Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1898, p. 3 (2024)

hie bank of haiutlton head ostiqfi hamilton capital all paid up 1 26000000 roservo fund 77600000 total assets i 1 1 b0i44oo nearly toil minium of dulliirti boaed oim aiuaut lrosldunt op directors aguamsay vlculrcslduut oko koicii joun riloltoit a t woqu a ulus toronto wu giuhon mp tuknuuiil cmllor is 8 steven aot cashier h m watson insnootor georgetown acenc y a general bankinc business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of saje notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada apa united states drajls on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added b principal evory year whether passbook is brought in or- not- special deposit receipisissued for large sums x p bell agent georgetown the news at home mortly of a- looal character and everv item interesting ont t qttan jm xtss thursday jtjlx 21 1898 little local brieflets whlofi caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week now it u buuatner tbo secret told flaihou from tfio buttoroupe glory dr gold hummed in tbo bumblobeob glodaoia and budb now from cacti bough where a birdu noat 1b wudg wlint about actons civic holiday for ibis benson ttiq farmers are all busy iu their wheat lurveat beveral of the farmers of tbu vicinity have their wheat all cut owing totho dry weather tho rasp berry crop ia considerably reduced a common oomplaipt with tbo farmers ibis year is that their barbs are two bra all to bold the prop a movement is on foot to organ tea a jacrobee tean a meeting of those interested wrll be held friday evening the annual convention of the epwortb league of gaelpu distriot will bo held in tho methodist charoh here in november at the meeting of the presbytery of gaolph on tfaosday bev john molnnie of etora aseleoted the moderator for tho coming year the masodb havo just completed a very quo free atone foundation 0 x co for a cow bask barn for mr williau flank of the iirst line the farmers are in the midst of their wheat harvest the grain is very plump but where vey ripe when cat it has a teudenoy to ehell ont ludjuvs showers were very welcome after about two weeks of drouth but more rain is needed to give tbo spring crops and roots an impetus the floral oominyttoo of the e p worth league kindly remembered the tbeb press with a beautiful bouquet of aweot peas and mignonette on monday morniog a wheeling party of a score of young people from georgetown visited ao ton last friday eyenidg they were entertained lit mrs adams ice orcam parlor the village of actoo ont will probably install a maoloipal lightlog plant anelectrical engineer has been engaged to report on the matter canadian electrical news mr baropson day g t it pumping engineer baa purchased the lot on bower avenae lately owned by mr j f hal a ted he will probably build a residence thoreon ehortly- now residents continue to settle in acton mr thomas hamilton of fergus remove mb family hero from that town last moaltb haintonria shortly lo atnnt a residence here an eujoyable family picnic was held in mr flanks grove on dominion day tho party comprised mrs mckcown and her children and grandchildren to tho number of thirtyeight the shortage in the binder twine stock this harvest is resting pretty heavily on the farmersi twine they purohaeed last year for io- to 7jo per pound is bringing this year 14 to 17 cents iu tbe viilage of terra qotta peel county ont eight or ten miles from aolon lives mr mcgowan blaokstook who if he lives until the 16th of august will be one hundred years old con trader dynes baa the house removed from the g t it pump house to the foundation on yonnfl btreet the building has been badly injured during the removaji- mr laird will bavo it put into good6rder r tbo hom*o comfort luortt company which epent several months here four years ago is again working in this section with georgetown as headquarters- mr vi m brashearths manager haaieven teams at wbrk ja haltou and peel tmr geo midgloy has been engaged to iplrodnce win e kings new work on portraiu and principles in this eectiod itll an hoeuent work of 00f piges with 400 photoengraved portraits ask him to how ibe prospectus when you meet him- an incipient fire in the stlrhmer kitchen of- mr g a panoabeokers residence on mill street tuesday forenoon rsto the fire brigade a lively ran a pall or two ol water pnt the fire oat it was caused by a spark tt6m the stove no damage the vlhciplcto church officers at tliuuiuat mooting of the diaoiplqa church hold lai week william ilaflk wdu blcotod additional doioim and secre tary georgo sopcr treasurer and alex crippaand willtura plank cusinebb com- mittoo during the past year there wore 2j buptiams and 8 joined the church by lotter f w luxford pnstor obcvrrgruhnm will aetna overseer a dpcoial meetiog of the municipal council was held on monday evening with all the mem bora present the particular buaincbs before the coanoil was tbo appointment of municipal officer graham as overseer to superintend the laying