tu familia y usa el espacio para dibujarla. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My father is a mechanic.

Read 1. Read the next text. Lee el siguiente texto

At the classroom En el salón de clase.

Laura is presenting her father to her classmates. Laura presenta a su papá con sus compañeros de clase. My father is a mechanic. His name is Alonso Hernández. He’s 40 years old. He has his own business, he knows everything about mechanics. He has too much experience, such like 20 years. His labor is to repair all kind of motors like trucks, double decker busses, cars and motorcycles. He is the best mechanic in all my community. I’m the youngest I have two brothers. They’re always helping my father with his job.

Lesson 3

My family


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��Write 3. Write the contractions. Escribe las contracciones. e.g. They are they’re He is _____________________________ I am _____________________________ She is _____________________________ It is _____________________________ You are _____________________________ We are _____________________________


Pronoun + Verb to be = Contraction I + am = I’m

Think 4. Select the answer and write it on the line. Selecciona la repuesta y escríbela sobre la línea. We use an ________ to join two words. a) (’) apostrophe b) (,) comma


2. Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas.

What does her father do? He is a ________________________________________________ What´s the name of her father? __________ ____________________________________________ What´s his last name? ______________________________________________________ How old is he? ______________________________________________________ How many years does have of experience? _______________________________________________________

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��Write 5. Answer the questions using the words in the box. Responde las siguientes preguntas usando las palabras del cuadro. e.g. Who is this? (he is the son of my mother) That´s my brother. Who are they? (they are the daughters of my uncle) Those are my nieces Who is this? (He is the father of my father) __________________________ Who is this? (She is the wife of my father) __________________________ Who is this? (She is the daughter of my parents) __________________________ Who is this? (He is the brother of my father) __________________________ Who is this? He is the son of my grandfather __________________________ Who is this? (She is the wife of my grandfather) __________________________ Who is this? (She is the wife of my uncle) __________________________ Who are they? (They are the sons of my uncle) __________________________

�Think 6. The question: Who is this? is used to ask: Escribe a qué se refiere la pregunta: Who is this? ____________________________________________________________

sister father grandmother mother uncle aunt cousins �



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�Write 7. Write a paragraph describing the occupation of somebody of your family members. Escribe un párrafo en dónde describas la ocupación de algún miembro de tu familia. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 4 I’m a student.

�Read 1. Read the text Lee el texto.


My name is Robert Smith. I’m a British writer. I’m 75 years old. My birthday is on 21st June. I live in 312 Rivolli Street, Paris, France. My telephone number is 34 56 89. My e-mail address is [emailprotected] I have one brother. His name is Tom. He is a photographer.

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��Write 2. Complete the information. Completa la información. First name: _____________________________ Last name: _____________________________ Occupation: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ E-mail: _____________________________ Last name: _____________________________ Nationality: _____________________________ Telephone number: _____________________________ Date of birth: _____________________________ 3. Draw yourself. Dibújate. 4. Write a text with your personal information similar to text 1. Escribe un texto con tu información personal, tomando como ejemplo el que aparece al inicio de la lección. I´m…..________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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�Speak 5. Present your personal information to the classroom. Presenta tus datos personales ante la clase.

Lesson 5


What do you do?

Read 1. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. At a Journal. En una editorial de periódico. Karla : Hi. My name is Karla Robert: I´m Robert. What do you do? Are you a model? Karla: No, I´m a journalist and you? Robert: I´m a photographer. I work here. Karla: Cool! I’m looking for a job. Robert: Good luck! Nice to meet you! Karla: Nice to meet you too! Thanks!

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Think 2. How do we ask someone for their occupation? ¿ Cómo preguntamos por la ocupación del alguien?. __________________________________________________________________ 3. Write on the line the article according to the sentence. Escribe sobre la línea el artículo según corresponda.

Article _____ is used with words starting with a vowel sound Article _____ is used with words starting with a consonant sound 4. Match the occupations with the drawings. Relaciona las ocupaciones con los dibujos. A mechanic A soccer player � An engineer A plumber

An actress

a an


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�Write 5. Write a or an in the blanks. Escribe a o an sobre la línea según corresponda. _____ doctor _____ accountant _____ engineer _____ journalist _____ policeman _____ teacher _____ lawyer _____ designer _____ plumber 6. Interview your partner and write down the information you get. Entrevista a tu compañero y escribe la información que obtengas. Use the key questions: What do you do? I´m a student. What does your father do? He’s a carpenter. What does your mother do? She’s a nurse.

1) ______________________________________ 2) ______________________________________ 3) ______________________________________

Lesson 6 Are you a student?

�Read 1. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Ema and Luis are looking at Ema’s album. Ema y Luis están viendo el álbum de Ema.


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Luis: Who is this Ema? Ema: That’s me! Luis: How old are you? Ema: I´m twelve years old. Luis: Are you a student? Yes, I am a student. And you? Luis: No, I’m a secondary teacher. Who is this? Emma: That´s my grandmother! Luis: How old is she? Emma: She’s 79 years old. Luis: What does she do? 2. Answer the next questions according to the dialogue above. Responde las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo al diálogo anterior. e.g. Are Emma and Luis students? No, they aren’t. Is Emma twelve years old? Yes, she is. Is Emma a student? __________________________________________________________ Is Luis a journalist? __________________________________________________________ Is Ema’s grandmother 79 years old? ___________________________________________________________

Think 3. Complete the information. Write on the line if the sentences are affirmative or negative.


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Completa la información. Escribe sobre la línea si las oraciones son afirmativas o negativas. 1) Are you a student? Yes, I am. ______________________ No, I’m not. ______________________ 2) Isn’t she a teacher? Yes, she is. ______________________ No, she isn’t. ______________________ 3) Is it hard to be an architect? Yes, it is. ______________________ No, it isn’t. ______________________

Write 4. Complete the dialogue. Completa el diálogo. Tomas: Hi. Are you a student? Liu: Yes, I am . My name is Liu Huang. Tomas: I _____ sorry. Please say that again. ______ your first name Lou

Huang? Liu: No, it _____ Lou. ______ L-I-U. Tomas: OK! ______ today your first day here? Liu: Yes, it _____. Tomas: Nice to meet you! Liu: Nice to meet you too! See you later.

Speak 5. Practice the dialogue 4 with your partners. Practica el diálogo 4 con tus compañeros.




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My school ID card.

Read Teacher: Good morning! Student: Good morning, teacher. Student: Hello, Miss. Miss: Hi. Show me your ID card students. Miss: Where is your ID card Juan? Juan: I lost it Miss. Miss: You need a new ID. remember we will visit the zoo tomorrow.


Lesson 7


1. Circle the correct option. Encierra la opción correcta. Juan needs the school identification card to visit : a) a museum b) a supermarket c) a zoo An identification card contains: a) name, last name, age b) a conversation c) a favorite T.V program

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Read write 2. Read the conversation. Then complete the ID card. Lee la conversación. Después completa la credencial. Juan: Good morning. I need a new ID card. Secretary: Yes, of course. What’s your name? Juan: Juan Secretary: And, what’s your last name? Juan: Hernández Secretary: How old are you? Juan: I’m thirteen years old. Secretary: What’s your group? Juan: I’m in first grade, group B.

Think 3. Answer the questions. How do we ask for personal details? Contesta las preguntas. ¿Cómo preguntamos por detalles personales? a) _________________________________________ name? b) _________________________________________surname? c) _________________________________________ address? d) _________________________________________ telephone number? How do we ask for someone’s age? ¿Cómo preguntamos por la edad de alguien? _______________________________________________________


Name:_____________________ Last name: _________________ Age: ______________________ Group: ____________________


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Speak 4. Interview a classmate and complete the ID card. Entrevista a un compañero (a) y completa la credencial. 5. Answer the questions with personal information. Contesta las preguntas con tu información personal. a) What’s your name? __________________________________________________ b) What’s your last name? __________________________________________________ c) How old are you? ___________________________________________________ d) What’s your mother’s name? ______________________________________________ e) What’s your father’s name? _______________________________________________ 6. Complete your ID car with personal information and paste your photograph or draw. Escribe los datos a tu credencial y pega tu foto o dibújate.


Name:_____________________ Last name: _________________ Age: ______________________ Group: ____________________


Name:________________________ Last name: ____________________ Age: _________________________ Group: _______________________




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Where do you live?

Read David is an American astronaut. He lives in New York. He’s thirty five years old. He has a brother, his name is Tom and he lives in Dallas. He also has a sister, her name is Sally and she is a teacher. She lives in Houston. Their parents live in Houston too. 1. Circle T (True) or F (False). Encierra T (True-verdadero) si la oración es verdadera o F (False-falso) si es falsa. a) David is an engineer. T F b) He is thirty five years old. T F c) Tom lives in Dallas. T F d) Sally is an astronaut. T F e) Sally lives in Houston. T F f) Their parents live in New York. T F g) David lives in New York. T F

Lesson 8


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Think 2. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. ______ Name a) How old are you? ______ City b) What’s your name? ______ Last name c) Where do you live? ______ Age d) What’s your last name?

Read 3. Read the dialogue Lee el diálogo Mariana: Hello! boys and girls. I want to invite you to my birthday party. Jorge: When is your birthday? Mariana: It is on July 6th, next Saturday. Marcos: Where do you live? Mariana: I live in downtown. Lucía: What’s your address? Mariana: It is 5, Miguel Hidalgo Street. It is near of the school. Will you go? Claudia: Yes, of course. Marcos: Sure. Mariana: Ok, see you on Saturday at five



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��Write 4. Complete the invitation card. Completa la invitación para la fiesta.

Play 5. Where do they live? Draw them. ¿Dónde viven los animales? Dibújalos.

Think 6. Answer the questions. Contesta las preguntas. What’s the meaning of cave?__________________________________ What’s the meaning of bear?__________________________________ What’s the meaning of fish?___________________________________ What’s the meaning of nest?___________________________________ What’s the meaning of bird?___________________________________




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7. Write TRUE or FALSE. Escribe TRUE o FALSE sobre la línea. a) A bird lives in a cave. __________________ b) A dog lives in the sea. __________________ c) A fish lives in the sea. __________________ d) A bear lives in a cave. __________________ e) A person lives in a home. __________________

I live in a small town.


Lesson 9


1. Read the dialogue, the teacher is presenting to a new student from Querétaro. Lee el diálogo en donde el maestro está presentando a un nuevo alumno que

viene de Querétaro.

Teacher: Good morning boys and girls. This is Armando, he is your new

classmate. Students: Welcome Armando. Jorge: What’s your last name? Armando: Ortega. Mariana: How old are you? Armando: I’m twelve. Susana: Who do you live with? Armando: I live with my grandmother and grandfather. Lucía: Tell us about Querétaro. Armando: Well, it is a small, historic, clean and quiet city. People are very kind.

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Think 2. Circle the word that corresponds to the images. Encierra la palabra que corresponda con las imágenes. cold

big small modern historic clean dirty


3. Interview a classmate about the place where she or he lives. Realiza una entrevista a tu compañero (a) sobre el lugar donde vive. You: Where do you live? Classmate: I live in ______________________________ You: Tell me about it. Classmate: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________



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�Write 4. Describe the place where you live and draw it. Describe cómo es el lugar donde vives y dibújalo.





Read 1. Read the biography of David. Lee la biografía de David.

Lesson 10

David Roberts was born in Leytonstone, London on May 2, 1975. He is a soccer player and the most famous sports personality in the world. He is married to Victoria Gordon and they have three sons. They live in Los Angeles.


David is a soccer player.

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2. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. _______ What’s his name? a) He lives in Los Angeles. _______ What’s his last name? b) soccer. _______ What does he do? c) David. _______ How old is he? d) He is a soccer player. _______ Where does he live? e) It is on may 2. _______ Which is his favorite sport? f) Roberts. _______ When is his birthday? g) He is thirty-two years old.

Think 3. Read and underline the correct word. Lee la definición y subraya la palabra adecuada. 1. This word refers to a place. a) what b) where c) when 2. This word refers to a date. a) when b) which d) how 3. This word means “cuál”. a) when b) where d) which

Read Write 4. Read the ID card. Lee la identificación de Martha.

Personal ID Name: Martha Last name: Rico Age: 23 Occupation: Secretary Address: 17 Amarilla Street City: Bogotá Phone: 3778203657


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5. Complete the text with Martha’s information. Completa el texto usando la información de Martha. Martha Rico is a ____________. She’s ________________________ years old. She lives in __________________. Her address is__________________________. Her phone number is _____________________________.

Read �Write 6. Read the information and complete the ID card. Lee la información y completa la credencial.


Strongman is a superhero. He was born on the alien Planet Kryptonia. He was rocketed to Earth before the planet’s destruction. His name is Charles Ment. He works as a reporter for the newspaper “The Daily Moon”. Strongman is faster than speeding bullet, more powerful than locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Ivan Pavlovski is a policeman. He lives in Moscow. He is thirty years old and his address is 16 Stalin Road. His telephone number is 435-4008-23.

Personal ID Name: ____________________________ Last name: ________________________ Age: _____________________________ Address: __________________________ City:


7. Read the biography about Strongman. Lee la biografía sobre Strongman.

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�Write 8. Write a text similar to the Strongman’s, about a person you admire. Escribe un texto similar al de Strongman sobre una persona que admires. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 11


At the archaeological site.

Read 1. The students are in an archaeological site. Read the dialogues, and then write the number on the lines according to the country the tourist is. Los alumnos están de visita en una zona arqueológica. Lee los diálogos y escribe el número junto a la bandera de acuerdo con el país del turista.

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1) Juan: Good morning. What’s your name? _______ Scott: I’m Scott Johnson. And you? Juan: I’m Juan. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? Scott: I’m from England, I’m English. Juan: Do you like Teotihuacán? Scott: Yes, it is wonderful.


3) Mariana: Hi. My name’s Mariana. What’s your name? Taoshi: Hi. I’m Taoshi. What’s your name? ________ Mariana: I’m Mariana. Taoshi: Nice to meet you. Mariana: Where are you from? Taoshi: I’m from China. I’m Chinese.

�Think 2. Answer the question. Contesta la pregunta. Where are you from? means: ___________________________________________ Write the three countries in the dialogue: __________________________________ Write the three nationalities in the dialogue: ________________________________


2) Susana: Hello. What’s your name? Nicole: Hi. I’m Nicole. And you? Susana: I’m Susana. Where are you from? Nicole: I’m from France, I’m French. Susana: What’s your opinion about Teotihuacán? Nicole: It is a beautiful place.

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Write 3. Locate on the map the countries in the box. Localiza en el mapa los países del rectángulo.



Japan/Japanese England/English Portugal/Portuguese Egypt/Egyptian

Russia/Russian France/French Greecce/Greek Peru/Peruvian Mexico /Mexican Thailand/Thai

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� �

�Write 4. With the information in the map complete the sentences. Con la información del mapa completa las oraciones. a) Nicole is from France. She’s French. b) Scout is from ______________. He’s ____________________. c) Ivan is from _______________. He’s Russian. d) Greco is from Greek. He’s _____________________________. e) Taoshi is from ______________. He’s ___________________. f) Alisa is from ________________. She’s _________________. g) Sabdy is from ________________. She’s ________________. h) Mario is from Peru. He’s ______________________________. i) Juan is from __________________. He’s Mexican. j) Paula is from Portugal. She’s __________________________. 5. Complete the table with information below. Completa el cuadro con la información anterior.

