Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (2024)

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (1)


Rating: 4 stars


I used seasoned Panko to cut down on time. I also seem to be out of dried thyme, so I used herb de provence. These were delicious. I need to work on my technique for stuffing the breasts - next time I chop the mushrooms up a bit first - so they look prettier. If I served this for guests, I'd probably come up with a light white wine sauce to finish the dish. The buttered noodles were a perfect side and I added some parmesean to jazz it up. Steamed green beans completed the plate. Good for a weekend, not a busy weeknight, but I'll make this again.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


Amazing!!! This is packed with flavor and super easy to cook!! In order to cut back on the calories, I served this with fresh steamed green beans instead of pasta, sprinkled with garlic salt. Instead of breading the outside with more calories, I stuffed the breadcrumbs inside of the chicken, and just put pepper and garlic salt on the outside of the chicken.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (3)


Rating: 4 stars


Great recipe! I skipped breadcrumbs step and used Pannonia. Also took advice and sautéed mushrooms with white wine. Not a good weeknight recipe but definitely great!!!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (4)


Rating: 4 stars


Delicious, filling is simple, but packs flavor. Careful not to over bake chicken (as I did!). Served with suggested egg noodles (no yolks) and added CL Wilted Spinach to round out the meal.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


I really loved this recipe. I did however choose to make a few changes. I used white 1/4-1/2 cup white onion, minced, and 1 cup chopped fresh spinach instead of the green onion. I also had some of those new "Sauté Express" cubes (I have the garlic and herb one and is so good!) and I sautéed the chicken in that about 5 mins. each side then popped it in the oven at 375' for 15-20mins till finished. I had bread but thought that this was a good alternative, and it was!!!!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (6)


Rating: 4 stars


This was very good. My boyfried loved it. I omitted the cheese and used italian bread crumbs instead of the crumbled white bread.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (7)


Rating: 4 stars


My chicken needed more oven time, too. The second time I made it, I tried tenderizing the meat until it was flatter and able to fold over the mushrooms and cheese. I also breaded it before I "stuffed" it. It didn't hold everything in, but eventually the cheese melted and stuck the top and bottom together. The effort was well worth it, since it went over really well. I served it with mashed potatoes instead of egg noodles.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (8)


Cook time was longer because my chicken breasts were large. Was 5 stars out of the oven, but the leftovers lost a lot in texture.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (9)


Rating: 4 stars


Also made the recipe exactly as it says, but it seemed that the chicken needed more oven time, maybe because the chicken breasts I used where too big? Taste was excellent though and the fresh breadcrumbs made a huge difference....Makes them look so much nicer!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (10)


Rating: 4 stars


I made this as it was written, and it came out great. I might cut the thyme back a little. Served with a pre packaged pasta side.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (11)


Rating: 4 stars


This was delicious... definitely a keeper. After reading the other reviews, I pounded the chicken flat and rolled each breast with the stuffing and secured with toothpicks, instead of cutting a 'pocket' for the stuffing. Also used panko breadcrumbs, for the crunch. Followed the rest as directed, though the cooking time was about 25 minutes in the oven (after browning on the stove top). There is a LOT of clean-up - lots of dishes get used in the prep.. but that won't stop me from making it again soon.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


This was a great recipe! A little involved, but worth the effort. If you're considering this recipe, MAKE IT!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (13)


Rating: 4 stars


Good tasting recipe with one change that takes it over the top. The second time I made this I poured some heated Paul Newman Sockarooni Spaghetti sauce (use whatever you like) over it right at the end of the oven time. Then I threw a handful of 4 cheese Italian blend on that and hit it with the broiler for about a minute or so. Without it I found this a bit dry but with the sauce I was very proud of this meal. I used regular store bought bread crumbs and crimini (brown) mushrooms. Easy to make and fantastic

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (14)


Rating: 4 stars


This is delicious! The flavors are mild and the texture pleasing, making it meal both children and adults will enjoy. It took significantly longer than the 40 minutes indicated by the magazine, and there is a LOT of clean up (2 pans, 3 dredging dishes, cutting boards, etc. - plus side dishes!). The family loved it, so it's worth the effort. I would definitely make it again.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (15)


