Crispy Chickpeas With Beef Recipe (2024)



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suggestions from our family (my husband hails from the Levant): (1) fry onions along with the meat, (2) coriander is another good addition to the spice mix, (3) add lemon juice & chopped sun-dried tomatoes at the end to help with dryness, (4) serve with a side of arugula drizzled with lemon juice & salt


This is basically a quicker, simpler version of the Indian dish chole keema, which I make often. If you have it, I would use garam masala instead of the cumin in this recipe for a better depth of spice flavors. A heavy pinch of sugar is also a nice counterbalance to the spices.


How about Bulgar wheat? And please, no turkey(smells like singed feathers); use 1/2 lb ground lamb or beef w. your spices-cumin, turmeric, Aleppo pepper (Amazon) would go great for a little heat, real garlic, all in olive oil (margarine-I cringe). This is a mid-eastern style dish. Saute meat, then drain fat in colander to omit grease. Cilantro, absolutely. Lemon juice is also a plus. I've been making takes on this for years.


With ground lamb, great! Make a quick yogurt or sour cream based fresh condiment to dollop on top!


The recipe calls for a cup of cooking liquid - if using canned chickpeas should the liquid from the can be used? I've always been under the impression that this is a bad idea so I'd be inclined to use water instead


This has become a back-pocket recipe that my husband and I both love. I up the spices and garlic and use whatever ground meat we have on hand. I also add a lot of chopped parsley at the end and a big squeeze of lemon.

Panama Gal

Add a can of stewed tomato's and this goes over the top !!!


This is a great choice for something "different" for dinner that is SO easy. Do not let it become dry at the end...serve it immediately. Cilantro makes the dish. Served w/ a big salad on the side.

M. Doelling

I used ground turkey as a healthier option and added the rice to the ground-turkey and chickpea combo after having cooked both separately. I then added 1/4 cup chicken stock and then let everything simmer on a slow boil. To "spice" it up I added saffran. And, to add some color I added about a tablespoon of tumeric. A little margarine/butter and salt, or garlic salt, as needed. (I felt it needed more salt at the end to bring out all the flavor; though be careful not to oversalt.)


I made this as directed (1 # ground beef), but added a splash of dry white wine and a heavy shake (about 1/4 tsp) of sumac. Delicious. I'm looking forward to trying it with different spices - there are a lot of good recommendations here.


Fry onions with meat. Instead of chickpea water use broth and splash wine or vermouth.

Sue A

Used Jimmy Dean bulk breakfast sausage for the meat. The first time we had it over quinoa. The second time over Red Lentil Pasta from Trader Joe's. Both versions were excellent. My husband is diabetic and neither version caused him to have high blood sugar.

Kathleen Kortz

This has become one of our favorite dishes. We serve it in pita pockets topped with tzatziki.


This was great with chopped tofu instead of the meat. Added a dash of paprika and a splash of lemon juice at the end; it really brought out the flavors.


If you have leftovers, it's great for breakfast with a runny fried egg.


Basically no flavor to this. Fixed it at the table with lots of lemon and zatar. Next time would sauté with onions as suggested by others, double the spices and finish with lemon, double the herbs and zatar.


Sauté onions with ground meat. Add sumac and lemon at the end

Nancy Ann

This dish is stupendous! I don't like spicy foods but I LOVED THIS!! My husband-like person was off put by the spice, so next time I'll cut it down. Also, do add a splash if white wine. AND be aware that as it sits in the 'fridge it gets more spicy!! Next day lunch was pretty warm. However - with our Sunday breakfast eggs, I was enraptured!! Never had a recipe get to my heart like this. 100 percent - you will love THIS. Serve it with plain or vanilla Greek yogurt on the side just in case!


I used harissa powder out of necessity as I ran out of cumin and it was SUPERB! Also recommend cooking the chickpeas in the air fryer with olive oil for 12 minutes (shaking occasionally).


Also, might go with a good pickled onion


Keep on high. Precook chickpeas 20 min at 400. Use half chickpea liquid and half chick broth. Little less on the cumin


Serve with pita bread and tziki sauce


Sautéed onion prior to the beef, added in lemon juice once everything was cooked, topped with Greek yogurt


Garam masala in addition to cumin.


Excellent!! Though I did double the spices. Served with homemade hummus, brown rice, cilantro and “grilled glazed carrots” from NYT. So yummy!


Added the chickpeas first and let them cook longer to get a little crispy and tender, then added the beef. Probably did 1.5x on the spices and also added garlic powder. Added tomato paste to help with dryness and increase richness.


The sauce was a bit dry and so adding it to rice just made it more dry. Flavor was nice!

Jon Osterman

Tried this with fresh ground bison, it was marvelous. Much like everyone else is saying, this is an excellent base recipe, the spice blend you use is very adaptable with the "bones" of this recipe as your guide. I used wild onion as well as garlic and chiltepin to go with the original recipe seasoning and the flavor was spectacular. This will absolutely become a regular dish when I'm home.


Use a 14” skillet so that your chickpeas get more direct contact with the cooking surface. I used a 28oz can of chickpeas and 3/4lb of beef and a 12” skillet. Everything tasted fine but the chickpeas were not crisp - more like steamed.