Country Nationality France French

6. Imagine you are from other country. Invent a name an write about yourself. Imagina que eres de otro país. Inventa un nombre y escribe sobre ti. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Where are you from?

Read 1. Read the information about Jennifer, Ramiro and Nora. Lee la información de Jennifer, Ramiro y Nora.

My name is Jennifer Robins, I’m from Toronto, Canada. I’m Canadian. I´m 12 years old. My birthday is on November 20th. My father is an actor. He is now working in Broadway. His name is Ramiro Paredes. He’s from France. He’s French. He’s 13 years old. His birthday is on September 1st. His sister is 3 years old. Her name is Lisa.

She is Nora Stevens. Nora’s from Texas. She’s American. She’s 11 years old. Her birthday is on July 25th. Her mother’s from Guatemala. She´s Guatemalan.

2. Complete the information. Completa la información. Ramiro’s from ____________________. He’s _______________________. He’s __________ years old. His birthday is on _________________. Nora’s from ______________________. She’s ______________________. She’s ______________________ years old. Her mother’s from ____________________. Jennifer’s from ______________________. ___________ Canadian. She´s ___________ years old. ________________________ November 20th.

Lesson 12


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Think 3. Answer the questions. Contesta las preguntas. We use ________ to say the country or the place of origin.

a) from b) for

Write 4. Complete the chart using the words in the box. Completa la tabla usando las palabras del cuadro.

Country Nationality Brazil Canada China Colombia England France Germany Greece Italy Japan Poland Portugal Peru Spain Russia

Chinese Italian German French Russian Peruvian Brazilian Portuguese Colombian Canadian Polish English Spanish Greek Japanese


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Think 5. Classify the nationalities according to their endings using the words of the box. Clasifica las nacionalidades según sus terminaciones utilizando las palabras del cuadro anterior.

-n -an -ian








Are you from Brazil?

Read 1. Read the next dialogue. Lee el siguiente diálogo. Paulo Da Silva: Hi. Are you a new student? Carlos: Yes, I am. My name is Carlos Gómez. What´s your name? Paulo Da Silva: My name is Paulo Da Silva. Carlos: Your accent is different.

Are you from Portugal? Paulo Da Silva: No, I’m from Brazil. I’m Brazilian. I speak Portuguese. Are you Mexican?

Lesson 13


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Carlos: Yes, I´m Mexican. Are you from Río de Janeiro? Paulo: No, I’m from Brazilia. Carlos: Paulo, nice too meet you. Paulo: Nice to meet you too. See you later! Carlos: Good bye! 2. Answer the next questions. Contesta las siguientes preguntas. Is Carlos a new student? Is Correia the last name of Paulo? Is Paulo from Brazilia?



3. Answer the questions, according to your answers in 2. Contesta las preguntas. What´s the structure of these questions? How do you give an affirmative answer? How do you give a negative answer?

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Read 4. Read the text. Lee el texto. Roger Waters is 14 years old. He’s from Manchester, England. His parents are from Belgium, they all live in Warsaw, Poland. He is a secondary student at Poland Junior High. His birthday is on February 14th.

Write 5. Complete the information. Completa la información. __________________________________________ ? Roger. _________________________________________ ? No, his last name is Waters. _______________________________________? From Manchester, England. ____________________________________________ ? In Warsaw, Poland. ____________________________________________ ? Yes, he is. ________________________________________ ? No, his birthday is on

February 14th.

� � �


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A creature from the space.

Read 1. This is a creature from the space. Read her biography. Esta criatura es del espacio. Lee la siguiente biografía.

Think 2. Complete the table with the missing words. Use the information in the text. Completa el cuadro con las palabras que faltan. Usa la información del texto.

Name Age Country Nationality Language Address

3. Draw a creature. Use the questions as a guide. Dibuja una criatura. Usa las preguntas como guía.

o What’s the name of the creature? o Where is it from? o How old is the creature? o What’s its nationality and language? o What’s its address? o What’s is its phone number?

Lesson 14

She is Zianya. She is a nurse in her country. She is from Zianyaland. She is 165 years old. Her nationality is Zianyashian and her language is Zianyish. Her address is 39 Blue Star in the Milky way. Her phone number is 2873-28892-000.


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Answers to the questions. Respuestas a las preguntas. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Write about your creature. Escribe acerca de la criatura. Text _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Think 4. Show your creature to your classmates and read your text. Listen to the other stories. Muestra tu criatura a tus compañeros y lee tu texto. Escucha las otras historias.

Draw your creature here Dibuja aquí a tu criatura


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Nationality means nacionalidad

Read 1. Read the text and underline the words you can understand with out a dictionary. Lee el texto y subraya las palabras que puedes entender sin usar un diccionario. 2. Write the words you underlined in the text. Escribe las palabras que subrayaste en el texto. __Nationality,_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 15

Homework. Taoshi Okito is from Japan, his nationality is Japanese. He is thirty five years old. He is a doctor and he works at the most important hospitals in his country. He practices basketball and tennis. He is in Mexico city for vacation; he visited Chapultepec park, the Zocalo, the Fine Arts Palace and the National Anthropology Museum. I think Taoshi is a very intelligent and interesting person.

These words are named “cognates”. A cognate is a word that is similar in English and Spanish and you can understand it easy. Estas palabras se llaman cognados. Un cognado es una palabra que en la escritura y el significado es similar o igual al español y las puedes entender fácilmente.


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Think 3. Write the meaning in Spanish of the words. Escribe el significado en español de las siguientes palabras. a) nationality ___________________ b) doctor ___________________ c) important ___________________ d) hospital ___________________ e) vacation ___________________ f) museum ___________________ g) intelligent ___________________

Write 4. Read the text and answer the questions. Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas.

Koko is a gorilla. He’s from Africa and he lives in a zoo with other animals. His best friends are the elephants, the hippopotamus, the chimpanzee and the crocodile. His favorite food are bananas and chocolates. You can visit him at the zoo and take photographs. He will be happy to see you. He is very intelligent.


a) Where is Koko from? ____________________________________________ b) Where does he live? ____________________________________________ c) Who are his friends? ____________________________________________ d) Write the cognates: ____________________________________________ e) Write in Spanish what you understand from the text ___________________

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What about your brother or sister?

� Read 1. Read the text. Lee el siguiente texto.

2. Look at the words in bold. Who do they refer to? Circle the correct option. Observa las palabras en negritas. ¿A quién se refieren? Encierra la opción adecuada.

1. En la primer línea, he se refiere a: a) Mario b) The father c) The mother

2. En la segunda línea, they se refiere a: a) Mario and his father. b) Mother and father. c) Mario and his brothers 3. En la segunda línea, she se refiere a: a) The mother b) Mario c) The sister 4. En la tercer línea, he se refiere a: a) The father b) The teacher c) The mother

Think 3. Underline the best option. Subraya la mejor opción. A) These are personal pronouns: a) I, you, he, she, it, they, we b) in, on, under, next to.

Lesson 16


Mario is a student in first grade at secondary school. He plays soccer with his brothers. They play on Sundays in the park. His mother carries the lunch. She prepares some sandwiches and carries sodas for drink. His father goes with them too. He is the coach of the team.

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B) These are possessive adjectives: a) one, two, three, four, five, six b) My, your, his, her, its, their, our

Play 4. Find and circle eight personal pronouns in the letters. Encuentra y encierra los 8 pronombres escondidos en la sopa de letras. A I T W M S H E F T H E Y M E H G S E B O U R I C J M X U S D M T H E M R H I S

Write 5. Interview to a classmate. Then, answer the questions. Entrevista a uno de sus compañeros y contesta las siguientes preguntas. What is your name? ____________________________________ What is your last name? ____________________________________ Where are you from? ____________________________________ When is your birthday? ____________________________________ What is your favorite sport? ____________________________________ 6. With the information about your classmate write a text like Mario’s. Con la información de tu compañero escribe un texto, usa el de Mario como ejemplo. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Send me an e-mail.

Read 1. Read the text. Lee el texto. Yoko wants to contact a friend in England and she decided to send him an e- mail: From: Yoko Tamaguchi To: Stephen Morrissey Subject: Hi, Stephen! Dear Stephen: Hi! My name is Yoko Tamaguchi I´m from Japan, I´m fourteen years old, I´m a student. I live in Kyoto. My father is a doctor, his name is Kato Tamaguchi, he´s very intelligent. My mother is a nurse, her name Akane Tendo, she is from Tokyo, she´s very careful with her patients. They work together at the same Hospital. I have a little brother named Daero, he´s seven years old. I will be very glad if you phone me, my telephone number is: 26 26 11 44 or send me an e-mail my adress is: [emailprotected].


Lesson 17


2. Order the questions and answer them. Ordena las preguntas y contéstalas tomando en cuenta la información de Yoko. e.g. How old is Yoko? She is fourteen years old. is/ Yoko’s/ last/ name /What/? _______________________________________ she/ does/do / What? _______________________________________ his/ What´s/ occupation/ father’s? _______________________________________ are/ Where/ from/ they? _______________________________________

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_______________________________________ 3. Interview 3 of your classmates and complete the information. Entrevista a 3 de tus compañeros (as) y completa la información 1) What´s your name? My name is ______________________ How __________? I´m ____________ years old Where´re you from? I´m from _________________________ What´s your ________________? My telephone number is ____________ 2) What´s _____________? His name is ______________________ How old are you? He’s ____________ years old Where´re you from? He’s from ________________________ What´s your telephone number? His _____________ is ______________ 3) _______ your name? Her name is ______________________ How old _________? She’s ____________ years __________ _________ you from? I´m from ___________________ __________ telephone number? Her telephone _________ is _________

Write 4. Reply Yoko´s e-mail, including all your personal information. Contesta el e-mail de Yoko incluyendo tus datos personales. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


Kato/ Who/ Tamaguchi/ is?

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1. Order the dialogue and write the corresponding numbers (1,2,3, or 4) Ordena el diálogo y escribe el número que corresponda. ( ) Nice to meet you too. ( ) Hello, Mario. I am Lucy. ( ) Nice to meet you. ( 1 ) Hi, My name is Mario.

The teacher is going to dictate to you, listen to 5 different names and then spell them to the class, then write the names in the table. El profesor te va a dictar, escucha cinco nombres diferentes y deletréalos para la clase, posteriormente escríbelos en la tabla. e.g. Pedro Xtabay P-E-D-R-O X- T-A-B-A-Y Pedro Xtabay 1 2 3 4 5

2. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. 1) May I go to the bathroom?

2) Sit down!

3) Open your books. 4) Close the window.

Lesson 18



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3. Find and circle the twelve months of the year. Encuentra y encierra los 12 meses del año.















































































































4. Answer the puzzle in English. Responde en inglés el crucigrama.

Horizontales 1. El nombre de este día se parece al cuarto planeta del Sistema Solar. 2. Es el día en que toda la familia se reúne. 3. Es el primer día de la semana. 4. Su nombre se parece a un planeta que tiene anillos.


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Verticales 5. Es el día que empieza con “w” y termina con “y”. 6. Último día de clases. 7. Es el día que tiene 6 letras en su escritura y empieza con “j” en español.

Twenty four two Thirteenth fifty Second one Sixty nine Sixty ninth First thirty three Fiftieth Twenty fourth Thirty third thirteen

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5. Match the ordinal and cardinal numbers. Follow the example. Relaciona los números ordinales y cardinales. Fíjate en el ejemplo.

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6. With the help of a dictionary find the meaning of the next words. Write the meaning on the line. Con la ayuda del diccionario busca la traducción en español de las siguientes palabras. Escribe el significado sobre la línea.

1) scissors___________________ 2) schoolbag: ________________ 3) cucumber: ________________ 4) Classmate: ________________

7. Answer the questions about yourself. Contesta las preguntas sobre ti mismo. a) What’s your name? _________________________________________________ b) What’s your last name?______________________________________________ c) How old are you? __________________________________________________ d) What’s your address? _______________________________________________ e) Where are you from? _______________________________________________ f) Where do you live? _________________________________________________ 8. Write the word in the line. Follow the example. Escribe la palabra sobre la línea. Fíjate en el ejemplo. Laura: This is my friend Mariana. Mariana: Where is ___________ from? Laura: _________’s from Brazil. Mariana: And this picture? Laura: _________ name is Rosario.

_________’s from Spain. Mariana: What’s _________ last name? Laura: Her__ last name is Castillo. 9. Choose the answer. Escoge la respuesta.

1) Hi. I ( ‘m/ ‘s ) Dave. 2) Hello. We ( ‘s / ‘re ) Mary and Hellen. 3) She ( ‘re / ‘s ) a nurse. 4) Dianna’s ( from / on ) Argentina 5) John’s birthday is ( on / an ) November 11th.


her her her she she she

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10. Write the occupation under the picture. Use a or an and the words in the box. Follow the example. Escribe la ocupación debajo de cada dibujo. Usa a o an y las palabras en el cuadro. Fíjate en el ejemplo.

11. Read the sentences and match them with the pictures. Follow the example. Lee las oraciones y relaciónalas con los dibujos. Fíjate en el ejemplo.

1.( b ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )


an astronaut__



mechanic nurse

plumber teacher architect astronaut

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a) Mr. Fernando García is Mexican. He is a carpenter and he is thirty three years old. b) Miss. Sally Laurence is an English teacher. She is from England. She’s thirty years old. c) Mrs. Sumiko Tokana is a Japanese actress. She’s forty years old. d) Mr. Paul Dupont is a doctor. He’s from France. He’s forty four years old. e) Mr. Marcio Correia is a mechanic. He’s from Brazil. He’s twenty eight years old. 12. Choose the correct word and write it on the line. Elige la respuesta correcta y escríbela sobre la línea.

1. Mario is from Brazil. He is __________________________. a) Brazilian b) French

2. Ivan is from Russia. He is __________________________.

a) Rustic b) Russian

3. Nicole is from France. She is ________________________. a) French b) Francois

4. Robert is from England. He is ________________________.

a) English b) Englishman

5. Yoko is from Japan. She is ___________________________. a) Chinese b) Japanese

13. Write the country and nationality under the flag. Use the words in the box. Escribe el país y la nacionalidad debajo de cada bandera. Usa las palabras del cuadro. 1._____________ 2.______________ 3.______________

Belgium England Mexico China France Poland Belgian English Mexican Chinese French Polish


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4._____________ 5._______________ 6._____________

1. Page 7. Página . ( 4 ) Nice to meet you too. ( 2 ) Hello, Mario. I am Lucy. ( 3 ) Nice to meet you. ( 1) Hi, My name is Mario.

2. Page . Página . 1) May I go to the bathroom?

2) Sit down! 3) Open your books.

4) Close the window.





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3. Page 8. Página .

4. Page . Página .















































































































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5. Page . Página . Match the ordinal and numbers. Follow the example. Relaciona los números ordinales y cardinales. Fíjate en el ejemplo. Twenty four two Thirteenth fifty Second one Sixty nine Sixty ninth First thirty three Fiftieth Twenty fourth Thirty third thirteen 6. Page 0. Página .

Scissors: it is an item to cut. Schoolbag: it is a bag to carry school items. Cucumber: the long fleshy many-seeded fruit of a vine is a garden vegetable Classmate: a member of the same class (as in college)

Unit 1 7. a) What’s your name? My name is …….. b) What’s your last name? My last name is ……………… c) How old are you? I’m ……………… years old d) What’s your address? My address is # + Street e) Where are you from? I’m from …………………. f) Where do you live? I live in ………………….. 8. Page Página Laura: This is my friend Mariana. Mariana: Where is she from? Laura: She’s from Brazil. Mariana: And this picture? Laura: Her name is Rosario.