of tho now permanent pavemoot as per con tract with tho gqelph paving company counoir adjourned at 8 45 thevld men often excel thctr juniors tho energy of some of oar elderly men is remarkable and is frequently manifested on monday exwarden john warren fol lowed the binder all day on his farm and shocked wheat from eix iu tho morning until six in the evening kir warren has always been an activo farmer and notwith standing thai on tho 9th of thin month he celebrated his beventylbirc birthday he waaafalo to acoompllah iho big days work referred to and was ready for another next morning how milton a public at en are honored men havo been at work fjr the past couple of weeks by order of the water works committee digging holes in main st to look for a leak in the water mains which appears hard to i oca t ft the boles when filled in look very like graves and on sunday morning one of tho mounds was decorated with a neat headboard on whiob was insoribed sacred to the memory of the waterworks committee the board wab repeatedly removed by deserattag bandd ou monday and tuesday and finally disappeared altogether but aot before mr featherstone had photographed it cham pion a good word for the fixe xucla inspector howe of the fire underwriters association dropped into town by the g85 train on friday morning and after break fast ordered ont the 6re apparatus the firemen worked well and the steamer proved herself to bo in perfect order steam was up and a stream thrown in bj minntea the force of the streams and and tbo unlimited supply of water from oar gravitation tanks were mooh admired by the inspector who praised the men for their ability and pronounced tho fire equip ment entirely satisfactory for its class during his visit the ruins of the planing mill and tannery wero inspected and for the work of confining the flre to the narrow limits when there wae so rnuoh lumber and cordwood about he complimented the brigade very highly the recent examinations complete returns of the recent public school leaving and high school entrance examinations in this county have not come to hand among those who wrote at georgetown from aoton public school clara cobban thos henderson and hattle oram were snoceesfut in tho pablio school leaving and edith nioklin and gertrude barry who wrote on the same papers were given high school enttanoe standing a number of tboae who wrote secured the aggregate number of marks required but failed on some snbjeot among the pnpils from dublin school herbert mclsaao secured entrance standing on the f s leaving papers at the milton examina tion seventysix candidates wrote for entrance and fifty passed fiftyseven for publio sohool leaving and twentysix passed marks required for passing en trance 550 for public sohool leaving 012 and for entrance on leaving papers 812 a beautiful sarcophagus the guelpb mercury sayi the sarooph- agus to be placed at the head of the grave of tho late w h storey aoton is oomplet ed at the marble yard of mr j h hamilton and is one of the most attractive monuments ever turned oat from a guelpb yard the sarcophagus is of the beautiful hill o fare granite aberdeenshire scotland tho bottom basd la 5 ft fl in jelectric light experience newmarhet puts m k municipal plaint pays runnlnflr expenses debenture principal arid interest and saves 3g5 in taxes tho first year x the nowmttrlut kru gives tho following interesting particulars relutivo to its eleotrio light plant put in n yearaoby tho munioipality j evcrsinco thoelcotriclikbt dyaw was oarried by the voto of tho pcoplo thero has been an anxioub fear on the pirt of the minority that it wasifoing to inoreabo- the burden of taxation and the numerous bills presented to the oounoil for electrical sopplioc ooal and wood raised quite a suspicion la the minds of many who supported tho enterprise that it would not give the financial rot urn that its promoters advocated in order to asoertaio tho exact position of affairs mr j a baatedo a competent accountant was instructed to go thoroughly into the matter and ascertain every detail of expenditure afad inoome this oobupled a good deal of time during the past threeweeks and hie report was presented to the oboncil ust monday even ffa*g when much satfsfaotion yras expressed at the result before putting in the eleotrio plant the town was paying 4500 per annum for btreet lighting and oply 12 are lights werej used for the year 1897 tho revenue from in candescent lighting paid all running ex- pen sea the prinoipal and interest on the debenture debt for this purpose for the year and it only cost the town 9205 for the lighting of the streets by 28 arc lights which sum also inolndes the lighting of the council chamber town hall and caretakora residence in other words tho municipal eleotrio light system has riven the town double the light and saved in taxes 315 the flrbtyear the figures are as follows cost of building btroots etc cost of instalunft anii lucoudoacont bupplien coming and going visitors to and from aoton ana varlousothor personal