Rating: 5 stars


This was delicious! My husband and I both loved it and will definitely add it to the rotation.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (16)


Rating: 3 stars


This was a good week night recipe. I took other reviewers advice and instead of cutting a pocket, I cut the chicken totally in half, place the "filling" on it, folded and half and then cooked it which worked out fine. My hubby liked it, and while it is a good week night meal, I would not serve it for a special occasion.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


Great! My whole family including kids loved it! Very easy and filling!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (18)


Rating: 5 stars


Very Tasty! My wife suggested adding chopped olives or maybe crumbled bacon to the filling. Served with short grain brown rice and glazed carrots.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (19)


Rating: 5 stars


Our family loves this!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (20)


Rating: 5 stars


Wow, this was really good and really easy! It came together quickly and looked great on the plate. The only thing I changed was that I used panko breadcrumbs. Served the chicken with the suggested egg noodles and salad. I will definitely make this again.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (21)


Rating: 5 stars


OMG ... this is delicious. I have made it twice, and both times I messed up a bit with the breading. The second time I found that my fresh mushrooms were not so "fresh" any more, and I had to make an emergency substitution with canned. It still tasted great. This dish is a bit complicated, between getting the stuffing in, and then the three-part breading/dipping process. Still, it is absolutely delicious and comes together fairly quickly. I will make it again -- my family raves about this one.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (22)


Rating: 5 stars


This was SOOO good. I served it for a "girls night" dinner and eveyone raved about it! I served it with rice pilaf and a cesar salad. My hubby loved the leftovers!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (23)


Rating: 5 stars


OMG this was delicious and I did leave my chicken in a bit longer as they were thicker. The crust was amazing on them as I used the homestyle white bread. I would make this again.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (24)


Rating: 5 stars


Great. Next time I will pound the chicken and roll the filling inside to avoid trying and failing to cut a deep enough pocket in the chicken. I used panko to coat. I wonder what bacon would do to the filling?

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (25)


Rating: 5 stars


OMG..this was soooo good, my 14 year old daughter loved it. Had no thyme so I used Italian seasoning. Really moist and tasty.Another great recipe added to my files...

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (26)


Rating: 5 stars


We added Parmagano Cheese to this recipe which added more flavor

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (27)


Rating: 5 stars


This was a great recipe! It was a bit time consuming for a weeknight recipe, but something I would serve to guests. I followed the recipe exactly, except I added some white wine to the mushroom mixture while it was sautee-ing. I took the advice of the review below and tied up each piece of chicken- I really think that helped it from falling apart when I dipped them. I don't have an oven proof skillet, so I just transferred to a baking pan after frying them. The baking time must be wrong- I didn't have huge pieces of chicken or anything, but at 350, it took about 30-40 minutes to cook through. But the result was great. I served this with a salad and the suggested buttered noodles (tossed with a little parmesan). Great meal and I'm looking forward to the leftovers.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (28)


Rating: 5 stars


This dish was absolutely delicious. I used No-Yolks noodles. I am not that great at stuffing the breasts, so next time, I am going to try it by rolling the chicken breasts with the mixture inside. My boyfriend loved it as well, and had no idea it was light and healthy.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (29)


Rating: 4 stars


This is a great dinner. It is simple and cheap to prepare. The filling has great flavor--if you think you don't like mushrooms or are hesitant, go ahead and make this; it will change your mind! The chicken was juicy. I am still working on getting mine to be as brown and crunchy-looking as the photo. I used panko because I was out of bread. I served this with a salad. This will become a regular meal in my kitchen.

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (30)


Rating: 4 stars


I accidentally bought not thick enough chicken,so I just used the 'insides' as a mix-in with the pasta. I also used Italian bread crumbs because I was lazy and whole wheat egg noodles. The mushroom mix's taste was so perfect with the crispy chicken (which cooked up amazingly!). I'm sure stuffed it would have been out-of-this-world!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (31)


Rating: 4 stars


This recipe was really quite good-especially considering the calories. The crust was crunchy too. I used whole wheat ribbon noodles. May work better to use chicken cutlets and tie with twine, rather than stuffing the breast. Tasty!

Mushroom-Stuffed Chicken Recipe (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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