She’s from Spain. Mariana: What’s her last name? Laura: Her__ last name is Castillo. 9. Page Página

1) Hi. I ( ‘m/ ‘s ) Dave. 2) Hello. We ( ‘s / ‘re ) Mary and Hellen. 3) She ( ‘re / ‘s ) a nurse. 4) Dianna’s ( from / on ) Argentina 5) John’s birthday is ( on / an ) November 11th.






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11. Page Página 1.( b ) 2.( d ) 3.( a ) 4.( e ) 5.( c ) 12. Page 2 Página

1. a) Brazilian 2. b) Russian 3. a) French 4. a) English 5. b) Japanese

13. Page Página 1) Mexico/ Mexican 2) Belgic/ Belgian 3) China/ Chinese 4) Poland/ Polish 5) England/ English 6) France/ French



mechanic nurse

plumber teacher architect astronaut

an astronaut__ an architect

a mechanic a nurse a plumber a teacher

10. Page 1. 8 Página . 18




a teacher

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Materiales de apoyo

Temas Material sugerido Recuerda que puedes consultar estas páginas electrónicas a lo largo de toda la unidad.

• www.bbc.co.uk/teens • www.afterschool.gob/kidsnteens2.html. • Programa sepAingles. Programa: ¡Hello! Para la lección 1 de la unidad introductoria.


Beare, N., Links 2 Teacher´s Guide, México, Macmillan, 2005.

Celorio, G., Smash! 2, Teacher´s Resource Book, México, Richmond

Publishing, 1997.

Domínguez, E. et al., Connections one. Student´s Book, México, Nuevo

México, 2006.

Emilsson, E. et al., Dialogues. English 1, México, Fondo de Cultura

Económica, 2002.

Haines, P. et al., Crossroads. English 1. México, Oxford University Press,


Kirn, E. et al., A Communicative Grammar, México, McGraw-Hill,1996.

Programas de Estudio. Educación básica. Secundaria. Lengua Extranjera

Inglés, México, SEP, 2006.

Salazar, J., English 1. México, Santillana, 2006.

Van der Werff, J., New Passport Student´s Book, México, Richmond

Publishing, 2006.


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Unit 2Actions in progress/Acciones en progreso


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Unit 2

Actions in progress/Acciones en progreso

El propósito de esta unidad es capacitar a los estudiantes para que den y obtengan información sobre posesiones y describan acciones que están en progreso, es decir, en el momento en el que se está hablando.


Topics / Temas


Lesson 1 Sending an e-mail Lesson 2 This is Samuel’s sweater Lesson 3 Whose are these shorts? Lesson 4 That is my favorite jacket Lesson 5 These blue jeans are comfortable Lesson 6 Are these your sunglasses? Lesson 7 Mini Check Lesson 8 Looking for Arturo Lesson 9 Speaking on the phone Lesson 10 Getting ready to the party Lesson 11 Enjoying a party Lesson 12 What’s happening at the party? Lesson 13 A day in Acapulco Lesson 14 MiniLesson 15 Project: A class magazine. Part one Lesson 16 Project: A class magazine. Part two Lesson 17 Project: A class magazine. Part three Lesson 18 Project: A class magazine. Part four Lesson 19 Project: A class magazine. Part five Lesson 20 Project: A class magazine. Part six Lesson 21 Project: A class magazine. Part seven Lesson 22 Review Lesson 23 Review Lesson 24 Review 24 sessions, 8 weeks/ 24 sesiones, 8 semanas


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Sending an e-mail


1. Answer the question about the text. Responde la pregunta acerca del texto. What is this text? a) a letter b) a dialogue c) an e-mail 2. Look at the picture and read the text. Observa la imagen y lee el texto.

� � � � � � � From: [emailprotected] To: [emailprotected] Subject: Greetings from Mexico Dear Robert, I’m sending you a photograph of me with my family. Here I’m wearing all in red. Red is my favorite color, that’s why my jacket is red, my pants are red and even my shoes are red. The boy next to me is my little brother. His name is Arturo. In the picture, he is wearing his “charro” suit, because the photo is from Mexican Independence day. Behind me and my brother are my parents. They are also wearing typical clothes. They only wear their typical clothes to celebrate Independence Day. I think their clothes are very nice, especially my mother’s black skirt covered with bright decoration. Send me an e-mail soon. The girls that are sitting in front are my sisters Monica and Laura.

Regards, Mauricio

Lesson 1


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3. Answer the questions according to the e-mail. Responde las preguntas de acuerdo con el correo electrónico.

1. What’s Mauricio describing? A) an e-mail B) a Picture

2. What’s Mauricio’s favorite color? A) blue B) red

3. What are Mauricio’s parents wearing? A) typical clothes B) sport clothes

Think Write

4. Look at the bold words and answer the following questions. Underline the correct answer. Observa las palabras en negritas y contesta las siguientes preguntas. Subraya la respuesta que corresponda.

1. In the first paragraph, my refers to: • Mauricio • Arturo

2. In the second paragraph, his refers to: • “charro” suit • Arturo

3. In the last paragraph their refers to: • customs • Independence Day

4. Words my, his, their are possessive adjectives, and they are used to show:

• possession • description


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5. Complete the chart with the words in the box. Completa la tabla.

I You He She

It We You They Their

Play 6. Read the next words and write on the lines the name of the color that corresponds. Lee las siguientes palabras y escribe en las líneas el nombre del color que corresponde. ���������������� ���� ������������������������ ���� ������������������������ �� ��� ��� ��� ����� ���� �������������������� ������������ ���� ������������������������ ���� ����������������������� ���� ����������������������������

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Her My His Your Your Our


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�� Write �

7. Look at the pictures. Complete the information. Use possessive adjectives (my, your, her …) and colors (blue, black, white…). Observa las imágenes. Completa la información. Usa los adjetivos posesivos (my, your, her …) y los colores (blue, black, white…).

Example: My skirt is blue. ___________ book is _____________. ___________ schoolbag is _____________. ____________ house is ______________. ____________ uniforms are _______________.


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This is Samuel’s sweater


1. Answer the question about the text. Responde la pregunta acerca del texto. What is this text? a) a chart b) an e-mail c) a dialogue 2. Read the text. Lee el texto. Mauricio: Mom, tell Monica this is not her sweater. Mom: Hey Monica, Mauricio is right, this is not your sweater, but Mauricio, this is not yours either. This is Laura’s sweater, right Laura? Laura: No, mom. It isn’t mine. Mauricio: No, mom. Laura’s sweater is blue and this is green.This is my friend’s. Mom: What friend? Monica: It’s Samuel’s. Mom: Why do you have Samuel’s sweater? Monica: Because we are good friends. Mom: Ok. 3. Answer the questions about the dialogue. Contesta las preguntas acerca del diálogo. 1) Why are Monica and Mauricio discussing? _____________________________________________________________ 2) What color is Laura’s sweater? _____________________________________________________________ 3) Who is the owner of the sweater? _____________________________________________________________

Lesson 2

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4. Go back to the dialogue. Look at the red words. Choose the correct answer Observa las palabras en rojo del diálogo. Elige la respuesta que corresponda. What does (‘s) mean?

a) plural b) possession c) contraction of is

In the dialogue Monica says: It’s Samuel’s. Write on the line what are the (´) referring to: It’s refers to_____________________________________ Samuel’s refers to ________________________________


5. Complete the information according to the images. Completa la información de acuerdo con las imágenes. Example: Whose is this sweater? This is Laura’s sweater. 1) Whose is this jacket? This is ______________ ________________. 2) Whose is this t-shirt? This is ______________ ________________. 3) Whose is these shoes? These are______________ _______________.





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4) Whose is this dress? This is ______________ ________________. 5) Whose are these pants? These are______________ ________________. 6. Write five sentences about the clothes your classmates and teacher are wearing. Escribe cinco enunciados sobre las prendas que tus compañeros y maestro están usando.

Example: Norma’s blouse is pink. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


7. Look at the things you have on your desk. Ask your partners whose is this/that? Answer the questions to your partners. Observa los objetos de tu escritorio. Pregunta a tus compañeros whose is this/that? Responde las preguntas a tus compañeros.




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Whose are these shorts?


1. Answer the question about the dialogue. Responde las preguntas acerca del diálogo.

2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Mauricio’s family is on vacations. They are leaving soon and they are packing to go. Laura: Whose are these shorts Monica? Monica: They are Mauricio’s. Laura: Really? Aren’t Mauricio’s white? Monica: Yes, they are white, but they look black because are very dirty. Laura: Wow!, that is a color change! Monica and Laura: Ha ha ha ha... Monica: Are you taking your sun glasses? Laura: No. Look, they are broken. Monica: Ops! that’s a shame.

Lesson 3


Where is Mauricio’s family? a) camping b) on the beach c) at school

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3. Answer the next questions. Responde las siguientes preguntas.

• Is there a plural form for shorts? a) yes b) no

• Is there a plural form for sun glasses? a) yes b) no How do you form plural nouns? _____________________________________________________________ Words like ___________are always plural. a) cap, coat b) jeans, shorts, pants, etc. Words like ___________ are plural because they become in pairs. a) jeans, shorts, pants, etc. b) socks, shoes, gloves, etc.


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4. Look at the pictures and match the columns. Observa las imágenes y relaciona las columnas. gloves tennis shoes pants jeans glasses socks shorts shoes


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5. Write the singular or plural forms of the clothes. Escribe la forma singular o plural de las siguientes prendas.

Singular Plural shoe shoes dresses pants coat jackets blouse caps


6. Work in pairs. Ask your partner what he is wearing. Circle the clothes he/she is wearing. Trabaja en parejas. Pregunta a tu compañero cómo está vestido. Circula la prenda que porta.


7. Write on the lines the description of clothes your partner and you are wearing. Escribe sobre las líneas la descripción de tu ropa y la de tu compañero.

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He/ She is wearing _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ I’m wearing ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

That is my favorite jacket


1. Order the letters to form a word. Write them on the line. Ordena las letras para formar una palabra. Escríbelas sobre la línea. t/ r/ i/ k/ s e/ a/ j/ s/ n c/ k/ t/ e/ a/ j ____________ ______________ _______________ 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Erika: Wow! That jacket is so cool! Laura: Oh, thanks. This is my favorite one. My father bought it for me in the USA Erika: And look at that jeans. It is fabulous! Laura: Thank you. This isn’t my favorite one, but it is comfortable. 3. Answer the questions about the dialogue. Responde las preguntas acerca del diálogo. 1) What is Laura’s favorite cloth? __________________________________ 2) Where did Laura’s father buy her jacket? ___________________________________ 3) Why does Laura like her skirt? ___________________________________

Lesson 4

�� �


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4. Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas. In line 1, that refers to….

a) the jacket b) Erika

In line 6, this refers to …. a) the jacket b) the skirt

This/that are used with….. a) singular nouns b) plural nouns

This is used to show…. a) proximity b) distance


5. Write on the line this/that. Look at the location of hand. Escribe sobre la línea this/that. Tomando en cuenta el señalamiento de la mano.

�_________ ___________ � �__________ ___________ �


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6. Complete the information. Use this/that. Completa la información.Usa this/that.

I like ___________ jacket.

___________ is her sweater.

�___________ is my watch.

�Look at ___________ skirt.


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Write Speak

7. Work in pairs. Write a dialogue similar to two. Practice saying the dialogue. Trabaja en parejas. Escribe un diálogo similar al punto dos. Practica diciendo en voz alta el diálogo. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These blue jeans are comfortable


1. Complete the chart. Use the dialogue. Completa la tabla. Usa el diálogo.

2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Laura: Hurry up Monica! It is getting late for the cinema. These tickets for “Mystic Romance” are for the 6 p.m. show and it is 5:40 now. Monica: I know, I know. I’m changing my clothes as fast as I can. Laura: Well, you aren’t doing your best! Monica: Please, pass me those jeans. Laura: Which ones? Monica: Those on the bed. Laura: The blue ones or the black ones? Monica: The blue ones, please. Laura: Here you are. Monica: Thanks my friend. I love these jeans.

Lesson 5

Killerman 5:45 p.m. Man on the moon 3:20 p.m. Mystic Romance


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Think 3. Choose the right answer. Escoge la respuesta que corresponda. Those is used to show…. a) proximity b) distance Those is used with… a) plural nouns b) singular nouns


4. Write on the line these/those. Look at the , Escribe sobre la línea these/those. Toma en cuenta las flechas , _______________ are Alejandra’s jeans. _______________ are your shorts. _______________ are Julio’s tennis shoes. _______________ are Teacher’s glasses. _______________ are his pants.


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5. Look Greg’s picture. Write on the lines these/those. Observa la foto de Greg. Escribe sobre la línea these/those. _________ are a Greg’s family pictures. Look at this one. __________ girls wearing the _________ jeans and ___________ t-shirts are my sisters. Their names are Susan and Jenny they are twins. The one next to them is Memo, he is Susan’s boyfriend. ____________ are my grandparents.__________ are my cousins Paco and Tino.

Speak Write 6. Bring a picture. Write a text similar to five. Share your description with your classmates. Trae una foto. Escribe un texto similar al del punto cinco. Comparte tu descripción con tus compañeros. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Are these your sunglasses?


1. Complete the chart. Completa la tabla.

Singular (proximity) Plural (distance) this those 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Roger: Hey! That pair of glasses is the teacher’s. Paul: Really? I’m not sure. I think those are Mauricio’s glasses. Roger: Well, let’s ask the teacher. Paul: Teacher, are these Mauricio’s or yours? Teacher: No, they aren’t mine. I’m sure they are Mauricio’s, I saw him wearing them. Roger: Ok, we will ask Mauricio. Roger: Mauricio, are these your glasses? Mauricio: Oh, yes, they are mine. This is my lucky day. Thanks a lot.

Lesson 6

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3. Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas. 1) What are Paul and Roger talking about? ____________________________________________________ 2) Are they Teacher’s glasses? ____________________________________________________ 3) Are they Mauricio’s? ____________________________________________________

Think 4. Look at the dialogue. Answer the questions. Observa el diálogo. Responde las preguntas. To ask about someone’s possessions we say ________. a) Is this your jacket? b) This is your jacket? Complete the chart. Is this your jacket? No, these are Andrea’s jeans. Are those your sneakers? Yes, that is my sweater.


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5. Complete the information. Use this/that/these/those. Completa la información. Usa this/that/these/those.

Do you like ________ sweater?

_________ jeans are for you.

I like _________ red cap.

Look at _________ people wearing customs.


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6. Order the words to form the questions. Ordena las palabras para formar las preguntas. Example: those/ your / are/ gloves/? Are those your gloves? 1) bag / Is / this / your/ ? / __________________________________________ 2) your / these / ? / books / Are / __________________________________________ 3) my / ? / Is / coat / that / __________________________________________ 4) those / his / Are / shoes? __________________________________________ 5) Mario’s / these / shorts / Are / ? __________________________________________


7. Put some of your clothes in a bag. Take one by one out an ask: Is this your....? until you find the owner. Pongan algunas de sus prendas en una bolsa. Vayan tomando una por una y pregunten: Is this your...? hasta encontrar al dueño. Example Is this your sweater Ana? Yes, it is mine.