notes tliu fnuu puush layltoa all lta roidrs to oon tribute to ttil ooliitnn ifyou or your frlondl uro fioinft away ou a llollday trip or if you bay friunils vlsltlug you drop a oard to tbo faks iltisas mr a t brown took a wheeling trip to lslora tbis week a lit tle dauqhter lost and round plant nlrlne eutta 11 original voto donus on dobonturcg bocelvad for lnotalllug stbokonbaud coat of installing totm ball council ebambor and crotakcrs ro1 denco 1301 ob 613787 00 410000 00 isa 06 1200 u 291 65 excess of cxpondlturo on capital accouut s127b7 09 the rovcdae last year was 205880 board of education the estimates for the current year fixed at the 8ama amount as 1807 obmlrroan murray hai lost oooilder- abl prelleo with the oyollsts ibis week bybimollm in baying the roaod tonos raktd iolt the oeotre ot tho niw road bed on mill street the wlimltmn ihoald arrtnga i bee and nks them ofi the tntt eitirelj if the wtborltlei ignore their rights to oomforlablo wheeling on soma pout 61 the street it an ill wind that wowi nobody good the old adge ha proven true in the case john willlami conttnotor for street winkling wilhuii apptratna he had in conneotion wuhtheflomoiit curki mill it rtonlred eloren mlnntm to fili hie water tank after the fin at bbbtge plplug mill be arranged to draw hi sippljt ioin it bblahtaoriherer hr now filli bit ttdk in ibree mluutei xhoideavfiaiblight do have bad a very faooastnl week in hilton having takm qllaa nnmber of photo ol parlor etc of wine of our leading olllmne mlllon yeorwr tbe above company will be in aoon f or one wetk only tkfrg family gtoaps in your own parloti obol lodm peciiy- the oiiljr bhanoe for haiiiyoat arolly stoops taken ia yowowtipim long and thrco feet wide aorosa tho top of tbo footmarker is the word father and on ite faco the inaoripilon there is no death what eeerae eo is trantition this life of mortal hreath la bat a eubarb of tho life elyian whose portals we oall deatb the tablet is fonr feet square by 18 inches thick and the lettering is railed in taot the wholo lettering op the laroopbagus is raised a difflonlt work to perform on hard granite and their polished faces look very beantlfni on tho frosted baokgronnd inside the border near the two corners ate two maple leaves on etoh side tho inscription is in loving memory of wil liam heslop storey who died march 0 1608 aged ci years a ntivo of ayton yorkshire england above the inscrip tion are tbo words he being dead yet spoakclh on tho cap wllb a soroli on oaobslde is the erhblern of the woodmen- of the world of whlob the deceased was a grand otdoer on the flnt base are in raised letters fiveeights of an inoh thick w h storey wlion this aaroophagus is placed fairviow cemetery acton will be abis to boast of having odo of the most chaste and hcantifot moimrnentb in the province removal of aa marly settler fortyono years ago mrs 8 a beobrd settled in aoton with her three sons deter mined to mako a ancoess of life for nerself and them and this objeot was very largely attained bheoame here from uowyllle wheresbe had previously been in basiness the lots at the south east corner of mill and main streots on nhloli was erected a small store and dwelllog wore porobsised and here for several years a suodossfnl business was oondooled nnlll the building was destroyed by fire the property across the street was t prepared and the board of trustees of aoton lublio bohool met on monday evening the parlioalar business before tho board was the passing of the estimates for the oarrent year present jas molam chairman oeorgo hynds robt holmes aud robert wallace the committee on finance presented the estimates for the current year as follows necbirtu cash on baud janylst 1806 h 019 70 legislative grant n 17 00 amount required from tbo munici pal troasury 10m 00 county treasuror for publio sjbool fjoaving pupils ib 00 12391 75 panikntb salaries mg5 00 j b lindsay uoto and intorost 309 00 fuel 90 00 bopatrs 35 09 maps cyolopaodia aod apparatus 10 00 buppues 20 00 special carotakor 12 00 interest 93 co obntlaguenolob 17 35 fialanoe oarrlod to next years account 350 00 1 s2391 76 moved by george hynds seoonded by bobt holniob that the seoretarybe bereby- lnstrnoted to request the alnnioijjal gonnoil to raise by absesamodt for the estimated requirements of the board for tbo current year the enm of bixtcen handred dollars 1000 oarried the nedessity for making provision in the near futoro for an additional room and teaofaer was roferrod to and dlsonaaed no action was taken at this meeting tnreboalfuttdjisnriloa-at-bsu-oolookt- cha1rman murray anp the cycu8t8 oommodloua new store and dwelling for some years the best building in town was erected here mrs sooord did a busi ness of considerable volume antil twelve or fifteen years ago when she retired this property was also deilsfyedby fire blnoe that time she has confined her active duties to looking after the property occu pied by her nnmeroas tenants some nine different premises in all mrl becord has been a woman ot strong determination