Add whole thin sliced white onion first to pot. Let it caramelize before adding meat1.5 tsp cumin1.5 tsp ancho chili powder.5 tsp coriander powder

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Crispy Chickpeas With Beef Recipe (2024)


Why are my roasted chickpeas not crunchy? ›

Spread the chickpeas on a kitchen towel and gently pat them dry. It's essential to make sure they're totally dry before you toss them with the olive oil – damp chickpeas won't crisp up in the oven. Discard any loose skins from the outside of the chickpeas.

Should you soak canned chickpeas before cooking? ›

You might wonder, do I have to soak chickpeas before cooking? Like other beans, chickpeas benefit from soaking in water, especially if you are planning to boil them on the stovetop. However, if you plan to cook them in the slow cooker or instant pot, you do not need to soak them, although you can if you have the time.

What happens if you forget to soak chickpeas overnight? ›

If you forget, you can simply start the cooking process, but expect them to take longer to cook than if you had soaked them first. It can take up to twice the time if you don't soak them first. The reason most people prefer to soak beans is: Soaking makes the beans cook faster.

Is it healthy to eat canned chickpeas? ›

Great news! Both canned and dried varieties of chickpeas are nutritious! When purchasing canned varieties, look for those labeled "no salt added" or "low in sodium." Overall, beans are budget-friendly, but dried can often be less expensive and also more flavorful than canned.

Why are my chickpeas still hard after cooking? ›

If you are cooking chickpeas for hummus, you'll want the beans to be soft. On the other hand, if you plan to add the beans to a salad or stew, you may want them on the firmer side. If your chickpeas are still hard after the cooking time we suggest and you want them to be softer, continue to cook until soft.

How do you keep roasted chickpeas from getting soggy? ›

Instead, store roasted chickpeas at room temperature in an unsealed container (but covered by a paper towel or dish towel). This will allow air to circulate and any remaining moisture to evaporate from the garbanzos, preventing sogginess.

Do I need to rinse canned chickpeas? ›

"Draining and rinsing canned beans can reduce their sodium content by more than 40 percent. But taking just a few extra minutes is key to getting the most benefit," The Bean Institute website states.

How do I know chickpeas are done? ›

Yes. You should stir the garbanzo beans a few times throughout the cooking process to ensure that they get cooked evenly. You'll know the cooking process is done when you take a garbanzo bean and bite or squeeze it. You should be able to squeeze it with your fingers, and it should have a very soft consistency.

How long do you cook canned chickpeas for? ›

Add cold water until you have twice the volume of the chickpeas. Bring the water to a boil, then turn the heat down and simmer the chickpeas for 45 mins (if you are going to cook them further in another dish) or up to 1 hour. Taste to see if they are tender.

What is the minimum time to soak chickpeas? ›

8 hours is recommended, but I've noticed that within the first hour the chickpeas have swollen to almost their full size.

What is the white foam on soaking chickpeas? ›

It's Called Aquafaba

While soaking pulses like peas, chickpeas, and white beans, some of their starches, protein, B-vitamins, zinc, and iron leach into the water creating aquafaba,” explains Toby Amidor, MS, RD, food safety expert and Wall Street Journal best-selling cookbook author.

How long can chickpeas soak on the counter? ›

Place the chickpeas in a large bowl. Add enough water to cover them by about 2 inches, which equates to 4 to 6 cups water for 1 cup dried. Let the chickpeas soak for at least 6 hours and up to 12 hours. See notes for a quick soak option.

Is there anything unhealthy about chickpeas? ›

Risks. People should not eat raw chickpeas or other raw pulses, as they can contain toxins and substances that are difficult to digest. Even cooked chickpeas have complex sugars that can be difficult to digest and lead to intestinal gas and discomfort.

Is it okay to eat a can of chickpeas everyday? ›

Eating a 420g can of chickpeas everyday can be healthy, but it is important to be aware of the potential side effects. Chickpeas are a good source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are also low in calories and fat. However, they can also cause gas and bloating in some people.

What to eat with chickpeas to make a complete protein? ›

Originally Answered: How do I make chickpeas a complete protein source? Mix them with either a whole grain or a nut/seed of some sort. Any combination of legumes and whole grains, or legumes and nuts or seeds, will make a “complete” protein that contains all the essential amino acids found in meat or dairy.

Why didn't my chickpeas get soft? ›

Many guides will tell you that adding a teaspoon or so of baking soda to soaking water will aid with the softening of dried chickpeas.

Why chickpeas are not getting soft? ›

Unfortunately, this happens when you use very old chickpeas. The longer they sit in your pantry, the longer they will take to cook. You can either continue cooking them until they soften, or throw them out and buy a fresh batch from the grocery store to cook.

Why aren't my chickpeas roasting? ›

If the chickpeas aren't coated in oil, they won't get crispy. Season with salt before going in the oven but DON'T add the spices until the chickpeas are roasted. Roast in the oven for 35 to 45 minutes, or until the chickpeas are golden brown and crispy.

Does cooking chickpeas longer make them softer? ›

If you are planning on mashing your chickpeas, you'll probably want to cook them a little longer to make them even softer. If you like your chickpeas chewy, you'll want to cook them for less time. Experiment a bit until you find the perfect time for you.


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.