Clothe Owner �������� ��


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Mini Check


1. What kind of text is it? ¿Qué tipo de texto es? a) letter b) post card c) e-mail 2. Read the text. Look at the picture. Lee el texto. Observa la imagen. � � � � � � � From: [emailprotected] To: [emailprotected] Subject: Greetings from Mexico Dear Nigel: I’m sending you a picture of my last weekend. In this picture I’m wearing my white shorts. Believe me, these shorts are white, but look black because they are very dirty. My sisters are in the picture too. Monica is wearing her sun glasses. Laura’s glasses are broken, so, Laura isn’t wearing glasses. She is wearing her red bathing suit. Those people at the back are my parents. They are buying sodas. Write me soon.

Regards, Mauricio

Lesson 7


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3. Answer the questions about the e-mail. Responde las preguntas acerca del correo electrónico. 1) Where are they in the picture? _______________________________________________________ 2) Why do Mauricio’s shorts turned black? _______________________________________________________ 3) Why Laura is not wearing her sunglasses? ________________________________________________________ 4) What are Mauricio’s parents doing? ________________________________________________________



4. Find the information in text 1. Complete the chart. Encuentra la información en el texto 1. Completa la tabla.

Possessive Adjectives

Demostrative Pronouns

Colors Clothes ‘s to show possession

Plural nouns

my white






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5. Find the words in the box and circle them. Encuentra y encierra las palabras del cuadro.

6. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. Are these Pablo’s shorts?

Yes, they are my pants.

Is this your favorite color?

Yes, they are my glasses.

Are those your pants?

Yes, that’s my favorite color.

Is that my skirt?

No, these shorts are Rodrigo’s

Are these your glasses?

No, this is Laura’s skirt.












red black white brown yellow pink cap scarf jeans skirt blouse


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7. Answer Mauricio’s e-mail. Responde el correo electrónico a Mauricio. � � � � � � � � From: To: [emailprotected] Subject:


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Looking for Arturo


At the amusem*nt park En un parque de diversiones. 1. What are they doing? ¿Qué están haciendo? a) looking for someone b) watching T.V. 2. Read the announcement. Lee el anuncio. May I have your attention, please? We are looking for a boy. He’s 6 years old, his name is Arturo. He is Fiona’s brother He is wearing yellow shorts, white T-shirt and a red cap. If you see him, please go to the security people of the park. Security people are wearing navy blue pants, green shirts, white gloves and beige hats. Thanks for your attention.

Lesson 8


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3. Answer the questions about the announcement. Responde las preguntas acerca del anuncio. 1) Who is looking for a boy? ____________________________________________ 2) Where are they? ____________________________________________ 3) What do you have to do in case you see the boy? _____________________________________________

Think 4. Look at the dialogue again. Choose the right answer. Elige la respuesta que corresponda. To describe what somebody is wearing, we use: a) am/is/are wearing. b) am/is/are wears. Why are they describing people clothes? _____________________________________________


5. Look at the images. Describe the clothes the images are wearing. Write it on the lines. Observa las imágenes y escribe sobre la línea la descripción de las prendas que se están usando.


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1) She is wearing_________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2) He is wearing _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ I am wearing __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Draw yourself.�


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Play 5. Place the chairs in a circle around the classroom. All the classmates will occupy a place except one that will keep standing. • The one that is standing will have to say: “I’m a new neighbor, and I love the neighbors that are wearing...” and will complete the phrase saying a clothe or an object they have or wear in the moment, saying the color. • The persons that are wearing that clothe will have to change place, and the one that is standing up will take a place on the chairs that are free, leaving someone standing up and he will repeat the instructions with other characteristics. • Coloquen las sillas formando un círculo alrededor del salón. Todos los alumnos ocuparán un lugar excepto un integrante que permanecerá de pie. • El que esté de pie dirá la siguiente instrucción: “I´m a new neighbor, and I Iove the neighbors that are wearing.....” completando la frase con alguna prenda u objeto que estén utilizando, dando características de color. • Las personas que cumplan con dichos requisitos deberán cambiar de lugar, mientras que el que está de pie ocupará una de las sillas que queden libres, dejando a un integrante de pie, que repetirá la instrucción con otra característica.


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Speaking on the phone Read

1. What is Fiona doing? ¿ Qué está haciendo Fiona?

2. Read the dialogue. Write on the line the number of the dialogue that refers to the image. Lee el diálogo. Escribe sobre la línea el número del diálogo que corresponda a la imagen. 1) Dad: Hello? Fiona: Hi, dad. What’s up? Dad: How are you doing? Fiona: Fine dad, everything is ok. Are you working? 2) Dad: Yes, I am. What’s Arturo doing? Fiona: He is watching T.V. 3) Dad: And your mom? What is she doing? Fiona: She is baking a cake and I’m studying.

Lesson 9

� �


a) writing a letter b) speaking on the phone

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3. Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas. 1) What is Arturo doing? _____________________________________________________ 2) What is Fiona´s father doing? _____________________________________________________ 3) What’s Fiona’s mother doing? _____________________________________________________

Think 4. Look at the words in bold. Answer the questions. Observa las palabras en negritas. Responde las preguntas. 1) We use present continuous to express actions that ___________. a) are happening now b) happened yesterday 2) How do you form present continuous? a) am/is/are + -ing b) am/is/are + -ed


5. Look at the image. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Observa la imagen. Completa los enunciados con las palabras del cuadro. �


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My father is ____________ his red car. My mother is ___________ breakfast. They are ___________ for the bus. Hurry up! The bus is ____________. I’m _____________ T.V. because I’m sick!

Play 6. The teacher previously will make a list of verbs: Jumping, sleeping, watching, shouting, dancing, sitting, and standing. Then he will give them to five students. They will have to act the verb and the other students will have to imitate what they are doing and every time they mention the verb everybody will have to act it. El profesor previamente elaborará un listado de verbos: brincando, durmiendo, viendo, gritando, bailando, sentado y parado. Posteriormente el maestro repartirá al azar a cinco alumnos los verbos, éstos los actuarán para que el grupo adivine la acción que están realizando y cada vez que mencionen el verbo todos lo actuarán.

watching coming waiting washing


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Getting ready to the party


1. Write on the line the color that corresponds. Escribe sobre la línea el color que corresponda.

yellow + blue = ________________ white + ______________ = gray

_____________ + yellow = orange ____________ + blue = _________________

2. Read the conversation between Fiona and Maria. Lee la conversación entre Fiona y Maria. Maria: Hello. Is Fiona speaking? Fiona: Yes. Maria: Hi. This is Maria speaking. Fiona: Oh. Hi, what’s up, Maria? Maria: I’m just getting ready for the party. Are you ready? Fiona: Almost. Maria: Listen. I’m wearing yellow clothes. What do you think, black shoes or white shoes? Fiona: Are you wearing pants? Maria: No. I’m wearing a dress. Fiona: Well, I think white shoes then. Maria: Ok. Thanks. What about you? What are you wearing? Are you wearing your green skirt? I love it! Fiona: No, I’m not. I’m wearing jeans this time. Maria: Ops! It’s getting late. See you at the party. Fiona: Ok then. Bye bye.

Lesson 10


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Write Think

Fiona is speaking with Arturo. T F Maria is wearing a yellow dress. T F Fiona is wearing a green skirt. T F 4. Find the questions in the conversation. Complete the chart. Encuentra las preguntas en la conversación. Completa la tabla.

What + is/are/am + verb-ing +? ��������������� ����

is/are/am + verb-ing + ? 5. Choose the right answer. Elige la respuesta que corresponda. We use short answers (yes/ no, I am...) with____ a) inverted questions b) Wh- questions


3. Circle T if the sentence is TRUE and F if it’s FALSE. Encierra T si el enunciado es Verdadero y F si es falso.

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6. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. a) What’s she wearing? They are playing soccer. b) Is she watching T.V.? Yes, I am having dinner. c) Are you having dinner? No, she is sleeping. d) What are they doing? She’s wearing a black skirt.


7. Write on the line the questions in order. Answer the questions. Ordena las palabras para formar las preguntas y contesta. Example: wearing/ is/ he / pants? Is he wearing pants? No, he isn’t. 1) is / wearing?/ she/ what _______________________________________________ 2) playing/ football?/ are/ they/ _____________________________________________ 3) he/ wearing?/ is/ jeans? _____________________________________________ 4) doing?/ what/ is/ he _____________________________________________ 5) he/ wearing/ shoes?/ is _____________________________________________


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Enjoying a party


1. Where are they? ¿Dónde están? a) at school b) at a party 2. Read the conversation between Mike and Benjamin. Lee la conversación entre Mike y Benjamin. Mike: Hi. This is Mike speaking. Benjamin: Hello Mike. This is Benjamin. Mike: What’s up Benjamin? Are you coming to the party? Benjamin: Yes, I’m on my way, but tell me who is there? Mike: Oh. Here is Fiona, Maria, Fred, Charly... Everybody is here. Benjamin: What are you doing? Mike: Charly and Fiona are getting some drinks. Maria is dancing with Fred, and I’m talking to you. Benjamin: Doh! Ok. See you in some minutes. Mike: Hurry up! Time is running fast. Benjamin: Ok. Bye. Mike: Bye.

Lesson 11


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Think 3. Look at the words in bold. Complete the chart. Answer the questions. Observa la palabras en negritas. Completa la tabla. Responde las preguntas. 1) Complete the chart. Completa la tabla.

Infinitive verb Verb + ing ���� �� ��������� ��� ������ �� ���� ���� ���� ���

2) To form present continuous with verbs that end with – e we ______ a) take out –e and add -ing b) add –‘s 3) We form present continuous _________ a) adding - ed b) adding –ing 4) Verbs that end in vowel + consonant (run), to form present continuous we ____. a) double consonant in the end+ -ing. b) add –er.


4. Write two sentences about what are people doing. Use the verbs in ( ). Escribe dos enunciados tomando en cuenta las acciones que las personas están realizando. Usa los verbos que están entre paréntesis.


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Example: (run / sleep) The woman is running. She is sleeping. 1) (read / write) 2) (sit / stand) 3) (play / swim)


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4) (eat / drink) 5. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. He is watching T.V. He is taking a shower. He is cooking chicken. She is writing a letter. It is snowing.


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6. Write the sentences in present continuous. Escribe los siguientes enunciados en presente continuo. Example: (I/ read/ a book) I’m reading a book. 1) (You/ not/ eat/ banana) ___________________________________________________ 2) (He/ wear/ a black coat) ___________________________________________________ 3) (She/ listen/ to the radio) ___________________________________________________ 4) (They/ play/ basketball) ___________________________________________________ 5. (It/ not/ rain) ___________________________________________________

Speak Write 7. Work in pairs. Describe what your partner is doing. Trabaja en parejas. Describe lo que tu compañero está haciendo. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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What’s happening at the party?


1. Answer the question. Contesta la pregunta. Are they playing football? _____________________________________________________ 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo.

Mike: Finally you are here. Benjamin: Yes, I know. Wow! Everybody is having a lot of fun! Mike: I agree with you. Benjamin: My car is in front of your neighbor’s house. Is it ok? Mike: No problem. Benjamin: Great. Hey who’s that girl? Mike: Which one? Benjamin: The one that is sitting next to Maria. Mike: Ah. Her name’s Angelica. She’s very nice. Benjamin: And who’s standing behind Angelica? Mike: Ah. He is Ed. He’s her boyfriend. Benjamin: Ouch! Ok.

Lesson 12


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Benjamin has arrived to the party. T F Anybody is having fun. T F Angelica is standing next to Maria. T F Ed is dancing with Angelica. T F

Think 4. Complete the chart. Completa la tabla. between


al lado

in front of


5. Look at the image. Complete the sentences using the prepositions (behind, next to, in front of and between). Observa la imagen. Completa los enunciados usando las preposiciones (behind, next to, in front of and between).


3. Circle T if the sentence is TRUE and F is the sentence is FALSE. Encierra T si el enunciado es verdadero y F si es falso.

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1) Sandra is sitting _____________ Luis and Andrea. 2) Alex is sitting _____________ Luis 3) Miriam is _______________ Luis. 4) Luis is ______________ Andrea. 5) Sandra is _____________ Alex.

6. Read the text. Draw a picture. Lee el texto. Elabora un dibujo. ��� ���������������������� �������������������������� �� ���������

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A day in Acapulco


1. Write the date. Escribe la fecha. 2. Read the letter. Lee la carta.

Date: __________________ � ����! ��"��#$���� � ���������%�����������������& ����� �������������������������' ��������������� ���� �$��'������������ ���������� ��������������� �������� '���� ����� ����������������(����� �� �� ���� �)������ ���� �� ���������� ������� �������� �����*����%����� ������� ����#$����� �������������!���������������� ������� ���#$�����������������������

(��������"�+ ����

Fiona is in Acapulco. T F Acapulco is cold and it’s raining. T F The hotel is big and comfortable. T F Fiona is writing a letter to Benjamin. T F Fiona and her family are coming back on Sunday. T F

Lesson 13


3. Circle T if the sentence is TRUE and F is the sentence is FALSE. Encierra T si el enunciado es verdadero y F si es falso.

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Think 4. Look at the letter. Choose the answer that corresponds. Observa la carta. Escoge la respuesta que corresponda. We use (,) to __________ .

a) end a sentence or idea b) separate parts of the sentences

We use and to __________ . a) join two words b) connect sentences


5. Write on the line (,) or and. Escribe sobre la línea (,) o and. ,����!���"��#$�� �� � ��� �� ���� !�-������� #$�� ����� � ��� �� �������.....� ��������� ....� �� � ����� .....� �� ������������ (����� ���� ���������������� ......� ������� #� �'�� ��� ��� � ��� .....� ������ .....���� ����.....� �*� ����!� ������� � ���� �� �� ���.....� ��� ��� �������������������!������� ������ ���� ������ ������!������������ ��'������������� ����' �����'������� ����� � � /'�"�

0�����6. Write a letter similar to two. Escribe una carta similar a la del punto dos.

Date _______________

Dear ______________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________ __________________________


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Mini Check


1. What kind of text is it? ¿Qué tipo de texto es? a) an e-mail b) a letter 2. Read the text. Lee el texto.

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Lesson 14


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Fred is sitting with Maria T F Mike is wearing a pink sweater. T F Benjamin is drinking water. T F Charly is in front of the stereo. T F Mike is having exams T F


4. Complete the information according to the images. Use the verbs in the box in the correct form. Completa la información de acuerdo con las imágenes. Usa los verbos del cuadro en la forma que corresponde. 1) Tomas ______ Paula _____________________. 2) Victor _____ John ______ Sam ________________. 3) Bob _____________________ the piano. 4) Karla ______ Amanda ___________________ skirts. 5) Lana ___________________ a bicycle.

run study wear play ride


3. Circle T if the sentence is TRUE and F is the sentence is FALSE. Encierra T si el enunciado es verdadero y F si es falso.

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5. Write on the line the questions according to the answers. Escribe sobre la línea la pregunta que corresponda a las respuestas. __________________________________? She’s wearing a pink dress. __________________________________? No, he is watching T.V.? __________________________________? Yes, they are playing basketball. __________________________________? He is listening to music. __________________________________? No, she is not studying. 6. Write on the line where the people in the picture are. Use (next to, in front of, behind, between). Escribe sobre la línea dónde se ubica la gente en la foto. Usa (next to, in front of, behind, between).

Sue is _______________ Mario. Mario is ______________ Sue and Rosa. Pedro and Rosa are ___________________ Mario. Dylan is ________________ Mario. Mario is ________________ Pedro and Rosa. Pedro is ________________ Rosa. 7. Answer the letter to Brenda with your information. Draw a picture to illustrate your letter. Responde una carta para Brenda con tu información. Dibuja una imagen para ilustrar tu carta.