superior constitution and ragged health and has always been moat avotive about three weeks ago however ibe was strloken with paralysis and in compliance with the advloa of bar physician end the argent entreaties ot her sons especially of mr anakfri3ohn p booordrot orillla who pressed her to accept a hom*o with them he decldod to give rip her residence here and after disposing of her household goods etc leftlist thursday for orillla mrs secord was in many reapeols a very worthy citleop her lovo of flowers was well known and from her garden here many a home in town was favored ftom lime to time with beantlfoj flowers aud foliage her familiar presenon will be rneob missed by our oiusoni to tub znrron or the rite rneeb t a reoent bylaw prohibits wheeling on the sldewalkb sinco its enaotment the riders bavo honored iti provisions as evidenced by the fsot tbat no complaints have oomo before tho anthorities consid ering this the oyolists havs sorely a right to expect that tho committee on streets and walk will be reasonable in giving us some part ot the street where we may ride with comfort and safety the new gravel on mill btreet bad just got down to good con dition whon ohairmsn murray sent his man along and bad all tbo ronnd atones raked upon the centre of the street again this plan seems rfot only unkind and dangerous tonsr who use wheels for pleaanro and bnslness but is i think a senseless method of trying to improve a road i would like to inform the chairman o streets and walks committee that we have nearly a hundred wboelmen in town and that if be renders any more streets as nearly im- passabloto os as hs hoe tho east end of mill street and wilds hill by bis im provements woll remember him in a way he will not approolato at tbe polls next jannaryhehasyet time however to rake the stones off bffaln aud cause us to form more favorable resolutions i am yours truly a witeeita voteu aoton july ljtli 1808 penny postaqe to enqland the mother country aooepte post- rriaeteraeneral mulooke suegaetlon lomdoh july 16 the dpko of norfolk postmastergeneral annonnoes tbat as an bntobma 6f the imperial conference on on postal rates it has been decided to adopt the proposal of the oanalian representa tives for a letter post at a- penny per half onnoe for tbo united klhgdom canada newfoundland cape colony and natal the date for initiating thenew rate has not been fixed the negotiations between the colonial delegates now in london and mr joseph chamberlain secretary ot state for the oolonies are progresalng favorably john webb of the 1st line erin bad a very lick spell the other night canted by inhaling parlsgreen while mixing a dose for potatoes the family were very rnuoh alarmed for a time but he is now all right again mr hutoheon o k olfy englnoor for guelpb was in town on saturday and prepared the levels for the new permanent pavement on mill street the paving company will have the work in hand in a day or two to cure a cold in one day take laxative uromo quinine tablets all rasaiats refund the ruopsrlx it fall to cure cents mr e 3 moore spent friday with friends in toronto mr j o matthew visited toronto rclativoe thie week mise nora smith of guelph visited her siator here tbis week mrs colby and son of toronto are visiting relatives in town miss minnio hckeagno la visiting rolatiyea at welland port mrs rev h a macpherson is visiting hamilton friends this week misses ida and winnie grindell visited miltoo relatives this week miss attna walker is home from berlin enjoying her snmmer vacation mrs qeorte havens ofbarheni is the gnest of hereon mr ohsrles havens miss daisy hodd of hamilton is yiiltingat the home of mr alex secord mrs dr tjren has gone to st marys toependa few weeks with relatives there miss jennie little of georgetown was tho gueit this week of miss eliza mcqueen mr arthur ijaing came home from detroit lor a day or two at the first ot the week mies caroline of toronto was the guebt last week of mr and mrs thomas eiston- mue naomi holden ot stratford is viailinfher friend- miss ida day bower avouae rev h a macpherson attended the meeting of guelph presbytery at guelph on tuesday mrsjobn a henderson and msster johouie are spending a week with friends in milton mrs fc guruey and miss stella spent a few days las week with relatives in toronto tbo mlaees mcgiuui of youngstown ohio aro visiting mis jeunie steel and othor aoton friends mr hvnry baner jr wheeled to berlin saturday eveniug aud spent a day or so with relatives there miss jennie matthews returnod home yesterdaj after spending a month pleasant ly withturonto friends mr aud mrs john coleman and chil dren bpeot several days during the week with relatives at ballfnfad miss- mamie agnew went to mubkoka last week whor* aha will spend horbolidays with mjor and mrs smeaton mrs williams andmaster howard of everett washington are the guests of her brother mr william williams miisea- modougall and jean allau of hamilton wore guests of mrs maopherson at kuoz manse during the week frof- and mrs dean