Sue Dylan


Pedro Rosa


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Date _________________________ Dear _____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


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Project: A class magazine. Part one


Para reafirmar los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de la Unidad elaborarás una revista, utilizando dichos conocimientos pero sobre todo tu creatividad. 2. Find a magazine, look at it and analyze it. Encuentra una revista, obsérvala y analízala. 3. Look at the list of contents the magazines often have. Observa la lista de contenidos que por lo general traen las revistas.

• Interviews (entrevistas) • letters (cartas) • descriptions (descripciones) • recipes (recetas) • horoscopes (horóscopos) • questionnaires (cuestionarios) • drawings (imágenes) • articles (artículos) • advertisem*nts (anuncios) • puzzles (crucigramas)

4. Work in pairs. Trabaja en parejas. 5. Choose different contents. To create something unique, something that communicates what you want to other people. Elijan diferentes contenidos. Para crear algo único, algo que comunique lo que ustedes quieren decir a otras personas. 6. Each pair most has different contents. Share what you have chosen with your classmates for not repeating. Cada pareja debe tener diferentes tipos de contenidos. Comparte con tus compañeros los que elegiste para que no se repitan.

Lesson 15


1. To affirm your acquired knowledge during this Unit you will make a class magazine, using this knowledge and your creativity.

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Project: A class magazine. Part two 1. Begin your class magazine by organizing it into sections. Then decide what types of writing to put in each section. Comienza organizando la revista en tres secciones. Después decide que tipos de contenido vas a poner en cada sección. Information Stories Games

2. Complete the chart with the sections that you decided to use. Completa la tabla con las secciones que han decidido usar. 3. Decide in which section of the magazine each of these types of writing should go and complete the chart. Completa el cuadro escribiendo los tipos de contenido en la sección que corresponda y completa la tabla.

Description of something or someone Letter Puzzle

Interviewing Article

Description of something or someone.

Descripción de algo o alguien.

4. Describing someone or something. Describiendo a alguien o algo.

• To describe something use details that tell exactly what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching.

• A description of a person captures something special about its subject.

Lesson 16


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5. Think of someone or something you would like to describe. Piensa en algo o alguien que te gustaría describir.

• Find a picture of your subject. Study it closely. Use specific details. • Choose someone you know well. Find a photo of your subject.

6. Prewritting. Antes de empezar a escribir.

• Study your subject and note details. 7. Make a draft. Elabora un borrador.

• Use your prewriting notes and the picture.

Sandra lopez is a girl that is studying secondary in guanajuato. Sandra has brown eyes, blond hair, she is slim and tall. She is very beautiful, she is always smiling. Sandra is writing a tall tale about animals. She is a very good writter. Sandra’s family loves her because she is very sweet and lovely. She is always helping poor people to prepare themselves at school.


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8. Revising. Revisando.

• Read you draft. • Mark the areas that need correction. • Read the draft to your partner and notice this out:

� Does the description paint a picture in your mind? � What details interested you? Should details be added? � Each paragraph keep to the main idea? � Should some details be taken out or moved around?

• Make changes. Use your partner’s comments to improve your paper. • Correct and edit.

� Did I capitalize the first letter of the proper nouns? � Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? � Did I misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a

dictionary. � Are the apostrophes in the correct position?

9. Make a final copy. Elabora la copia final.

• Include all the revisions you have made. 10. Publishing. Publicando.

• Get two pieces of construction paper and glue. • Glue your description on one sheet of construction paper. • Glue the photo or drawing of your subject on the other sheet.

Sandra Lopez is a girl that is studying secondary in Guanajuato. Sandra has brown eyes, blond hair, she is slim and tall. She is very beautiful, she is always smiling. Sandra is writing a tall tale about animals. She is a very good writter. Sandra’s family loves her because she is very sweet and lovely. She is always helping poor people to prepare themselves at school.


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Project: A class magazine. Part three

Interview Entrevista 1. Preparing an interview. Preparando una entrevista.

• Choose someone in your classroom that you would like to interview. • Plan and write the questions you will ask make a list of questions that

you will ask. Example: Is writing poems your passion?

What are you doing to improve your score? 2. Interviewing. La entrevista

• Have a pencil and paper for taking notes. • Ask the questions to the person you have chosen. • Write the answers down in a sheet of paper exactly how he/she is

saying them. You have to be very careful to gather information. • Listen carefully as the person talks. If you write the person’s exact

words put them in quotations (“”) • Wait until he/she finishes talking to ask another question. • Be polite and friendly all the time. • Finish the interview and write your impressions about him/her.

Lesson 17


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Example: Laura is interviewing a nurse named Janice. Laura: Good morning Janice. Janice: Good morning Laura. Laura: In what hospital are you working? Janice: “Now I’m working at the general Hospital”. Laura: Is being a nurse a big responsibility? Janice: “Yes, it is a big responsibility”. 9���:�(��������� ��'����� ���������� ��������� ����������������������� 3. Transcription of the interview. Transcripción de la entrevista.

• Distinguish between the one that is interviewing and the person you are interviewing.

Example: Maria: What are you doing to improve your dance technique? Lia: I’m training eight hours per day. (Maria is interviewing Lia) • You have to rewrite the texts you get exactly how they were told. Use

quotation marks(“”). Example: she told me, “I´m looking for help” • Do not repeat information.

4. Publishing. Publicando.

• Get two pieces of construction paper and glue. • Glue your interview on one sheet of construction paper • Glue the photo or drawing of your subject on the other sheet.


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Project: A class magazine. Part four

Letter Carta 1. Writing a letter. Escribiendo una carta.

• Is a way to share or get information or news. 2. Prewriting. Antes de empezar a escribir.

• Choose a topic (you can ask for information, you can talk about sports, music, movies, etc.)

• List some details and write them in order. 3. Writing. Escribiendo

• Make a draft; include the parts of the letter. � Begin the letter introducing him/her self. � Continue telling what is happening.

Heading Greeting Body Closing Signature

Lesson 18

Address Date

Dear… ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

________________ ________________


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4. Revising. Revisando.

• Reread your letter. • Discuss with your partner these questions:

� Does the letter include the parts of a letter? � Each paragraphs have a main idea? Does they keep the main

idea? • Make changes. Use your partner’s comments to improve your paper. • Correct and edit.

� Did I capitalize the first letter of the proper nouns? � Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? � Did I misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a

dictionary. � Did I use commas after the greeting and closing? � Did I use comma between the city and the street and the state?

And between the day and the year? (in the heading) 5. Make the corrections and make a final copy. Elabora las correcciones y una copia final. 6. Publishing. Publicando.

• Get two pieces of construction paper and glue. • Glue your interview on one sheet of construction paper • Glue the photo or drawing of your subject on the other sheet.


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Project: A class magazine. Part five

Article Artículo 1. Making an article. Elaborando un artículo.

• Begin choosing a topic: � Make a list and choose the one do you like the best and that

would be the most funny. � Discuss with your partner and tell each other what you how to

do well (examples: making a sock puppet, making a robot with a box of milk, making a paper airplane, etc.)

2. Make an observation chart. Elabora una tabla de observaciones.

• List the materials and the steps on your chart. Materials Steps

3. Writing. Escribiendo.

• List the materials and the steps. • Close with the way you are going to use the finished item

(Introduction, materials and explain steps, conclusion, the way of using).

Lesson 19


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Example: Making a sock puppet.

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4. Revising. Revisando.

• Read your draft give step by step directions. • Share the article with your partner and ask him to explain the steps

without looking at your article. • Discuss with your partner:

� Did I’m giving all steps in the right order? • Make changes. Use your partner’s comments to improve your paper.


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• Correct and edit.

� Did I capitalize the first letter of the proper nouns? � Did I begin titles and initials with capital letters? � Did I misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a


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5. Publishing. Publicando.

• Get two pieces of construction paper and glue. • Glue your article on one sheet of construction paper • Glue photos or drawings of your article on the other sheet. You can

illustrate the steps.


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Project: A class magazine. Part six

Puzzle Crucigrama 1. Making a puzzle. Elaborando un crucigrama.

• Begin making a list of ten words and verbs. • Write sentences about the words or verbs you enlisted. • The sentences most contain the meaning or a reference that

describes the word or verb. 2. Make a layout. Elabora un diseño.

• Decide which of the words and verbs are going to be across and which ones are going to be down.

• Write letter by letter the words in the layout. • Mark the spaces with black lines and make squares for each letter. • Be sure the words are complete and spelled correctly. • Number the sentences and place the numbers in the layout.

Lesson 20


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1 2 Across

1. It is the action of walking quickly. Down

2. If you are looking at your notes you are ________________ 2. Revising. Revisando.

• Make sure the words are spelled correctly. • Make sure you are leaving the exact number of spaces for the words.

3. Publishing. Publicando.

• Get two pieces of construction paper and glue. • Glue your puzzle on one sheet of construction paper









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Project: A class magazine. Part seven 1. Collect all the types of writing you have made Reúne todos los contenidos que ya elaboraste. 2. Organize your information according with the chart in lesson 16. Organiza la información de acuerdo con la tabla de la lección 16. 3. Place the information according to the section. Acomoda los contenidos en las secciones que correspondan.

• Each section has to be distinguished by a title. • Each section most have a special drawing.

4. Bind them together using string or yarn. Únelos usando hilo o estambre. 5. Give a title to your magazine. Dale un título a tu revista.

• Be creative; remember you have to give it a name according to the contents.

6. Illustrate your magazine. Ilustra tu revista.

• Be creative remember you have to draw things according to the contents.

7. Present your project to your classmates. Presenta el proyecto a tus compañeros.

• Discuss about your contents.

Lesson 21


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Review 1. Complete the sentences. Use my/ our/ his/ her/ their/ its. Completa los enunciados. Usa my/ our/ his/ her/ their/ its. 1) I like red color. It’s _______ favorite. 2) Put on _______ coat when you go out. It’s very cold out side. 3) My friends are playing basketball, _________ score is 10- 2. 4) We are going to buy ________ uniforms. 5) My sister loves pink color but green is _________ favorite. 6) ________ pants are very cool! Adrian always is in fashion. 7) My dog’s sweater is very old _________ full of holes. 2. Write on the line the name of the colors. Escribe sobre la línea el nombre de los colores. a) __________ + yellow = green b) red + ____________ = purple c) yellow + red = ____________ d) white + ____________ = pink e) black + ____________ = gray 3. Write on the line the possessive form of the nouns. Use (‘s). Escribe sobre la línea la forma posesiva de los sustantivos. Usa (‘s). Example: Susan is wearing a yellow skirt. Susan’s skirt is yellow. 1) Ana is wearing a black jacket. __________ jacket is black. 2) Randy is wearing a blue scarf. __________ scarf is blue. 3) Harry is wearing a green t-shirt. __________ t-shirt is green. 4) Nora is wearing a pink shorts. __________ shorts are pink. 5) Mike is wearing white underwear. _________ underwear is white. 4. Write on the line this/ these. Escribe sobre la línea this/these. _______ dress ________ jeans _______ shoes ________ pants _______ skirt ________ glasses

Lesson 22


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5. Write on the line that/ those. Escribe sobre la línea that/those. _______ jacket _______ blouse _______ cap _______ sneakers _______ gloves _______ socks

Review 1. Complete the crossword. Completa el crucigrama.



1 5


3 4




Across Down 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.

Lesson 23


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2. Complete the text. Completa el texto.

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3. Answer the letter to Sam. Use (my, his/her, ...), (colors, clothes), (‘s.) Responde la carta a Sam. Usa (my, his/her, ...), (colors, clothes), (‘s.)

Date: _____________________

__________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

____________________ ____________________


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4. Complete the chart. Answer the questions. Completa la tabla. Responde las preguntas. What are you wearing?

What is your partner wearing?

What color is it?

5. Order the words to form a sentence. Ordena las palabras para formar un enunciado. 1) (wearing/ you/ a/ t-shirt/ are) ________________________________________________________ 2) (is/ she/ jeans/ and/ jackets/ wearing) ________________________________________________________ 3) (they/ wearing/ are/ shorts) ________________________________________________________ 4) (Amanda/ wearing/ a/ skirt/ is/ green) ________________________________________________________ 5) (wearing/ are/ pants/ they) ________________________________________________________


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Review 1. What’s happening right now? Write true sentences. ¿Qué está pasando en este momento? Escribe los enunciados verdaderos. Example: (I/ sit/ on a chair) I’m sitting on a chair. 1) (I/ wash/ my car) ___________________________________ 2) (It/ rain) ___________________________________ 3) (I/ run) ___________________________________ 4) (I/ do/ this excercise) ___________________________________ 5) (I/ dance salsa) ___________________________________ 6) (I/ wear/ shoes) ___________________________________ 7) (I/ listen/ to the radio) ___________________________________ 2. Order the questions. Ordena las preguntas. 1) (you/ watch/ TV?) __________________________________________ 2) (the children/ play) __________________________________________ 3) (what/ you/ do) __________________________________________ 4) (you/ write/ a letter) __________________________________________ 5) (you/ eat/ banana) _________________________________________

Lesson 24


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3. Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas. Are you wearing a hat? _________________________ What are you doing? _________________________ Is the sun shining? _________________________ What are you writing? _________________________ Are your parents working? ______________________ 4. Complete the chart with your information. Completa la tabla con tu información. Questions Answers Who is next to you? You are between _______ and_____ Who is in front of you? Who is next to you? 5. Complete the text. Use the words in the box. Completa el texto.Usa las palabras del cuadro. Dear Mark, These are my friends. All of them are ____________ secondary. Look at the picture. We are ___________ our uniforms. Mike is _________ __________ me. That pretty girl___________ ___________ Mike is Fiona. Benjamin is the guy that is ___________. He is _____________ of me. He is my best friend.

Greetings, Maria

sitting studying behind next to standing wearing smiling


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Answer Key/Respuestas


Lesson 7/ Mini Check Page/ página 113 1. c) Page/ página 114 4. Possessive Adjectives

Demostrative Pronouns

Colors Clothes ‘s to show possession

Plural nouns

My These White Shorts Laura’s Glasses Her This Black Bathing

suit Sun

glasses Those Red

5. R S G B I N B D O Y










Page/ página 115

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Page/ página 6.

Are these Pablo’s shorts?

Yes, they are my pants.

Is this your favorite color?

Yes, they are my glasses.

Are those your pants?

Yes, that’s my favorite color.

Is that my skirt?

No, these shorts are Rodrigo’s

Are these your glasses?

No, this is Laura’s skirt.

Lesson 14/ Mini Check Page/ página 8 3. Fred is sitting with Maria T Mike is wearing a pink sweater. T F Benjamin is drinking water. T Charly is in front of the stereo. T Mike is having exams . F 4. 1) Tomas and Paula are studying.. 2) Victor, John and Sam are running. 3) Bob is playing the piano. 4) Karla and Amanda are wearing skirts. 5) Lana is ridding a bicycle.








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Page/ página 9 5. What is she wearing? She’s wearing a pink dress. Is he reading a book? No, he is watching T.V.? Are they playing basketball? Yes, they are playing basketball. What Is he doing? He is listening to music. Is she studying ? No, she is not studying. 6. Sue is behind Mario. Mario is between Sue and Rosa. Pedro and Rosa are in front of Mario. Dylan is behind Mario. Mario is between Pedro and Rosa. Pedro is next to Rosa.



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Lesson 22/ Review Page/ página 5 1. 1) I like red color. It’s my favorite. 2) Put on your coat when you go out. It’s very cold out side. 3) My friends are playing basketball, their score is 10-2. 4) We are going to buy our uniforms. 5) My sister loves pink color but green is her favorite. 6) His pants are very cool! Adrian always is in fashion. 7) My dog’s sweater is very old its full of holes. 2. a) blue + yellow = green b) red + blue = purple c) yellow + red = orange d) white + red = pink e) black + white = gray 3. 1) Ana is wearing a black jacket. Ana’s jacket is black. 2) Randy is wearing a blue scarf. Randy’s scarf is blue. 3) Harry is wearing a green t-shirt. Harry’s t-shirt is green. 4) Nora is wearing a pink shorts. Nora’s shorts are pink. 5) Mike is wearing white underwear. Mike’s underwear is white. 4. this dress these jeans these shoes these pants this skirt these glasses Page/ página 65. that jacket that blouse that cap those sneakers those gloves those socks




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Lesson 23/ Review Page/ página 1.



B 2 C O A T

1 O C 5

C O 3 K J

3 P A N T S 4 S W E A T E R


2 O N

R 5 D R E S S


1 S H O E S

Page/ page 7 2. Complete the text. Completa el texto. ,�������"��#$���� � ����������������#$������ �������� �������������������� ���� �� ���������������� �� ��� �����������/��#���'������������#�������� ��+���(������ ��������� ��� �������� ��� �)� �� ��� ��; ��"� ���� ��(�$��� ���� �����!���������������� ��������������� ���������'���������� ��������������������+���(������������ ����������

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Page/ página 85. 1) You are wearing a t-shirt. 2) She is wearing jeans and jackets. 3) They are wearing shorts. 4) Amanda is wearing a green skirt. 5) They are wearing pants. Lesson 24/ Review Page/ página 91. 1) I’m not washing my car. 2) It’s not raining. 3) I’m not running. 4) I’m doing this exercise. 5) I’m not dancing salsa. 6) I’m wearing shoes. 7) I’m not listening to the radio. 2. 1) Are you watching TV? 2) Are the children playing? 3) What are you doing? 4) Are you writing a letter? 5) Are you eating banana? Page/ página 03. Yes, I’m wearing a hat/ No, I’m not. I am ________________________ Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t. I’m writing the answers of this exercise. Yes, they are/ No they aren’t. 5. Dear Mark, These are my friends. All of them are studying secondary. Look at the picture. We are wearing our uniforms. Mike is sitting next to me. That pretty girl standing behind Mike is Fiona. Benjamin is the guy that is smiling. He is in front of me. He is my best friend.




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Materiales de apoyo

Temas Material sugerido Puedes consultar estas páginas a lo largo de toda la unidad .




Programa de inglés Enciclomedia para Telesecundaria

Bibliografía Beare, N., Links 2 Teacher´s Guide, México, Macmillan, 2005. Celorio, G., Smash! 2, Teacher´s Resource Book, México, Richmond Publishing, 1997. Domínguez, E., et al., Connections one. Student’s Book, México, Nuevo México, 2006. Emilsson, E., et al., Dialogues. English 1, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002. Enciclomedia, Inglés. Student Workbook, Nivel 1, Volumen 1. México, 2006. Haines, P. et al., Crossroads. English 1, México, Oxford University Press, 2006. Kirn, E., et al., A Communicative Grammar, México, McGraw-Hill,1996. Programas de Estudio. Educación básica. Secundaria. Lengua Extranjera Inglés, México, SEP, 2006. Salazar, J., English 1. México, Santillana, 2006. Van der Werff, J., New Passport Student´s Book, México, Richmond Publishhing, 2006


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Unit 3


Hobbies, leissure and sport/ Pasatiempos, tiempo libre y deporte

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U nit 3

El propósito de esta unidad es que los alumnos sean capaces de expresar sus intereses personales sobre los temas de pasatiempos, tiempo libre y deporte, así como hacer / responder a invitaciones / eventos relacionados con el tema.


Topics / Temas Lesson 1 I like playing videogames Lesson 2 I like to ride my bike Lesson 3 I like movies Lesson 4 I love soccer Lesson 5 My mother likes going to the movies Lesson 6 Mini Check Lesson 7 Do you like tennis? Lesson 8 Does your father like soccer? Lesson 9 Does she like cooking? Lesson 10 I like vegetables and fruits Lesson 11 David loves comics Lesson 12 Mini Check Lesson 13 Would you like to go to a party? Lesson 14 Why don’t we go to the movies? Lesson 15 Let’s eat Mexican food

Hobbies, leisure and sport / Pasatiempos, tiempo libre y deporte


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�Lesson 16 Shall we go to a rock concert? Lesson 17 Would you like to see a movie today? Lesson 18 No, thanks. I hate horror movies Lesson 19 Project. We invite to you to our St. Valentine’s celebration. Part one Lesson 20 Project. We invite to you to our St. Valentine’s celebration. Part two Lesson 21 Review


21 sessions, 7 weeks/ 21 sesiones, 7 semanas

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I like playing videogames

Read � 1. Look at the text. What is it? Observa el texto. ¿Qué es esto? a) an article from a b) an e-mail c) an article from a magazine. newspaper. 2. Read the e-mail. Lee el correo electrónico. � � � � � � � � From: mario123 e-mail.com To: [emailprotected] Subject: Greetings from Mexico Dear David: I’m very exited and looking forward to go to study to the United States. I hope we can do things together. I like playing videogames and playing basketball. I also like riding my bike and going to the movies. What about you? What do you like to do in your free time?



Lesson 1


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Read Write 3. Tick the activities Mario likes doing.

Escribe una � junto a las actividades que le gusta realizar a Mario.

� Playing basketball.

� Riding a bike.

� Playing soccer.

� Watching T.V.

� Playing videogames.

� Dancing.


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� Going to the movies.

� Going to the supermarket.


4. Go back to the text. See what follows the verb “like” and complete. Regresa al texto. Observa qué sigue al verbo “like” y completa.

1. I ______________ videogames. 2. I ______________ my bike.

5. Write a � next to the activities that you like doing.

Escribe una � junto a las actividades que te gusta hacer. Riding a horse Watching T.V Playing soccer

� � � � �


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Writing stories Reading books Dancing 6. With your information write an e-mail to a friend. Con tu información escribe un correo electrónico a un amigo. � � � � � � � � From: _________________________________ To: ___________________________________ Subject: _______________________________ Dear ____________________ , ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



� �� �� �

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I like to ride my bike

Read 1. Identify the parts of the letter. Identifica las partes de la carta. � ________________ � ________________ � Opening line � ________________ � ________________ 2. Read the letter. Lee la carta.

Lesson 2

� August 23rd , 2007

� Dear Mario: � Thanks for your letter! I’m happy you are coming to my country to study. I promise you will have a great time in my house. I’m making plans for you and me. We have similar likes. I like to play videogames and enjoy to ride my bike. I don’t like to go to the movie theatre but my mom really likes to see movies. Don’t worry we will enjoy anyway.

� Regards,

� David.

Closing line Opening line

Recipient Date


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4. Look at the example and order the sentences. Observa el ejemplo y ordena las oraciones. Example: I like to visit my grandmother. a) videogames / I / to / like / play / ____________________________________________________ b) go / movies / to / My mother / to / likes / see / ____________________________________________________ c) ride / I / like / to / my bike / ____________________________________________________ d) the movie theatre / don’t like / go / to / I / to / ____________________________________________________


3. Write TRUE or FALSE. Escribe TRUE (verdadero) o FALSE (falso). a) David likes to play videogames. ________________ b) David likes to go to the movie theatre. ________________ c) David likes to ride his horse. ________________ d) David’s mother likes to go to see movies. ________________ e) David and Mario like similar activities. ________________


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5. Write three activities you like and three you don’t like. Escribe actividades que te gusten y que no te gusten.

���� I like… ���� I don’t like…

to watch T.V. to eat vegetables 6. Write a letter to a friend. Tell about your preferences. Escribe una carta a un amigo. Platica acerca de tus preferencias.


Dear _______________, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


___________________ ��


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I like movies

Read 1. Look at the pictures and write the words in the chart under each one. Then answer the questions. Observa los dibujos y escribe las palabras del cuadro debajo de cada uno. Después contesta las preguntas.

_______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ _______________

Horror movies Romantic movies Action movies Comedy movies

Lesson 3


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2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Mrs. Smith: Hello Mario. Welcome to our house. Mario: Thank you Mrs. Smith. I’m so happy to be here. Mrs. Smith: So, you like to see movies? Mario: Yes, I love movies. Mrs. Smith: What kind of movies do you like? Mario: I like comedy and action movies. And you? Mrs. Smith: Really? I love action movies but I also like romantic movies.


3. Write a � or a � according Mario and Mrs. Smith like. Then complete the sentences.

Escribe una � o una � de acuerdo con lo que le gusta a la señora Smith y a Mario. Después completa las oraciones. See movies Adventurous

Movies Romantic

Movies Action Movies

Mrs. Smith


a) Mrs. Smith likes _____________________ and ___________________. b) Mario likes ______________________ and ______________________.

a) What kind of movies does Mrs. Smith likes? _______________________ b) What kind of movies does Mario likes? ___________________________


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5. Choose one word to complete the sentences. Elige una palabra para completar las oraciones. a) I like _________________. apples



Infinitives ____________________ ____________________ ____________________


____________________ ____________________ ____________________


4. Go back to lessons 1, 2 and 3 to complete the chart. Regresa a las lecciones 1, 2 y 3 para completar el cuadro.


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b) I don’t like _________________. basketball c) My mother doesn’t like _____________. movies

d) I love ______________________. bananas

e) Mrs. Smith likes ______________.

soccer f) I like ______________________. aerobics 6. Find someone who is agreeing with you. Complete the conversation. Encuentra a alguien que coincida contigo. Completa la conversación. You: What kind of movies do you like? Classmate: I like _____________________________________________: I don’t like ________________________________________. What about you? You: Well, I like ________________________________________. But I don’t like _____________________________________.


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I love soccer

Read 1. Read and show an expression in your face to each sentence. Lee y muestra una expresión en tu cara para cada enunciado.

2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Mario: What about you Mr. Smith? Do you like romantic movies? Mr. Smith: No, that’s not for me. I hate them. I like horror movies, but you know, what I really enjoy is watching soccer games. I love soccer. Mrs. Smith: Oh! Please, don’t start talking about soccer. I don’t like soccer. Mario and Mr. Smith: Ha, ha, ha…

� I don’t like


I love romantic movies. And you Robert?

I hate

romantic movies.

I love soccer. and you Mario?

Lesson 4


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�Write 3. Circle T (True) or F (False) Encierra T (True – verdadero) o F (False – falso) a) Mr Smith likes horror movies. T F b) Mrs. Smith doesn’t like soccer. T F c) Mr. Smith loves soccer. T F d) Mr. Smith hates romantic movies. T F e) Mr. Smith doesn’t like watching soccer games. T F

Think 4. Look at the images and write: I like, I love, I dont’ like, I hate. Observa las imágenes y escribe: I like, I love, I don’t like, I hate.

� �� � ��

5. Complete with your information about the kind of movies. Completa con tu información acerca de los tipos de películas. a) I like _______________________ and ________________________. b) I don’t like _____________________ and _____________________. c) I love ______________________ and ________________________. d) I hate ______________________ and ________________________. 6. Complete the dialogue with words from the box. Then act it to the class.


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Completa el diálogo con las palabras del cuadro. Después actúalo a tu clase. You: Hello I’m doing a survey about movies.

_________________________________________________? Classmate: I like ______________________________________________. You: So, do you like witches, monsters and ghosts? Classmate: Yes, I like them. You: Do you like romantic movies? Classmate: ____________________________________. You: Do you like _______________________________________? Classmate: Yes, I love them. I like Martians, heroes, pirates, cars.

Lesson 5 My mother likes going to the movies

Read 1. Complete the letter. Completa la carta.

No, I don’t. action movies

What kind of movies do you like horror movies

Dear Mom


September 3rd , 2007


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2. Read the letter. Lee la carta.

�Write 3. Correct the sentences. Use the information from the letter. Corrige las oraciones. Usa la información de la carta. a) The father’s name is Philip. _____________________________________________________________ b) Robert doesn’t like watching soccer games. _____________________________________________________________ c) Sully likes going to the supermarket. _____________________________________________________________ d) David likes playing soccer. _____________________________________________________________ e) The dog likes playing with a shoe. _____________________________________________________________ f) Sully doesn’t like cooking. _____________________________________________________________


______________, I think a lot about you, although the family I’m staying with is very nice. The father’s name is Robert. He likes watching soccer games on Sundays and sometimes I join him. The mother’s name is Sally. She likes going to the movies and cooking. Their son, David likes playing basketball the same as me. He has a dog and it also likes playing with a ball. We play basketball everyday.




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Think 4. Write the verbs in the category that corresponds. Escribe los verbos en la categoría que corresponda. loves eat hates plays eats hate play sleep swims swim sleep love

5. Draw �, �� or �, �� according your information. Dibuja �, �� o �, �� de acuerdo con tu información.

Watching T.V

Soccer Movies Swimming

My mother

My father

My brother

My sister

She, he, it I, you, they, we likes like loves love


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6. Complete the letter with you information. Completa la carta con tu información.


Dear ________________. How are you? I’m O.K. You asked about my family. Well, my mother’s name is ______________. She likes ________________. She doesn’t like _______________ and she hates ________________. My father’s name is _______________ and he likes ______________. My father hates ______________ and loves _______________. What do your Mother and Father like? Please tell me about.




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Lesson 6 Mini Check

Read Write

1. Write the names. Escribe los nombres.

Mario’s family. Mario _ ______________ ______________ _____________ Son Daughter Mother Father 2. Read the text. Mario is introducing himself at his new classmates. Lee el texto. Mario está presentándose ante sus nuevos compañeros. Teacher: Good morning. We have a new student. Mario: Hello, I’ Mario. I’m from Mexico. At recent I’m living at David’s house. I have a small family, we are four members. My mother, my father, my sister and myself. My mother’s name is Rosalia. She is a secretary. She likes her job and cooking. My father, Francisco, is a teacher. He loves to teach and to play soccer with his students. My sister’s name is Sandra. She is a student in secondary school, she doesn’t like


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mathematics. And about me, I like to learn English and playing videogames. About sports, I don’t like boxing because I think it is aggressive, I prefer basketball. We love have dinner togheter. Classmates: Nice to meet you Mario.