ot the ontario agricultural college guelpb were guests this wees of mr and mrs alex seoord the children of mr w t stone toronto are spending the holiday at tho borne of their grandfather john warren esq mr peroy seoord returned to buffalo lust thursday after assisting his motber in the disposal of her effects and removal to orillla mr john eenney jr went to toronto yeaterdsy morning to attend tbe annual meeting of tho maaonlo grand lodge of ontario mr dan mann who went out to look after his companys interests at the ooast sinoe parliament proroguodhss returned to montreal mr and mrs miobael lamb and mrs angus kennedy left on monday evening on ah excursion to tbe abrlne of st anne de beaupreque dr j n e brown of toronto brolher- inlaw ot dr uren wiir leave for the klondike as a member ot corhmieslonor ogllvys party mr oeorgo midgley teaoher waa euoocbsfql at the recont normal school examinations he is now receiving the oongrathlatioos of bis numerous friends miss ettis mcdonald has returned after spending very pleasantly two weeks of her holidays visiting her grandmother and other relatives and friends in guelpb mrs meister and children of buffalo n y are i guests of bev and mrs luxforil bower avenue mr melbter was over for a few days at tbe beginning of iho month miss nhodaffeatheraton recently en gaged to fill the vacandy in the third depart meat of acton pablio school hasjast passed very creditably tbe normal sobooi examina tions for professional seooud olaas aerlilloate dr j f tjren left last week to enjoy a wellearned rest for a month or so he will spend the time in visiting a number of the promiuent hospitals of the oountry during his absence dr j m maodonald of toronto who won suob favorable opinions for his treatment of the anthrax oases here last summer wbile supplying for dr oreo has charge of the drs praclloe again the fall fairs list of the exhibitions already an nounced for the coming fall season last friday eveniug whilo iho family of mr john stewart of tho becoud line was busy with tho usual evoniug duties about tbe ferroi the little threeyourold daughter wstidtrcd away from tho hom*o and when the parents realized her absence wbb nowhere to be fonnd diligent boaroh for the little one wbb made in every conceiv able end unlikely place about the farm without success the neighbors were then notified and searohlng parties traversed the woods and holds during the entire night the feelings ot the agonized parents growing more and more intenso as tbe hours passed and tho ohild could not be found about nine oolook saturday morning as mre david carty was searohlng through the swarapon mr donald mooartys place adjoining mr stewarts farm she came across the dear littlo lost daughter ot her despairing neighbors lying set asleep beside a brush heap totally oblivious to tbe sifioby of spirit bor absence was asustng bhs hurried to the home of mr and mrs stewart with her precious burden and it isneedlesstosay there was unbounded joy and gratitude in their hearts when the littlo one was restored none the worse for ber perillous advpntare it pays fh a bollerts 1 1 pays to etity at boiler is dr b d maffttiof toronto son of bev dr moffat who visited aotqn a week ago last sunday died in a dentists ohalr in xoronto after taking chloroform for treatment by the dentist on tuesday this is the complslnt ol thousands at tbis season they have no appetite food doos not relish they need thetonlnf upof the stomach and digestive organs which a course of hoods sartaparlllb will giro them it also purifies end enrlohes the blood cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know creates sn sppetlte overcomes that tired feellngand builds up end sustains the whole physical system it so prompt- ly and efflejently relieves dyspeptic symp toms end cures nervous hesdtehee that it seems to have afjubst magic toneh se7wnnuhl phnt is the best in faot he one true tllood purifier u rtia are tile best afterdinner noou s kilis pills aid dliestion b4 31 days wall paper up to data industrial toronto ang so to sept 10 western london sept 8 to 17 welleiley wellesley sept 18 14 northern walkerton sept 14 is jouthtrn braotlord hspt 17 to ki uorlloultural preston sept sm 3193 owen sound owen bound sept 30 31 centre wellington fergus sept 32 38 north perth btratford sept 33 38 centre bruce paisley sept 27 38 bcnth grey durham sept 37 38 peel brampton sept 38 39 garatfraxa belwood sept 39 80 eramosa book wood oct 11 13 worlds fair bookton oat 11 13 erin erin oat 18 14 mr wm saunders of the experimental farms reports tbe crops in the maritime provinces at very promising the moo inf upon the weather is accepted by somo as real by others it is disputed tbe moon never attracts corns from the leader aching spot putnams painless corn extractor removes the most painful oorns in three days tbu great remedy makes no sore spoils doesnt go fooling around a corn but gets to business at once aod effects a curs dont you be imposed upon by subslitoles and imitations gel put nams and no other