�Write 3. Write TRUE or FALSE. Escribe TRUE (verdadero) o FALSE (falso) a) Mario has a big family. __________________ b) Rosalia likes her job. __________________ c) Francisco loves teaching. __________________ d) Sandra loves mathematics. __________________ e) Mario prefers playing basketball. __________________ f) Francisco doesn’t like soccer. __________________ g) Mario hates boxing. __________________ h) Rosalia likes cooking. __________________


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Think 4. Complete the chart with the words underlined in the text. Completa el cuadro con las palabras subrayadas en el texto. Infinitive ______________________ He likes ______________________ ________ ______________________ It ________ Gerund ______________________ ______________________ ________ ______________________ You love Noun ________ ______________________ They ________ ______________________ ______________________ 5. Underline the correct option. Subraya la opción que corresponda. a) Sandra A) She likes her job and cooking. b) Rosalia c) Francisco. a) Mario B) He loves playing soccer. b) Sandra c) Francisco a) Rosalia C) She doesn’t like mathematics. b) Mario c) Sandra a) Mario D) He hates boxing. b) Francisco c) Sandra


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6. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. Occupations Likes _______ _______ a) He likes to win golden medals at _______ a doctor the Olympic Games. _______ b) She loves writing stories with correct punctuation marks. _______ c) He doesn’t like modern music. _______ d) He hates junk food. _______ a Spanish teacher e) She loves to heal people at the _______ hospital. f) He hates noise. _______ g) He loves doing exercise. _______ h) She doesn’t like people when _______ an athlete people die. _______ i) She hates to get sick. j) She doesn’t like mathematics, she prefers Spanish. _______ k) He loves to playing the guitar. _______ l) He likes playing the piano. _______ a musician m) She likes reading. _______ n) She likes to help people. o) He doesn’t like jeans and boots,

He prefers pants and tennis shoes.

p) She hates students don’t do homework. 7. Write about your family. Look at Mario’s example. Draw your family in the chart. Escribe acerca de tu familia. Toma el ejemplo de Mario. Dibuja a tu familia en el cuadro. Hello, I’m _________________. My family is ________________(big/small) We are ______________ members. _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


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Do you like tennis?

Read 1. Write the underlined word under each picture. Escribe la palabra subrayada debajo de cada imagen. ____________________ ___________________ ____________________

Lesson 7

� � �


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2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. David: Let me show you my room. Mario: O.K. David: Look. I like sports and movies that’s the reason why I have many

posters on the wall. Mario: Do you like tennis? David: No, I don’t. That’s my father’s racquet. I like soccer as I said in my letter. Mario: Do you like comics? David: Yes, I do. I love them. They’re interesting and funny. What about

You, what else do you like? Mario: Well, I like listening to music and going to the movies.

Write 3. Answer the questions with your information. Contesta las preguntas con tu información. a) Do you like swimming? ________________________ b) Do you like basketball? ________________________ c) Do you like English? ________________________


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d) Do you like reading stories? ____________________ e) Do you like riding a horse? ____________________

Think 4. Complete the sentences. Completa las oraciones. Yes, I _____________. a) _________ you like basketball? No, I ______________.

5. Interview to some classmates and complete the chart with � or �. Entrevista a algunos compañeros y completa el cuadro con � o �. Use: Usa: Do you like…?

Name Basketball Soccer Watching T.V.


6. Write about one classmate. Use the information in the chart. Escribe sobre uno de tus compañeros. Usa la información del cuadro. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Does your father like soccer?

Read 1. Identify Mario’s and David’s bedroom. Identifica la recámara de Mario y la de David. ______________________ _______________________ 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. David: This is your room. I hope

you like it. Mario: Sure, thanks. It’s great.

I’m going to hang a picture of my family. Look, this is my mother, my sister, my father and me.

David: Does your father love soccer as mine?

Mario: Yes, he does. He plays with

Lesson 8


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his students.

David: Does he like to see movies? Mario: No, he doesn’t. he prefers to

watch T.V soccer games. David: Our fathers have similar likes.

��Write 3. Answer the questions. Contesta las preguntas. a) Does Mario’s father love soccer? ________________________________ b) Does Mario’s father play soccer with his students? __________________ c) Does Mario’s father like to see movies? ___________________________ d) Does Mario’s father prefer to watch T.V. soccer games? ______________

Think 4. Circle the correct sentence. Encierra la oración que corresponda.

a) Do he like soccer? b) Does he like soccer? a) Yes, he does. b) Yes, he do. a) No, he doesn’t. b) No, he don’t. 5. Design an interview for a classmate. Diseña una entrevista para un compañero de tu clase. a) What’s your mother’s name? b) Does she like cooking? c) ________________________________________? d) ________________________________________?


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e) _________________________________________? f) _________________________________________.? 6. Interview to your classmate and write the answers. Then write a text. Entrevista a tu compañero y escribe las respuestas. Después escribe un texto. a) ________________________________ b) ________________________________ c) ________________________________ d) ________________________________ e) ________________________________ f) _________________________________ _______________ mother’s name is ______________. She likes ________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Does she like cooking?


1. Identify the place where Mrs. Smith and Mario are. Write a �. Identifica el lugar donde están la señora Smith y Mario. Escribe una �.

Lesson 9


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� Bedroom � Kitchen � Dinning room 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Mario: Good morning Mrs. Smith. What are you doing? Mrs. Smith: Good morning Mario. I’m cooking breakfast. I love it. Mario: I know, David said to me. Mrs. Smith: Does your mother like cooking? Mario: Yes, she does. And she does it very well. Mrs. Smith: Really? Tell me about her. What does she like cooking? Mario: he likes co*king vegetables and chicken. Mrs. Smith: Does she go to the supermarket? Mario: No, she doesn’t. She goes to the market. There she also buys fruit. Mrs. Smith: I love Mexican markets. They’re so pretty!

� � �


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��Write 3. Circle the correct option. Encierra la opción que corresponda. A) Mrs. Smith is cooking: a) dinner b) pizza c) breakfast B) Mario’s mother likes: a) co*king b) sleeping c) swimming C) Does Mrs. Smith like cooking? a) No, she doesn’t. b) Yes, she does. c) No, she don’t. D) Where does Mario’s mother buy fruits and vegetables? a) in the supermarket. b) in the grocery. c) in the market. E) Does Mrs. Smith hate Mexican markets? a) No, she doesn’t. b) Yes, she does. c) No, she don’t.

Think 4. Complete the chart. Completa el cuadro.

Do / Don’t Does / Doesn’t they it we


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5. Look at the pictures and classify them. Observa los dibujos y clasifícalos.

Fruits Vegetables ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 6. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. _____ Does your mother like onion? a) No, it doesn’t. _____ Do you like apples? b) Yes, he does. _____ Does your father love pears? c) Yes, they do. _____ Does your dog like grapes? d) Yes, I am. _____ Do your friends like oranges? e) No, she doesn’t.



chili peppers









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I like vegetables and fruits

Read 1. Unscramble the words and complete the list of the supermarket. Acomoda las palabras y completa la lista del supermercado. a) DAVOCAO _______________________ b) PNEIPALEP _______________________ c) ONINO _______________________ d) NGEROA _______________________ 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Mr. Smith: Do you have the list of the super David? David: Yes, I have it. We have to buy carrots, tomatoes and a lettuce. Mario: Don’t forget the cucumbers. David: You’re right. Do you like vegetables Mario? Mario: Yes, but I don’t like broccoli. And you? David: I like some vegetables, but I hate onion. I think it is sad, it always makes you cry. Mr. Smith: Ha, ha, ha! And, what about fruits Mario?

Lesson 10



__________________ __________________

CUCUMBER __________________ __________________


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Mario: Well, I like oranges, apples and strawberries, but I hate bananas and papaya.

Mr. Smith: What a shame! Bananas and papaya are in the list. I love them.

�Write 3. Join with a line. Une con una línea. He likes some vegetables, but hates onion. Mario He hates papaya and bananas. Mr. Smith He loves papaya and bananas. He likes vegetables, but doesn’t like broccoli. David

He likes oranges, apples and strawberries.


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4. Complete the sentences. Completa las oraciones. * You use this word to join ideas. I like oranges, apples ____________ strawberries. I love vegetables ________________ fruits. * You use this word to contrast an idea. I like vegetables, ________________ I don’t like onion. I like fruits, _____________________ I hate bananas.

�Write 5. Write a list of fruits and vegetables. Escribe una lista de frutas y verduras.

Fruits �__________________ �__________________ �__________________ �__________________ �__________________ �__________________

Vegetables �__________________ �__________________ �__________________ �__________________ �__________________ �__________________


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6. Ask to a classmate and write � or � next to each word on the list. Then write about she or he. Pregunta a un compañero y escribe � o � junto a cada palabra en la lista. Después escribe acerca de él o ella. __________________ likes vegetables but __________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. __________________loves fruits but _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

David loves comics

Read 1. Underline the best option. Subraya la mejor opción. A) In the letter, who is Sandra? a) Sandra is Mario’s mother. b) Sandra is Mario’s sister. c) Sandra is Mario’s girlfriend.

Lesson 11


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2. Read the letter. Lee la carta.

��Write 3. Match the columns. Relaciona las columnas. _______ He likes comics. a) Roxane. _______ He doesn’t like water. b) David. _______ She hates soccer games. c) Sandra. _______ She loves fashion shows. d) Philip. _______ He writes the letter. e) Sandy. _______ She is Mario’s sister. f) Mario.

October 4th, 2007.

Dear Sandra, I miss you a lot. I hope you are getting good grades at school. I want to tell you about my new friends at school. David, Sandy, Philip and Roxane. David likes comics. Sandy loves fashion shows. Philip doesn’t like water and Roxane hates soccer games. We have different likes but all we are good friends. They are so kind with me and help me to learn more about English. Please, send me back a letter or an e-mail. I love you.




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4. Answer the question. Contesta la pregunta. A) What do you notice in next words? a) likes and comics b) loves and movies c) hates and games B) Write the rule. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Complete the sentences. Completa las oraciones. a) She _____________ _______________. (love) (grape in plural) b) He ______________ _______________. (like) (movie in plural) c) He _______________ _____________________. (hate) (soccer game in plural) d) My father _______________ ________________. (prefer) (sport in plural) e) My mother ______________ delicious potatoes. (cook) (potato) f) My sister _____________ strawberries. (like) (strawberry)


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6. Imagine you are far away from your family. Write a letter to your sister or brother telling about your new friends and their preferences. Imagina que estás muy lejos de tu familia. Escribe una carta a tu hermano o hermana contándole sobre tus nuevos amigos.


Dear _____________, I miss you a lot. _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.




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Mini Check

Read� 1. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Steve: Do you like soccer, Mario ? Mario: No, not really, I like basketball. And you Steve, do you like playing soccer? Steve: Yes, I like it but I hate basketball. What about you David, what sports do you like? David: I like swimming and basketball and I love playing soccer. Steve: Yes, we know. And what about you Philip? Philip: I hate swimming because I don’t like water, it is always cold. David: We think you don’t like to take a shower. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Lesson 12


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2. Use the information from the dialogue to write ���� or ����. And �������� or ��������. Usa la información del diálogo para escribir ���� o ���� . Y �������� o ��������.

Sport Steve Mario David Philip Basketball Soccer Swimming 3. Match the word with the picture. Write the name of the sport on the line. Relaciona la palabra con el dibujo. Escribe sobre la línea el nombre del deporte. cycling ______________ ______________ _____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _____________

swimming soccer baseball cycling volleyball basketball tennis running


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4. Does the dialogue mention any sports you play in your school at recess or in the Physical Education class? ¿En el diálogo mencionan algunos deportes que tú juegas en la escuela en el receso o en la clase de Educación Física? Yes__________ No ___________ Which one? ___________________________________________________

Read Write 5. Read and answer the questions about you. Lee y contesta las preguntas acerca de ti. a) What sports do you like? _____________________________ b) Does your father like baseball? _____________________________ c) Do you like swimming? _____________________________ d) Does your mother like cooking? _____________________________ e) Do you like basketball? _____________________________ f) Does your sister like mathematics? _____________________________ g) Does your brother like movies? _____________________________ 6. Use the questions to interview a classmate and complete the text. Usa las preguntas para entrevistar a un compañero y completa el texto. a) What sports do you like? ___________________________________ b) Do you like baseball? ___________________________________ c) Do you like swimming? ___________________________________ d) Do you like volleyball? ___________________________________ e) Do you like basketball? ___________________________________


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______________ likes _____________, _____________ and ___________, (name) but ________________ doesn’t like ______________ and ______________. (he/she)

Would you like to go to a party?

Read 1. The dialogue is about: El diálogo habla de:

a) a baseball game b) a party c) a concert 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. David: What are you doing? Mario: I’m cleaning my bedroom. David: Do you like parties? Mario: Yes, I love them. David: Would you like to go to a party? Mario: That sounds great, but I have to finish my chores. When is it? David: It’s today at five in the afternoon. You have time enough to do them. Mario: O.K. Where is it? David: It’s at Sandy’s house. It’s her birthday. Mario: Do you have a gift for her? David: Yes, of course.

Lesson 13


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3. Complete the sentences. Completa las oraciones. a) __________________________________? I’m cleaning my bedroom. b) Do you like parties? ______________________ c) __________________________________? That sounds great. d) __________________________ the party? It is at Sandy’s house. e) Do you have a gift for her? Yes, _________________.


4. Go back to the dialogue. Identify the question to make invitations. Regresa al diálogo. Identifica la pregunta para hacer invitaciones. You use __________________________ to make an invitation. 5. Write � or � in the charts about your preferences.

Escribe � o � en los cuadros acerca de tus preferencias. � A soccer game � A pic nic in the forest. � An expedition to the mountain.

� � �


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� An exhibition at the � A birthday party. � A rock concert Archaeological Museum. 6. Interview to a classmate using the images in exercise 5. Use the chart to registry the answer. Entrevista a un compañero tomando en cuenta las imágenes del ejercicio 5. Usa el cuadro para registrar las respuestas.

Would you like to go to…? Student 1 Student 2

a soccer game Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

7. Exchange your opinion with the class about which activities attracted more students. Intercambia tu opinión con la clase para identificar cuáles actividades atrajeron a más estudiantes.

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Why don’t we go to the movies?

Read 1. Order the days of the week and answer the question. Ordena los días de la semana y contesta la pregunta.

1. Monday_______________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________ 4. _____________________ 5. _____________________ 6. _____________________ 7. _____________________

a) Say what day it is in the dialogue. ________________________________ 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Mrs. Smith: Today is Sunday! What are we going to do? Mr. Smith: There is an excellent soccer game at the stadium. Mrs. Smith: No, I don’t like soccer! Mario: No, I don’t like soccer!

Lesson 14

Wednesday Tuesday Friday

Sunday Thursday Saturday Monday


I don’t like soccer!

I don’t like soccer!


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David: Relax. Why don’t we go to the movies? Mrs. Smith: That’s a good idea. David: There is a romantic movie, a horror movie and an action movie. What would you like to see? Mario: I’d like an action movie. What do you think? Mrs. and Mr. Smith: An action movie it’s O.K.


3. Write TRUE or FALSE. Escribe TRUE (verdadero) o FALSE (falso). a) It is Monday. _____________ b) Mr. Smith suggests to go to a soccer game. _____________ c) Mario likes soccer. _____________ d) David suggests to go to the movies. _____________ e) They decide to see a romantic movie. _____________ f) Mrs. Smith agrees with David to go to the movies. _____________


4. Write the missing expression. Escribe la expresión que falta. Situation Optional invitation I don’t like romantic movies. __________________ see an action movie. 5. Get in a team of four students to complete the dialogue. Forma un equipo de cuatro estudiantes para completar el diálogo. Student A: What are we going to do next weekend? Student B: Why don’t we ___________________________________?


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Student C: No, _________________________________. Student D: So, why don’t we_________________________________? Student A: Yes, ________________________________. What do you think? Student B: ____________________________________. Student C: ____________________________________. 6. Act out your dialogue to your class. Actúa el diálogo a la clase.

Let’s eat Mexican food

Read 1. Write the correct letter on the line. Escribe la letra correcta sobre la línea. Mexican food. _______ Chinese food. _______ Fast food. _______ a) b) c)

Lesson 15


Combo 1 Fries

Bacon hamburger Soda Pie

Combo 2 Chicken hamburger

Baked potato Ice cream


Dragon China

Chop Suey

Noodles Rice with pork

Fried rice

Drinks Sodas Water

Green tea

Mi taquito Drinks

Fruit water Sodas Juice


Enchiladas Sopes Mole



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2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. David: The movie was exiting, wasn’t it? Mario: Yes, you’re right but now I’m hungry. Mr. Smith: Me too. Let’s eat Chinese food. Mrs. Smith: No, I’d prefer Mexican food. What do you think Mario? Mario: Wow! It’s a great idea. I miss Mexican food a lot. David: I would like to try “tacos”. Mr. Smith: O.K. You’re the winners. Let’s eat Mexican food. Then let’s go for an ice cream.


3. Write on the line the number according to the sequence of the events in the dialogue. Escribe sobre la línea el número de acuerdo con la secuencia de los eventos en el diálogo. _______ Mrs. Smith doesn’t want Chinese food, she prefers Mexican food. _______ At the end of the movie Mario is hungry. _______ Finally, they decide to eat Mexican food. _______ Mr. Smith suggests to eat Chinese food. _______ David would like to try “tacos”.


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4. Complete the sentences. Completa las oraciones. ________________ is another way to make an invitation. For example: a) _______________ eat Chinese food. b) _______________ watch a soccer game. 5. Ask to a classmate about the menus. Write a � or � next to the food or drink that he or she prefers. Pregunta a un compañero tomando en cuenta los menús. Escribe � o

� junto a la comida o bebida de su preferencia. Do you like…? � hamburgers

� tacos � chop suey

� soda

� mole

� fruit water

� fried rice

� pie

� green tea 6. Answer the question and invite to your classmate to eat. Contesta la pregunta e invita a tu compañero a comer. a) What kind of food does your classmate like? _______________________


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�Shall we go to a rock concert? �

Read 1. What is the dialogue about? ¿De qué trata el diálogo? a) a soccer game b) a rock concert c) an exhibition. 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. David: Look Mario, there will be a rock concert next weekend. Shall we go? Mario: Yes, I’d love to. Rock music is my favorite. David: Let’s ask my father. David: Can we go to the rock concert dad? Mr. Smith: Mmmmm! What time is it? Mario: It’s at eight in the evening Mr. Smith. And it finishes at eleven o’clock. Mr. Smith: It’s too late.

Mario and

Mr. Smith: O.K. But your mother and me let’s wait for you at the end of the concert.

Lesson 16


David: Please, please, please.

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3. Circle the option that corresponds. Encierra la opción que corresponda. A) Mario and David are going to assist to a… a) party b) rock concert c) soccer game B) The rock concert is at … a) eight in the evening b) eight in the morning c) nine in the evening C) What time does the concert finish? a) at eight o’clock b) at one o’clock c) at eleven o’clock D) Mario’s favorite music is… a) classical b) pop c) rock E) Who do Mario and David ask for permission? a) Mrs. Smith b) Mr. Smith c) Mario’s mother


4. Complete the chart with information from previous lessons. Completa el cuadro con información de lecciones anteriores. Expressions to make an invitation Expressions to accept an



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5. Complete the dialogue with the options from the chart. Completa el diálogo con las opciones del cuadro. Sandy: Look David there is a fashion show next Saturday. ________________________________? David: No, that’s not for me. Look, there is a car show on Sunday. Shall we go? Sandy: I don’t think so. I don’t like cars. David: Well, there is a basketball game at the school gymnasium on Sunday. ________________________________? Sandy: ____________________________________. I like basketball. 6. Practice the dialogue with a classmate and act it to the class. Practica el diálogo con un compañero y actúalo para tu clase.

Would you like to see a movie today?

Read 1. Match the activity with the picture. Relaciona la actividad con el dibujo. a) They are chatting. b) They are speaking on phone.

Lesson 17

Shall we go Shall we go

There is a car show That’s a good idea


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______________________________ _____________________________ 2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Ring, ring, ring! Sandy: Hello! David: Hi, this is David. Sandy: Yes, I am. David: What are you doing? Sandy: I’m listening to music. David: Would you like to see a movie today? Sandy: No, thanks. Today I’m going to visit my grandmother. David: O.K. I understand. What about tomorrow? Sandy: Yes, I’d love it. David: O.K., see you tomorrow at three o’clock at your house. Sandy: Sure. See you tomorrow.


3. Correct the sentences according to the dialogue. Corrige las oraciones de acuerdo con el diálogo. a) Sandy is watching T.V. _________________________________________________ b) Sandy has to visit her grandfather. _________________________________________________


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4. Complete with the expressions underlined in the dialogue. Completa con las expresiones subrayadas en el diálogo. Answers ____________________________ Invitation __________________________ ____________________________ 5. Read the expressions. Lee las expresiones.

Would you like to go to the park?

Would you like to go to the museum? Let’s to see a movie in your house.

Yes, I’d love it. Yes, of course.

That’s a good idea. That sounds great.

No, thanks. No, I prefer stay at home.

There is an interesting exhibition.

c) David invites Sandy to a soccer game. _________________________________________________ d) David is going to see Sandy at school. _________________________________________________ e) David is going to see Sandy at five o’clock. _________________________________________________


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6. Use the expressions to make a dialogue. Usa las expresiones para hacer un diálogo. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

No, thanks. I hate horror movies

Read 1. Find five cognates in the dialogue. Encuentra cinco cognados en el diálogo.

a) _______________________ b) _______________________ c) _______________________ d) _______________________ e) _______________________

2. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Mr. Smith: What are you doing? Mrs. Smith: I’m writing an e-mail to Mario’s mother. Mr. Smith: Good! Shall we go to the stadium when you finish? Mrs. Smith: Thanks but I don’t like soccer as you know. Mr. Smith: Well, why don’t we go to the movies? Today is the premier of

Killerman. Mrs. Smith: No, thanks. I hate horror movies. Mr. Smith: So, would you like to visit the zoo?

Lesson 18


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Mrs. Smith: No, I can’t. I have to visit the dentist at five o’clock. Why don’t

you come with me? Mr. Smith: O.K. Let’s to visit the dentist.


3. Write TRUE or FALSE. Escribe TRUE (verdadero) o FALSE (falso). a) Mrs. Smith is watching T.V. _____________ b) Mrs. Smith hates horror movies. _____________ c) Mr. Smith invites to Mrs. Smith to the movies. _____________ d) Mrs. Smith and Mr. Smith are going to visit the zoo. _____________ e) Mrs. Smith has a date with the dentist. _____________


4. Complete the invitations and the chart. Completa las invitaciones y el cuadro. a) Why don’t we __________________________________________? b) Shall we ______________________________________________? c) Would you like to _______________________________________? d) Let’s _________________________________________________


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Yes, I love it. Yes, I’d like.

That sounds great. It’s _________________idea.

No, ____________________.

No, I prefer stay at home. No, thank you. I’m very busy. Thanks, I prefer to watch T.V

5. Work in pairs to make a dialogue. Trabaja en parejas y elabora un diálogo. You: Why don’t we _____________________________________________ Classmate: No, _____________________________________________ You: _________________________________________________________ Classmate: No, _____________________________________________ You: _________________________________________________________ Classmate: Yes, _____________________________________________

Project. We invite to you to our St. Valentine’s celebration. Part one 1. In order to enrich friendship and love between your classmates and all the students from your school you can organize a celebration the St. Valentine's day. First, write a letter to ask for permission to the principal at your school. You can use the letter below. Para enriquecer la amistad y el amor entre tus compañeros y todos los alumnos en tu escuela puedes organizar el festejo del día de San Valentín. Primero, escribe una carta para pedir permiso al Director de tu escuela. Usa el formato de la siguiente carta.

Lesson 19


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2. Copy the letter in a sheet of paper and send it to the Principal. Wait for the answer. Copia la carta en una hoja de papel y envíala al Director. Espera la respuesta. 3. Discuss with your classmates and the teacher about the date, place and hour for the St. Valentine’s celebration. Answer the questions. Discute con tus compañeros y maestro acerca de la fecha, el lugar y la hora para la celebración del día de San Valentín. Contesta las preguntas. a) Where is the celebration? ______________________________________ b) When is the celebration? _______________________________________ c) What time is the celebration? ___________________________________ d) Who are going to assist to the party? _____________________________


Dear Principal ____________________: The first grade group ______ would like to celebrate _____________________________day. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Regards, _____________


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4. Discuss about the food and drinks for the party. Make a list. Discute acerca de la comida y bebidas para la fiesta. Haz una lista. Food Drinks __________________________ _____________________________ __________________________ _____________________________ __________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ _____________________________ __________________________ _____________________________ __________________________ _____________________________ 5. How are you going to invite the students from your school to your party? ¿Cómo van a invitar a los alumnos de la escuela a su fiesta? With a: a) Letter b) Invitation card. c) E–mail.

Project. We invite to you to our St. Valentine’s celebration. Part two 1. Design an invitation card for the St. Valentine’s party. Look at the example. Diseña una tarjeta de invitación para la fiesta del día de San Valentín. Observa el ejemplo.

Lesson 20


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2. Give an invitation to each student at your school. Da una invitación a cada uno de los alumnos en tu escuela. 3. Next class you are going to do your party. After that exchange opinions about what happened. En la próxima clase ustedes realizarán su fiesta. Después intercambia opiniones acerca de lo que pasó.


Read �� Write 1. Unscramble the words according to the images. Acomoda las letras para formar palabras tomando en cuenta las imágenes. RECOCS NSITNE GWSIMNMI _________________ _________________ ________________

Lesson 21



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BXONGI LLASBEKTBA YLLABVEOLL _________________ _________________ ________________ 2. Look at the chart and complete the text. Observa el cuadro y completa el texto.

Soccer Basketball Boxing Mario � � � David � � �

Mrs. Smith �� � � Mr. Smith �� � �

Mario likes _______________ but, he doesn’t like _______________ and ________________ boxing. David likes soccer and ______________ but, he doesn’t like ____________. Mrs. Smith hates ______________. She doesn’t like ________________ but, she likes basketball. Mr. Smith loves _______________. He likes ________________ but, he doesn’t like __________________. 3. Label the words. Ubica las palabras.

apples, oranges, pineapple, mangoes, watermelon, bananas



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4. Answer the questions with your information. Contesta las preguntas con tu información. a) Do you like vegetables? ____________________________ b) Does your mother like apples? ____________________________ c) Does your father like fruits? ____________________________ d) What’s your favorite fruit? ____________________________ e) Do you like oranges? ____________________________ 5. Order the dialogue. Ordena el diálogo. _______Sandy: When is it? 1 Mario: Sandy what kind of movies do you like? _______Sandy: Yes, I’d love it. _______Sandy: I like comedy movies and horror movies. _______Mario: It’s next Friday at four o’clock. _______Mario: Would you like to go to the premier of “Killerman”. 6. Read the dialogue. Lee el diálogo. Roxane: Hi! What are you doing? David: We are planning a party at Philip House.


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Roxane: That sounds great. Sandy: We are talking about food. Shall we prepare some sandwiches? Philip: No, is better to ask some pizzas. Mario: Yes, that’s a good idea. I love pizzas. Why don’t we buy some sodas

too? David: Sure. I buy the sodas. Roxana: Would you like a chocolate cake? Philip: Yes, of course. It’s my birthday. Mario: So, let’s to invite some clowns. 7. Complete the chart with information from the dialogue. Completa el cuadro con información del diálogo.

Invitations Answers


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Lesson 6/ Mini Check


Mario’s family.

Mario Sandra Rosalia Francisco Son Daughter Mother Father

3. a) Mario has a big family. FALSE b) Rosalia likes her job. TRUE c) Francisco loves teaching. TRUE d) Sandra loves mathematics. FALSE e) Mario prefers playing basketball. TRUE f) Francisco doesn’t like soccer. FALSE g) Mario hates boxing. TRUE h) Rosalia likes cooking. TRUE

4. Infinitive to teach He likes to play She to learn It loves Gerund cooking playing I love Noun You job We like mathematics They boxing basketball

Answer Key/Respuestas


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5. a) Sandra A) She likes her job and cooking. b) Rosalia c) Francisco. a) Mario B) He loves playing soccer. b) Sandra c) Francisco a) Rosalia C) She doesn’t like mathematics. b) Mario c) Sandra a) Mario D) He hates boxing. b) Francisco c) Sandra

6. Occupations Likes e h a) He likes to win golden medals at i a doctor the Olympic Games. n b) She loves writing stories with correct punctuation marks. b c) He doesn’t like modern music. j d) He hates junk food. m a Spanish teacher e) She loves to heal people at the p hospital. f) He hates noise. a g) He loves doing exercise. d h) She doesn’t like people when g an athlete people die. o i) She hates to get sick. j) She doesn’t like mathematics, she prefers Spanish. c k) He loves to playing the guitar. f l) He likes playing the piano. k a musician m) She likes reading. l n) She likes to help people.


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o) He doesn’t like jeans and boots,

He prefers pants and tennis shoes.

p) She hates students don’t do homework. Lesson 12/ Mini Check


Sport Steve Mario David Philip Basketball �������� ���� ����

Soccer ���� ���� ��������

Swimming ���� ��������

3. cycling soccer running baseball

swimming soccer baseball cycling volleyball basketball tennis running

�� �


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swimming tennis volleyball basketball Lesson 21/ Review.


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Page/ páginas 231-232

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Soccer Basketball Boxing Mario � � � David � � �

Mrs. Smith �� � � Mr. Smith �� � �

Mario likes basketball but, he doesn’t like soccer and boxing. David likes soccer and basketball but, he doesn’t like boxing. Mrs. Smith hates soccer. She doesn’t like boxing but, she likes basketball. Mr. Smith loves soccer. He likes boxing but, he doesn’t like basketball.


pineapple oranges

apples watermelon bananas mangoes

apples, oranges, pineapple, mangoes, watermelon, bananas


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5. 5 Sandy: When is it? 1 Mario: Sandy what kind of movies do you like? 4 Sandy: Yes, I’d love it. 2 Sandy: I like comedy movies and horror movies. 6 Mario: It’s next Friday at four o’clock. 3 Mario: Would you like to go to the premier of “Killerman”.

7. Invitations Answers Shall we prepare some sandwiches? That sounds great.

Why don’t we buy some sodas? No, is better to ask some pizzas. Would you like a chocolate cake? That’s a good idea.

Let’s to invite some clowns. Sure Yes, of course.


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Materiales de apoyo

Temas Material sugerido Si los estudiantes desean suscribirse a alguna de estas páginas para intercambiar correos electrónicos y hablar sobre sus gustos y preferencias o hacer invitaciones.

• www.epals.com • www.rsts.net/home/epals/index/html


Beare, N., Links 2 Teacher´s Guide, México, Macmillan, 2005.

Celorio, G., Smash! 2, Teacher´s Resource Book, México, Richmond Publishing, 1997. Domínguez, E. et al., Connections one. Student´s Book, México, Nuevo México, 2006. Emilsson, E. et al., Dialogues. English 1, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002. Haines, P. et al., Crossroads. English 1. México, Oxford University Press, 2006. Kirn, E. et al., A Communicative Grammar, México, McGraw-Hill, 1996. Programas de Estudio. Educación básica. Secundaria. Lengua Extranjera Inglés, México, SEP, 2006. Salazar, J., English 1. México, Santillana, 2006. Van der Werff, J., New Passport Student´s Book, México, Richmond Publishing, 2006.


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.