rosltlvely cuwatry littlo pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indication and too hearty eating aper- ect remedy for pirilncss nausea drowsi ness bid taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate thie bowels purely vegetable 8mall pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters askfor carters insist and demand carters little liver pills another car of land salt just in also one of land plaster windsor and colemans bbl salt at 105 abbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato dug killer puro parisgreen 20c per lb dwarf essex rape seed i lbs for ftioo buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c aibushel binder twine all kinds prom fije up geo j thorp sbbdsmhn market sq and maodonnell st cublph men and women who need to mke moqoy can do bo without ruk or osvplul by soliciting ordort for oar in9morlal edition ot tbe ijifeoloiaditode by osmtoir hqpktni wltb introdaotlon by the hoboafible hinltter ot education dr jttoiw toll txwk la canadian claulo tho itory of blallfeu toldwitb thrining interest bla death and lmpoalng national funeral will both be deaoribed and illtiatratod 012 laree qnarto pasv it naeaanrea bxlotzlft inolioa itetail isivnl worth 400 magntfleflnt binding prof uie- ly 111 nitrated vroepectui 70 oent libera terms bbadleyoarubtson company limited toronto is the time we have given j dmokee druggist acton lo soli all our at 15 discount think of it and do your house over while such snaps last is our motto and in the sum mer we clean out what stock we can 31 days is ihe limit see his samples on thursday friday and saturday we have decided to hold our semifvnnual pant sale trouserings worth as high as 500 per pair will be made to order in firstclass style for the lot comprises black and colored worsteds iriplain and fancy stripes all wool tweeds irj fancy stripes and- blue and black sergei atthe same ti me we will offer for quick sale about 50 suits of fine worsteds black blueand grey serges scotch and canadian tweeds worth from 1800 to 2200 per suit for 1600 remember this sale only lasts for three days and will close at 10 oclock saturday night bis summer sale continues in full blast stock must be reduced at any cost as mr bollerthas left for the british markets to make large purchases for the kail trade c l nelles thb lendsr guelph w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont mn a sueuett or machine finished book papers hd high grade week1y news the paper used in this journal is from be above mills wm babbzr bros e b bpllert fe 25 aii127wynlliam street guelph go henderson co bargains in remnants this week we offer all our dress goods remnants at exactly half price there are some good lengths in this pile and some bargains are to be had which cannot be oflered later job lines of shirt waists lines of shirt waists partly sold out and assortment of sizes somewhat broken will be cleared out at prices below the cost of production dont wait for the hot spell but be ready for it 1 muslins a large assortment of colored muslins at greatly reduc ed prices genuine organdie muslins only 15c a full assortment of colored linings hosiery gloves parasols millinery the balance of our spring stock will be cleared at greatly reduced prices all new and fresh sllotlld3i brice8 for ladies gentlemen or ghildrerh wear them and they will straighten round shoulers and enlarge the chest brown rubber stamps i7ior pino ilubbor suraps fids ink oto write to goo carry 4 co xing bc east toronto mens openfaced nickel cased pririgl has them and they are so perfectly gunranteed that you run no risk of not getting a timekeeper prlceesb 7 sio ci2 1 4 10 and i a ilbburhi from irldgle ihey hive g6l 16 ililt right thats all there is about it the advantage of getting your hats and caps brace colored and white shirts collars and cuffs end snmmer underwear from us is tht quality is perfect prices aro right and everything as represented or your money bnck we make nioe clothing and clothing that pleases our customers always and at prices lower than nny store in the trade for firstclass goods isiii for 50 ifears our jubilee having been such aegccess we have placed an order for another shipment to arrive next week call and inspect the bargains in goods wc guarantee established 1848 hmd opticiwins qclpli out re be meicliimt tahorand sens furnisher guelpl tblbphon8 40 mcmullenspenclngb and neiltrigs bino these two qualities no others do you want the best arid the cheapest jscortv sualllies no oth peclal low prices all other varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good nettings sold in cnnlda the k nre unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer- chant fbr mcmullens goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at pictnn ont- or to the b gkbsnikq wise co linitud hamilton nnd montreal general agents james coopkk montreal general agent tor railway fencings



Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1898, p. 3 (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.